The 'How To Get A Promotion' Horoscopes For 2024

The 'How To' Horoscopes are designed to give you answers for a variety of different life goals that most of us experience or seek out, day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-moth, and year-to-year.

To use them, you only need to know the rising sign in your birth chart/natal chart, and you'll have an answer to your question using both the I Ching (see here for an I Ching translation if you're curious), and my Practical Oracle deck.

I hope that they prove to be useful.


Question: How do I get a promotion in 2024?

Answer For Aries Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 15

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 61.1 > 61.2 > 59.2 > 61.3 > 20.3 > 61.5 > 53.5 > 61.6 > 52.6 > Hexagram 15

Prep-work, fairness, and a significant surrender is necessary to get a promotion this year. Make an investment for the future as you flock to those that are supportive, and know that any relationships that bring out heightened emotions may carry with it a hasty crossroads moment. Unsustainability-induced loss may depend on others, and instead of trying to *speak* things into existence, it may be better to stay still because it's the right thing to do at the moment.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with a sacrifice's loss


Answer For Taurus Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 40

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 59.4 > 59.5 > 6.5 > 59.6 > 64.6 > Hexagram 40

There's a higher purpose and some solo freedom that's required to get a promotion this year. Move past *this* to eventually find some clarity, and some actually beneficial conflict. Letting any animosity leave the situation, and not getting *too* overconfident about any incompletions, is going to be your best bet at getting this.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with diplomacy tied to a teacher


Answer For Gemini Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 16

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 53.3 > 53.4 > 20.4 > 53.5 > 12.5 > 53.6 > 35.6 > Hexagram 16

Take control of your preparation if you're looking for a promotion, and avoid any un-close connections that could potentially bring you harm. Look to assistance, reconsideration, and a potential opportunity that might not be the *most* advisable to get you closer to where you want to be. Something unsustainable may be present here, so consider a potentially unseen third option, and a different relationship that may not be the strongest at the moment.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with necessary authenticity


Answer For Cancer Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 50.1.2 > Hexagram 30

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 50.1 > 50.2 > 14.2 > Hexagram 30

Separation and withdrawal are required for a promotion this year, and it may take a potentially significant partnership as well. There may be a required, anxiety-inducing sacrifice involved, but you can survive it. Also: look to any resources that can get you from here to there (even if they involve actual wheels).

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with elimination tied to craving


Answer For Leo Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 55.5.6 > Hexagram 13

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 55.5 > 55.6 > 49.6 > Hexagram 13

Determine the right fit and follow the established guidelines for a promotion this year. You may be getting a better understanding of the shape of things, and it could all involve you isolating yourself a bit. Know that any changes you make will reverberate into the lives of those around you, though.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with an announcement's strategizing


Answer For Virgo Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 36.2.3 > Hexagram 19

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 36.2 > 36.3 > 11.3 > Hexagram 19

Take control of things with some pure motives in place for a promotion in 2024. There's potential assistance available you may or may not want to take, along with some speculation that doesn't have a clear-cut completion. Despite it all, be sure to accept the ups and downs that are likely when it comes to all of this, even if it comes with a sacrifice.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with an experiment's defense


Answer For Libra Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 54.1.5 > Hexagram 47

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 54.1 > 54.5 > 40.5 > Hexagram 47

There's likely some exhaustion and distrust brewing if you're looking for a promotion this year. The first thing you should do is accept that you may not be in total control at these crossroads. Despite the difficulty, try to wait for things to change on their own, even if you're only given some limited freedoms at the moment.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with the peak of encouragement


Answer For Scorpio Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 59

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 27.1 > 27.2 > 23.2 > 27.5 > 4.5 > Hexagram 59

Wandering and surrender are involved in you seeking some external promotion in 2024. If there's warning signs present, read them instead of going full-steam-ahead (and maybe let something go involving the inter-personal). If you take precautions before any important actions, your ignorance might help you stumble into some success.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with reconsideration when it comes to preservation


Answer For Sagittarius Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 63

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 35.1 > 35.3 > 21.3 > 35.4 > 30.4 > 35.5 > 22.5 > 35.6 > 37.6 > Hexagram 63

There's a mission's completion on the agenda, and you should start by deliberating small amounts of progress as you work towards that promotion. There could be agreement on a potentially flawed finish, and any craft maneuvering may result in something becoming an afterthought. Give a little without worrying about what you will or won't get, and know a distant connection may result in you diplomatically isolating yourself when it comes to all of this.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with a bad idea's anxiety


Answer For Capricorn Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 8

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 58.1 > 58.2 > 47.2 > 58.4 > 45.4 > Hexagram 8

There's a gradual coming-and-going towards a potentially exhausted source of indulgence. You may be looking for some stability with a potential promotion, but know that you can't make whatever's happening any 'safer' than it already is. Be mature about the satisfactory, and know that even this high-stress situation can be survivable this year.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with restricted following


Answer For Aquarius Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 62 Unchanging (uc)

There's a need for a lot of heedfulness when it comes to getting a promotion in 2024. Is the reward your eyeing really worth it? This may ultimately result in a 'not this', one way or another.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with a withdrawal tied to confidence


Answer For Pisces Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 52

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 25.1 > 25.3 > 12.3 > 25.4 > 33.4 > 25.5 > 53.5 > Hexagram 52

There's some cluelessness and sitting still in your attempts to get a promotion, and renouncing something for a little more significance may be in the cards. A win for one may be a loss for another, and it may involve some shame on your part. You can be loyal to an uneven withdrawal for now, but don't trust any impermanent medicine that you're probably better off not 'consuming'.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with integrity's not-close-ness


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