The 'How Can I Be Physically Healthy' Horoscopes For 2024

The 'How To' Horoscopes are designed to give you answers for a variety of different life goals that most of us experience or seek out, day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-moth, and year-to-year.

To use them, you only need to know the rising sign in your birth chart/natal chart, and you'll have an answer to your question using both the I Ching (see here for an I Ching translation if you're curious), and my Practical Oracle deck.

I hope that they prove to be useful.


Question: How can I be physically healthy in 2024?

Answer For Aries Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 19

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 22.2 > 22.3 > 26.3 > 22.6 > 41.6 > Hexagram 19

To be physically healthy in 2024, take charge of the situation, even if it requires doing some following. You could be making some surface-level improvements as you turn down illusory rewards, and should try to invest for the future as you do some restraining. Ultimately, something superficial may be getting suppressed, even if the assistance you're getting isn't built for being around forever.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with a short-term sacrifice


Answer For Taurus Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 64

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 28.3 > 28.5 > 47.5 > 28.6 > 40.6 > Hexagram 64

For better physical health in 2024, accept your subordinate position in face of any incompletions, and recognize what excess may be *too* excessive. Something re-emerging may help, but try to avoid doing more than you need to amidst any distrust. If you're a bit 'in over your head', at least you're getting one problem taken care of, even if it doesn't solve everything.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with getting closer's spying


Answer For Gemini Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 43.2.5 > Hexagram 55

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 43.2 > 43.5 > 49.5 > Hexagram 55

For better physical health in 2024, a separation may be at its peak, and you should feel comforted by the fact that what you're worrying about likely won't materialize. If you feel life pressuring you to make a compromise, you probably should. Just know that one side of this particular equation may have already moved on.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with danger's censorship


Answer For Cancer Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 61.2 > Hexagram 42

To be physically healthier in 2024, try to keep the future in mind. Making an investment for a pay-off that you may not see immediate gains from likely isn't fun, but it could be better than the alternative. But this is all dependent on what you personally 'feel' you may receive down the line.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with a negotiation's subordination


Answer For Leo Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 47

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 26.1 > 26.3 > 18.3 > 26.4 > 4.4 > 26.5 > 64.5 > 26.6 > 6.6 > Hexagram 47

There's a mission tied to exhaustion if you're looking for better physical health in 2024, and something dangerous should be stopped as soon as possible. Invest in a repair that's future-focused, wait out an incompletion you're ignorant about, and dial back the intensity in a mature way for best results. This may be a sacrifice you're not thrilled to be making but wins and losses are bound to be paired together, so it's gonna be best for you to just accept it.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with defense's lost-ness


Answer For Virgo Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 32 Unchanging (uc)

For better physical health in 2024, believe it or not, just stay the course. You're likely doing something right already. And as time goes by, you should understand all of this a little better.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with near-ness' busyness


Answer For Libra Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 52.1.4 > Hexagram 30

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 52.1 > 52.4 > 22.4 > Hexagram 30

Use some indirect influence and separating to find yourself better physical health in 2024. Still yourself where you stand in hopes of things getting better. And then try to balance that with some movement, without believing a particular person or thing is actually the Holy Grail in the situation.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with imagination's unfinished business


Answer For Scorpio Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 36

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 53.1 > 53.5 > 37.5 > 53.6 > 22.6 > Hexagram 36

Suppress and stay the course for better physical health in 2024, and recognize an imbalanced conflict when you see it. There's some superficiality here that can affect others, and it may not be the most sustainable. Ultimately, though, you may find yourself with an option Z where you only saw A and B.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with a transition's impossibility


Answer For Sagittarius Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 20.1.3 > Hexagram 37

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 20.1 > 20.3 > 42.3 > Hexagram 37

For better physical health in 2024, face a potentially conflict-tinged imbalanced relationship to start. You may only be able to make small gains at the moment, and should be careful as you deliberate between a couple of forks in the road. When it comes down to it, though, a gift you receive may come with its own form of a curse.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with something else's hidden motives


Answer For Capricorn Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 15

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 44.2 > 44.4 > 33.4 > 44.5 > 53.5 > 44.6 > 52.6 > Hexagram 15

For better physical health in 2024, keep things even, suppress a little, and perhaps have an unexpected withdrawal of sorts. There's something you can't conquer that may benefit one over another in any withdrawals, and you might want to let unsustainability bring with it its eventual fruits. Excessive force might be regrettable, so try to stay still because it's the 'right' thing to do this year.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with rejection's audience


Answer For Aquarius Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 13

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 59.1 > 59.2 > 61.2 > 59.3 > 42.3 > 59.4 > 37.4 > Hexagram 13

Be observant in looking for the right fit to get better physical health in 2024, and if you see some assistance, consider whether you want to take it. By going towards who or what *is* supportive, and making an investment for the future, you could be getting closer to where you want to go. And being selfless with an unfortunate reward might get you past all of *this*, even if you have some misunderstandings about surface-level improvements.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with a message's plateau


Answer For Pisces Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 5 Unchanging (uc)

For better physical health in 2024, try to be patient. Sometimes we don't have to do a whole lot for results besides wait. Believe it or not, waiting is how you're going to find yourself in better physical health by the end of the year.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with creativity's investigation


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The 'How Can I Be Mentally Healthy' Horoscopes For 2024