12th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)

For years, I've asked the I Ching about other oracles (see my Tarot According To The I Ching piece, for one), and the results have shaped how I've practiced divination.

For this series, I've asked the I Ching to help us better understand astrology What you'll find below are readings detailing the meanings of the most important house, sign, and planet placements, in hopes that it offers others some insight into their natal charts, without the impossible task of me doing individual readings for every single curious person out there.

I hope that it's helpful, and that if you're unfamiliar with the I Ching, that it becomes your gateway into my favorite oracle.


1st House Astrology Meanings

2nd House Astrology Meanings

3rd House Astrology Meanings

4th House Astrology Meanings

5th House Astrology Meanings

6th House Astrology Meanings

7th House Astrology Meanings

8th House Astrology Meanings

9th House Astrology Meanings

10th House Astrology Meanings

11th House Astrology Meanings

12th House Astrology Meanings



12th House Aries Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 58

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 18.1 > 18.3 > 26.3 > 18.4 > 41.4 > 18.5 > 38.5 > 18.6 > 10.6 > Hexagram 58

With Aries in your 12th house, there's a mission involving pleasure, but it could require learning from others' experience. Invest and restrain as you get a bit 'extra' in exerting effort to repair things, and know there's an unaddressed problem here tied to overcoming opposition. You're getting help with overcoming something, so don't reinvent the wheel, and assess the results and feedback when you get to the end of your higher purpose.


12th House Taurus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 48 Unchanging (uc)

With Taurus in your 12th house, keep the need for consensus in mind. There's something valuable available to be tapped into, but it's going to require everyone saying 'yes'. Without agreement, there might not be access.


12th House Gemini Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 43.3.6 > Hexagram 10

Transitional Reading: 43.3 > 43.6 > 58.6 > Hexagram 10

With Gemini in your 12th house, stay cautious about the satisfying, and if you need to put a line in the metaphorical sand. If there's assistance out there you're looking to access, don't be afraid to be vocal about getting it. And keep in mind what you know about what's sustainable before you go pursuing a path that isn't worth committing to.


12th House Cancer Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 47.4.6 > Hexagram 59

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 47.4 > 47.6 > 29.6 > Hexagram 59

With Cancer in your 12th house, there's waiting and surrender, and a buffer may exist between you and everybody else involved here. If there's regrets that need to be released, express some, and allow yourself to move on. And if something seems a bit dangerous, set up some protections for yourself as you follow what is 'true' to you.


12th House Leo Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 42.3.5 > Hexagram 22

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 42.3 > 42.5 > 37.5 > Hexagram 22

With Leo in your 12th house, there's some opposing forces connected to the superficial, and a gift here may come with its own wrapped curse. If you get a gain that pops up out of nowhere, don't be afraid to embrace it without questioning it. But for those matters involving the surface-level, understand that they can affect others, too.


12th House Virgo Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 15

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 12.3 > 12.4 > 33.4 > 12.5 > 53.5 > 12.6 > 52.6 > Hexagram 15

With Virgo in your 12th house, be balanced in any abandonment, and accept that there might be some embarrassment. This is significant but stressful, and a withdrawal could be better for one more than another, so recognize what isn't long-lasting with all of this. You may not be getting a reward, so sit still because it's the right thing to do.


12th House Libra Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 18

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 19.1 > 19.3 > 7.3 > 19.6 > 46.6 > Hexagram 18

With Libra in your 12th house, things are tapped out as you work on repairs, so try taking action in the now, right now. Make sure you're doing something meaningful here, because you might also be dragging some dead weight behind you here. And if you can't see exactly where you're heading, avoid hurting others and being hurt yourself as you move forward.


12th House Scorpio Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 16

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 1.1 > 1.2 > 44.2 > 1.3 > 33.3 > 1.5 > 12.5 > 1.6 > 35.6 > Hexagram 16

With Scorpio in your 12th house, put in some preparation, know what and when to say it's a wrap, and assess the risks as you work with others in the midst of an unexpected withdrawal. With any stressful busyness, manage the imbalanced relationships present, and counter the negatives as you recognize what won't last as long as you'd like. But don't get overconfident here, because a connection isn't quite as close as you think it is.


12th House Sagittarius Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 41.3.5 > Hexagram 9

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 41.3 > 41.5 > 26.5 > Hexagram 9

With Sagittarius in your 12th house, plan on some resistance building up, so approach it all like a leader would. If you're in some form of a group, you can expect the numbers to change, so make a sacrifice when necessary. And if you have the potential for action, scale back the intensity just a bit before something undesirable gets kickstarted.


12th House Capricorn Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 1 Unchanging (uc)

With Capricorn in your 12th house, it's about possibilities. And with that may come a whole lot of busyness and hustle on your part. But if you're looking for a lot of fruition, you may not find it in this part of your life.


12th House Aquarius Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 2

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 60.1 > 60.2 > 29.2 > 60.5 > 8.5 > Hexagram 2

With Aquarius in your 12th house, seek out a new direction as you start wandering, and know that a return may be roadblocked. There's potential for change or movement here, but also a need to aim for only small gains. And if you find some tolerable restrictions to sit with, let others come and go as they wish without forcing anything.


12th House Pisces Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 33.2.5 > Hexagram 50

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 33.2 > 33.5 > 44.5 > Hexagram 50

With Pisces in your 12th house, what's cooking may be a separation, even if you really don't want to accept it. Know, though, that a withdrawal might be what another party here wants, or it might be what makes their life a little easire. But if you're waiting for something to transform with all of this, be patient, and let it come on its own time.



12th House Moon Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 43.1.6 > Hexagram 44

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 43.1 > 43.6 > 28.6 > Hexagram 44

With the Moon in your 12th house, you likely can't conquer the excess involved, despite how many straws you try grasping. If you need help, don't be afraid to open your mouth and ask for someone, because it probably won't come on its own. And if you're in over your head, know when to cut your losses instead of letting the metaphorical roof cave in on you.


12th House Mars Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 2

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 34.1 > 34.2 > 32.2 > 34.3 > 62.3 > 34.4 > 16.4 > Hexagram 2

With Mars in your 12th house, keep your eyes open if you seek direction, and continue on with the current path as you do some tense speculating. Follow the rules, lower your expectations, and don't use excessive force here, because there's likely an assumption that will be proven incorrect. Plan on ending up past all of 'this', but if you can get assistance in knowing where to go next, try to take that help.


12th House Mercury Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 13

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 47.1 > 47.2 > 58.2 > 47.3 > 17.3 > 47.6 > 49.6 > Hexagram 13

With Mercury in your 12th house, try to make things safe, determine the right fit, and recognize what actually is exhausted here. After doing that, that may be about as safe as you can make it, regardless of how stable you want a source of satisfaction to be. Follow the mature path with any weak connections, and express regrets when necessary, because when you change, the world around you might as well.


12th House Jupiter Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 61

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 33.1 > 33.2 > 13.2 > 33.3 > 1.3 > 33.4 > 10.4 > Hexagram 61

With Jupiter in your 12th house, you may have some personal beliefs about what you're observing, but you should also know that there's an opportunity to pull back. You may want to stay with your comfort zone instead of departing, and because of that, there could be some stressful busyness involved in managing a relationship that isn't the fairest. Withdrawal could benefit one more than another, though, so state your case and seek out the support that's available as you follow what's true to you.


12th House Venus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 20

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 38.1 > 38.2 > 64.2 > 38.4 > 35.4 > 38.5 > 23.5 > Hexagram 20

With Venus in your 12th house, sit tight, keep your eyes open, and expect some incompletion and opposition involving others. If you're meeting in close-quarters, seek fairness as it relates to what's incomplete, and if you're making sneaky progress, know an interpersonal opportunity may get restricted. You could be getting help with any animosity, though, so do your part by doing some stripping away on behalf of others.


12th House Saturn Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 4

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 5.1 > 5.3 > 48.3 > 5.5 > 29.5 > 5.6 > 7.6 > Hexagram 4

With Saturn in your 12th house, there's ignorance about freedom, and some anxiety that requires everyone being in agreement. Try to do some negotiating when it comes to resources, know that waiting too long leaves you vulnerable, and with anything less familiar, the positive is this all won't get any worse. Tend to the connections that do pop up, though, and if they're not built to fulfill the mission, don't be afraid of distancing from them.


12th House Sun Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 7

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 17.1 > 17.2 > 45.2 > 17.4 > 47.4 > 17.5 > 29.5 > Hexagram 7

With the Sun in your 12th house, a mission involves sitting still, and it may come with a change of plans. There could be some speculative waiting, and a sacrifice could be needed to lessen the distrust, so follow all of this to find completion, and know that a buffer may be separating you from others. If any surprises pop up, the fortunate thing is that it won't get any worse for you.


12th House Pluto Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 2.1.6 > Hexagram 27

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 2.1 > 2.6 > 24.6 > Hexagram 27

With Pluto in your 12th house, plan on some excessive hunger. And whatever way this path is currently unfolding is how it will continue to do so. If two options are battling it out, though, know that a return wouldn't be the wise choice.


12th House Uranus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 56

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 58.1 > 58.2 > 47.2 > 58.3 > 45.3 > 58.5 > 31.5 > 58.6 > 62.6 > Hexagram 56

With Uranus in your 12th house, put in some prep-work tied to wandering, and recognize what indulgence is a little exhausted right now. If you're looking for stability, this can't get any safer, so, accept the dissaitsfaction, and pull back, even if you don't want to. Recognize unsustainability and what you're not completely seeing, and think twice about pursuing that source of pleasure, because it's probably right to not have that reward, despite what you may think.


12th House Neptune Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 15 Unchanging (uc)

With Neptune in your 12th house, aim for fairness. For more than just yourself. By making things less excessive, and more even, you may not get a big bang of a result, but you could be setting things right in the way that you can here.



12th House Chiron Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 26

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 60.3 > 60.5 > 5.5 > 60.6 > 11.6 > Hexagram 26

With Chiron in your 12th house, use past, or outside experience, and accept that you're in a subordinate position here. It's wise to restrict things, so find limitations that are liveable, and wait it out if there's anything involved you're a little less familiar with. Clamping down with excess isn't a mistake, so accept the clarity that's coming through as it comes through, because it won't last forever.


12th House Fortune/Lot of Fortune Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 50

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 31.2 > 31.5 > 28.5 > 31.6 > 32.6 > Hexagram 50

With the Lot of Fortune in your 12th house, you may experience the peak of uncertain outcomes, but if there's too much excess involved, it's up to you to make a move. You may not be seeing the whole pictures, but something superficial could still come back after an absence. Accept that your words have weight here, and if a connection brings out your extremes, know when to reel it in and allow a reshaping to happen.


12th House North Node Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 16 Unchanging (uc)

With the North Node in your 12th house, be cautious about any false-starts. Preparations need to be made with all of this, and you may need the assistance of others. So, accept the direction you have, but recognize that a lot more work needs to be put in for things to be set right.


12th House South Node Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 39

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 55.1 > 55.4 > 62.4 > 55.5 > 15.5 > Hexagram 39

With the South Node in your 12th house, there's an obstacle to repair, but all of this won't last forever. A big negative can ultimately be beneficial in bringing balance to the situation, especially if it involves others. Give it time to see if the picture that's becoming visible is accurate, and if no one is taking the necessary action here, don't be afraid to bring it into existence with your own actions.


11th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)