The I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes For September 2024

Hexagram 55 > Hexagram 46

These horoscopes are done with your entire life (all 12 astrological houses) in mind.

While you can pay attention only to your Moon or Rising sign, it can be valuable to read for each house in your chart/area in your life.

If you have your birth date, time of birth, and location of birth and want me to generate your chart for you: email me at

If you'd prefer to generate your own chart, check this link (for a Sidereal chart, though, Tropical can work as well)

The following is a truncated topic list for each astrological house (full list here):


1 - Self, body

2 - Money, possessions, material goods

3 - Close family members that aren't your parents, writing, social media, spiritual practices, neighborhood

4 - Home, land, your father, private matters

5 - Love, sex, your children, pleasure/fun, physical activity

6 - Job, coworkers, health problems and treatment, pets

7 - Spouse/partner, business partners, enemies, conflict

8 - Permanent change, death and the dead, money that belongs to others

9 - God, oracles, politics, prophecies, getting smarter

10 - Your reputation, your mother

11 - Fans, friends, those generous to you, other's children

12 - Separation, distance, law enforcement and incarceration, spies, large/wild animals


The Horoscope For Everyone

If You Read Nothing Else ...

Move forward with a peak, allow things to develop, and know there may be a delay

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 46

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 55.1 > 55.2 > 62.2 > 55.4 > 32.4 > Hexagram 46


1) The Reality

The Three

You're moving forward, but don't expect something here to last very long. Be diplomatic to make the trust rise with others, and don't expect what you thought you could expect. *That* may be a problem, but even if the fields are barren, it can still benefit you in some way.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a sigil's pain

Don't expect not this' humility

The reward is friendship's movement

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to let things develop as you live out a delay's ignoring

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with protection's unwellness

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with generosity's imagination



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect some waiting and a compromise tied to distrust

Reading: Hexagram 5 Unchanging (5 uc)


1) The Reality

The Three

If anything might happen this month, it likely won't be in the first half. Expect some waiting in September. It at least gives you an opportunity to practice your patience skills.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect privacy's in progress-ness

Don't expect a subordinate repair

The reward is a misguided mistake

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is wait as you live out distrust's compromise

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with spying's following

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with exhaustion's intimacy



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Take control of some outside experience as you dabble in indulgence, and know you might have a disagreement

Reading: Hexagram 26.3.6 > Hexagram 19

Transitional Reading: 26.3 > 26.6 > 41.6 > Hexagram 19


1) The Reality

The Three

Take control of the tasks at hand this month, and pair that investment with a little restraint. *That* may not be the sacrifice you had in mind, though. And if you have any help in September, it's safe to not bet that it'll be around forever.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect depression's recognition

Don't expect a petition's activity

The reward is a team's desire

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to experience some indulgence as you live out a student's disagreement

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with restraint's dead end

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a solution's not me



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect confused moving forward, some busyness, and a little delusion

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 3

Transitional Reading: 46.1 > 46.2 > 11.2 > 46.3 > 36.3 > 46.5 > 24.5 > Hexagram 3


1) The Reality

The Three

Early-stage confusion is expected as you get some assisted forward movement this month. A sacrifice may involve losing some connection(s), and if you're all clear to move forward, any speculations will likely not result in big completions. Take some cautious steps ahead, and know that a return may be a little uncertain as it stands now.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect greed's ritual

Don't expect flow's mistake

The reward is a search's windfall

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to be busy as you live out a delusion tied to 'something else'

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with a good idea's surprise

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with an in the past privacy



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect ignorance tied an obstacle, and don't be afraid of a little sudden change

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 4

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 39.2 > 39.3 > 48.3 > 39.5 > 29.5 > 39.6 > 7.6 > Hexagram 4


1) The Reality

The Three

There's ignorance that may cause blameless trouble for you and another party in the picture. Finding a new direction may require some negotiations, but you'll be getting help with an obstacle that stops things from getting any worse. Don't look for an escape here, but *do* think about cutting off any connections that can't help get the mission completed.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a certainty's security

Don't expect a surrender's lost-ness

The reward is a moderate discovery

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to lean into sudden changes, and live out a delay tied to friendship

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with an exchange's necessity

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a meeting's confidence



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Keep moving forward amidst unconquerable cloudiness, and do some ritual rejection

Reading: Hexagram 30.1 > Hexagram 56


1) The Reality

The Three

You're moving forward, but you don't exactly know where forward is leading you this month. Despite that uncertainty, let the carpet unfold in front of you. Your feet might be all you need to trust at the moment.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect greed's disaster

Don't expect a windfall's preservation

The reward is a mistake's gain

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to experience unconquerability as you live out a ritual's rejection

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with a warning's necessity

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with the peak's indulgence



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Keep the motives pure around decision making, and do some confused following

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 25

Transitional Reading: 43.2 > 43.3 > 49.3 > 43.6 > 17.6 > Hexagram 25


1) The Reality

The Three

Keep your motives pure this month, and know that worries likely won't materialize into actual rain. When you're sure about your direction, then you should let yourself be decisive in which side you're standing on. And if you need assistance, open your mouth, because you're not the one leading in September.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect sustainability's anxiety

Don't expect a blindspot's associates

The reward is adaptation tied to a change of crowd

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to do some following as you live out uncertainty's confusion

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with temptation's lost-ness

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with an assumption's gratitude



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Stay censored as you experience an evil window of opportunity

Reading: Hexagram 36 Unchanging (36 uc)


1) The Reality

The Three

Don't expect an excess of trust in September. What you *should* and probably *will* have an excess of is a closed mouth. Let the censorship happen.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect arrogance's hidden motives

Don't expect the dead's accident

The reward is innocence's gratitude

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to stay censored as you live out an evil window of opportunity

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with an investigation tied to change of scenery

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with old unwell-ness



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Keep some balance as things develop, and expect an unseen option as you follow the rules

Reading: Hexagram 53.5 > 53.6 > 52.6 > Hexagram 15


1) The Reality

The Three

Keep things balanced in September, and recognize what foundations, structures, and somethings aren't built to survive well into the future. If you think there's only two options, plan on there being a door you're not seeing. And know that you might be keeping things stilled because it's the 'right' thing to do.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a conception's lead

Don't expect hesitation's peace

The reward is writing's in progress-ness

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to follow the rules as you live out a struggle's selfish-ness

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with relaxation's confidence

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with authenticity's mania



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect some abandonment tied to decisiveness, and take some precautions around the right fit

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 12

Transitional Reading: 43.1 > 43.2 > 28.2 > 43.3 > 31.3 > 43.6 > 45.6 > Hexagram 12


1) The Reality

The Three

Any abandonment in September may come with being willing to try anything to make *something* work. Don't expect a potential refresh to bring with it all of those stressors you may have speculating about, and be careful about any decisive action that can possibly be indulgent. Requesting a little assistance may be in your best interest, but still be prepared for some regrets.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a blindspot's adaptation

Don't expect sustainability tied to the dead

The reward is a focus' innocence

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to do some safeguarding as you live out a delay's right fit

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with a friendship's dead end

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a not this' not sure-ness



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Deliberate the right direction, and find some acceptance when it comes to shared resources

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 21

Transitional Reading: 2.1 > 2.4 > 24.4 > 2.6 > 51.6 > Hexagram 21


1) The Reality

The Three

Deliberation is likely to happen in September, but expect more of the same. Things may stay under wraps, and you may end up a little empty-handed after coming back from any groups. Ultimately, you should plan on competing options, and an anxious sudden change involving others by the end of the month.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect strength's wisdom

Don't expect a stop's unassailability

The reward is recognition's following

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to agree on resources as you live out an intense acceptance

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with disgust's loss

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with impressionability's foundation



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect a coming together tied to restriction, so follow a mission that may include some guilt

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 50

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 60.1 > 60.3 > 29.3 > 60.4 > 48.4 > 60.5 > 28.5 > 60.6 > 32.6 > Hexagram 50


1) The Reality

The Three

Things are coming together, but a return may get restricted in September. It's wise to pull back from a risky path, and there may be some tension as something is rebuilt. Expect tolerable limits when a superficial connection reappears, and know that keeping things under control, despite the intensity, is in your best interests.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect trust's in progress-ness

Don't expect a surrender's windfall

The reward is an upheaval's undoing

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to have a mission as you live out rebirth's guilt

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with missing's truth

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with an initiation's selfish-ness



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect an imbalanced relationship's separation, and use outside experience when it comes to lost-ness

Reading: Hexagram 30.4.5 > Hexagram 37

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 30.4 > 30.5 > 22.5 > Hexagram 37


1) The Reality

The Three

The relationships may be a little unfair this month, and a plan may become an afterthought. Whatever the disagreement is, it's likely not gonna be perfect. But it is the perfect time to give the little that you *can* give in the situation.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect integrity's unfounded-ness

Don't expect childish difficulty

The reward is a partnership's family

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to use outside experience as you live out a lost necessity

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with lucid solo-ness

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with exhaustion's encouragement


Your Bibliomancy-Astrology Horoscopes For July - September 2024

The I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes For August 2024