I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes

A Comprehensive Horoscope For A Simpler Day, Week, Month, And Year

When I turn to divination, I’m looking to cushion and prepare myself for what the future has in store for me (airbag), and to avoid taking actions that I’ll regret (guardrail).

And when I combined my I Ching practice with my Sidereal Astrology practice, I managed to create horoscopes that everyone could use to get some airbags and guardrails, without needing me to do an individual reading for every single one of them. (Note: Even if you follow tropical astrology instead of sidereal, you can still use the horoscopes).

My horoscopes have more moving parts to ensure that you have as thorough of an understanding of what’s to come as possible. Let’s break down the sections:

The Reality

- The following two sections are about seeing things for what they are, as the tagline of this website speaks of.

The Three

- This is where I sum up the I Ching reading in three (hopefully) clear, concise, and straightforward sentences.

Will And Won’t And Win

- In this section I tell you what you should expect, what you shouldn’t expect, and what the reward will be (because we all like rewards).

How You Should Shape It

- These final two sections are about what actions you should take, and how you should behave to allow things to unfold how they were always going to.

The Prescription

- This is basically your “job” for the day. And it may not always be fun, but at least you know it’s what you were “supposed” to do.

Avoiding Regrets, and Being Lucky

- This section of the monthly horoscopes tells you how you can avoid regret, and how you can be lucky, with each house in your chart.

Weekly Horoscopes

My Will And Won’t Happen Weekly Horoscopes can be found on the site.

Monthly Horoscopes

Every month in my newsletter, Me Being Serious, I announce the release of the I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes for the month, which are shared on this site.

These are those above readings done for each of the 12 signs, so you can know what’s ahead in every house/area of your life for the coming month (please see below for house meanings).

And if you subscribe you’ll get that around the 1st of every month.

Yearly Horoscopes

These will be in the same format as my monthly I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes, but done for your year as a whole.

If you want to glimpse into the far future, we have 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025, already posted on Two Dreams.

To Take Full Advantage of The Horoscopes

To get everything you can out of these horoscopes, I would first suggest that you find out what sign occupies each house of your Astrological chart.

To do this, you’ll need your birth time, birth date, and birth place. And if you have that information, you can either follow the instructions here to create a birth chart on your own, or you can email me your birth time, date, and place at kochisjohnathanj@gmail.com and I’d be happy to create your chart, and send it to you for free.

Once you know what sign occupies which house, you can read each horoscope through the lens of that area of your life.

If you’re unfamiliar with the meaning of each house, as mentioned above, please see below.

The 12 House Meanings

The Simplified Version

1 - Self, body

2 - Money, possessions, material goods

3 - Close family that's not your parents, writing, social media, spiritual practices, neighborhood

4 - Home, land, your father, private matters

5 - Love, sex, your children, pleasure/fun, physical activity

6 - Job, coworkers, health problems and treatment, pets

7 - Spouse/partner, business partners, enemies, conflict

8 - Permanent change, death and the dead, money that belongs to others

9 - God, oracles, politics, prophecies, getting smarter

10 - Your reputation, your mother

11 - Fans, friends, those generous to you, other's children

12 - Separation, distance, law enforcement and incarceration, spies, large/wild animals


The Full Version



- You


- Your body

- Your actions

- Your style

- Your outlook

- Actions that happen to you

- How you influence the outside world

- Spirit/Soul/Your life force/Your nature

- Your perspective/position/character

- Invention/Reinvention - Birth/Rebirth



- What you have/possess/your stuff

- Money

- Income/Salary

- Assets/Resources/Possessions/Valuables

- Physical things/Goods

- Spending/Purchases

- Sales

- Energy

- Worthiness/Substance

- The ways you acquire your "stuff"



- Siblings

- Grandparents

- Cousins

- Aunts

- Uncles

- Close friends/fictive kin/friends that are like family


- Your neighborhood/environment

- Movement/mobility/Speeding things up

- Commute/Short trips

- Cars and travel by car

- Telecommunications/Internet

- Social Media

- Your rituals/personal spiritual practices/style of practice (Ex: how you personally practice magic, divination, and ancestral work)

- Religious observance

- Religious experience

- Heretics (Anti-Religious Establishment)

- Your connection to spirituality/God without gatekeepers or intermediaries

- Writing

- Thoughts

- Communication

- Conversation

- Early education



- Parents (but father in particular)

- Paternal relatives


- Origins/Your roots

- Home/Residence

- Real estate (property that can't be moved)

- Land

- Farming/natural resources/treasure

- Hidden things/private life/secret things

- Foundation(s)

- Death/things related to the end of life

- The Masses/Commoners/Proletariat

- Trauma

- Your country

- What's buried

- Ancestors (Including ancestors of thought and belief)

- Legacy



- Love

- Attraction/Interests

- Sex

- Fertility

- Intimacy

- Conception/Creation

- Pregnancy

- Childbirth

- Fun/pleasure

- Play

- Rewards

- Recreation/leisure/entertainment/interests

- Giving

- Cooking

- Physical fitness/activity

- Sports

- Art/dance/music/poetry/performance

- Self-expression/Creativity



- Coworkers

- Employees

- Subordinates

- Pets/small animals/domesticated animals


- Employment/labor/obligations/service

- Job title/duties/job description

- Tasks

- Workplace

- Work projects

- Illness/injury/diagnosis/treatment/healthcare/hygiene

- External maintenance



- Spouse/Partner

- Partnerships (Including in business)

- Clients

- Those you consult (Ex: doctors, therapists, diviners, etc.)

- Affiliates

- Enemies


- Committed Relationships

- Merging together/Interacting/Mutuality

- Marriage/Divorce

- Contracts/Binding agreements

- Litigation/Lawsuits

- Open/visible conflict

- Death/endings

- Those you attract

- Your role in the lives of others

- People that you don't necessarily work with formally that can advance your career



- The dead/deceased/Spirits


- Reciprocity

- Shared resources

- Real estate/Property that you don't own

- Worldly dependence/interdependence/other people's money/your partner's money

- Death/mortality/loss/losing

- Funerals/Death services

- Permanent changes

- Taxes and tax-related matters/Insurance/The Economy/Banking/Debt

- Financial burdens

- Emotional burdens

- Loans/scholarships/gifts/inheritance

- Corruption

- Supernatural/the occult

- Memories

- Communal/Inter-generational living

- Fear/anxiety/depression

- Problems you inherit



- Clergy/priests

- Professors/Teachers

- Politicians

- Public servants

- Librarians

- God/Gods


- Governmental/Political institutions

- Schools/Colleges/Universities

- Libraries

- Religious institutions/churches/mosques

- Cults

- Oracles (The I Ching, Tarot, etc.)

- Prophecy

- Initiations

- Religion

- Philosophy

- Politics

- Mass media

- Publishing

- Books

- Teaching

- Long-distance travel/journeys

- Foreign culture/languages

- Certificates/Licenses

- Becoming smarter/wiser

- Reading/Research



- Mother

- Supervisors/Managers/Bosses/Authorities/Leaders


- Brand/Reputation/Image/Status/Footprint

- Fame/prominence/high visibility

- Authority

- How our accomplishments are received

- How we're viewed by the world

- Career/ambitions

- Actions/doing

- Influence on you and your influence on others



- Mentors

- Audience/fans

- Patrons/supporters/sponsors

- Professional alliances

- Friends/acquaintances

- Children of others

- Peers


- Receiving

- Belonging

- Profits/gains

- Awards

- Non-profit organizations

- Volunteer groups

- Unions

- Community/support systems/networks

- Child custody/support

- Conferences

- Collectives (including humanity)



- Foreign people

- Strangers/anyone unfamiliar

- Spies/Lurkers

- Hidden enemies

- Large animals/wild animals


- Solitude/isolation/seclusion/exile/

-  Going missing/getting lost

- Estrangement (physically/emotionally)

- Long-distance separation

- Release/letting go/grieving

- Feeling misunderstood

- Being an immigrant/feeling like a foreigner

- Wandering

- Retreats

- Prisons

- Hospitals/Clinics/Medical Offices

- Monasteries

- Remote work

- Solo projects

- Illness/Suffering/Catastrophe/Weakness

- Secrets

- Hopes/Dreams/Fears

- Curses

- Reflection

- Internal maintenance

- Meditation

- Activism