The 'How Do I Keep My Current Relationship' Horoscopes For 2024

The 'How To' Horoscopes are designed to give you answers for a variety of different life goals that most of us experience or seek out, day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-moth, and year-to-year.

To use them, you only need to know the rising sign in your birth chart/natal chart, and you'll have an answer to your question using both the I Ching (see here for an I Ching translation if you're curious), and my Practical Oracle deck.

I hope that they prove to be useful.


Question: How do I keep my current relationship in 2024?

Answer For Aries Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 21 Unchanging (uc)

To keep your current relationship in 2024, start with some deliberating. While you're thinking, maybe have a dinner or two. Ultimately, you should use the feedback you get in the midst of all of this thinking to make some beneficial adjustments.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with generosity's forgiveness


Answer For Taurus Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 23

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 62.3 > 62.4 > 16.4 > 62.6 > 2.6 > Hexagram 23

To keep your current relationship in 2024, start with a mix of stripping away, and restriction, as you learn you may have had the wrong assumption about a thing or two. Be fair as you look for assistance from others, or maybe that 'other', as you seek out the right direction. If two competing parties are battling it out, though, you may not get the present under the tree you were looking for.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with a teacher's wisdom


Answer For Gemini Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 10

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 51.2 > 51.5 > 54.5 > 51.6 > 58.6 > Hexagram 10

To keep your relationship in 2024, practice caution, deal with what may be a peak, and know that any losses will be cushioned a bit when they eventually transform into a future gain. A sudden change can bring with it a lot of work on your plate, but try allowing things to change on their own instead of forcing any hands, including your own. You can't plan around the unexpected that comes from other people, but you should remember that a potential source of indulgence may not be the right thing for you to pursue.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with a never's selflessness


Answer For Cancer Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 36 Unchanging (uc)

To keep your current relationship in 2024, accept that it may come with some level of distrust. So, with that in mind, you may find it best to keep it zipped than to let it all out. Whether it's your words, or something else, though, expect a little bit of suppression or censorship.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with a punishment's not-yet-ness


Answer For Leo Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 7.1.6 > Hexagram 41

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 7.1 > 7.6 > 19.6 > Hexagram 41

Reduction that could be excessive may be best in keeping your current relationship in 2024. Taking some action could take you past where you currently stand, but be discerning and recognize who may not be the right fit for this mission. But also: do make sure you're not hurting others, or being hurt yourself.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with a delay's maturity


Answer For Virgo Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 42

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 38.2 > 38.4 > 21.4 > 38.5 > 27.5 > Hexagram 42

An increase in superficiality may benefit you in keeping your current relationship this year, and maybe a meeting or two in close quarters. You may only have slight support as it relates to any interpersonal opportunities, so keep that in mind. But you should also find some assistance in dealing with any opposition, and try to take some precautions before taking any meaningful action.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with attraction's creativity


Answer For Libra Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 41 Unchanging (uc)

To keep your relationship in 2024, might I suggest an offering, of some sort? That, or a sacrifice might help you if this is your goal. And while you're at it, potentially restraining your desires might keep you on the track you're looking to stay on.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with stillness tied to a message


Answer For Scorpio Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 52 Unchanging (uc)

To keep your relationship going in 2024, the answer is as simple as 'sit still'. You probably have principles, so try sticking to them. And if you're isolative because of all of this, maybe you'll at least have one other person with you.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with a solution's rejection


Answer For Sagittarius Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 5.3.6 > Hexagram 61

Transitional Reading: 5.3 > 5.6 > 60.6 > Hexagram 61

To maintain your current relationship in 2024, follow your personal belief about any present indulgence(s). Waiting where you are may leave you vulnerable, and if any other parties pop up in the meantime, make yourself look good. By applying some seemingly excessive restrictions, you may not feel great, but you at least won't feel regret.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with fruitless integrity


Answer For Capricorn Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 12.2.3 > Hexagram 44

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 12.2 > 12.3 > 6.3 > Hexagram 44

To keep your relationship in 2024, recognize what you can't beat, and keep the motives pure. You may have a choice between the significant, or the superficial, and any abandonment present in the situation may include feeling some shame or embarassment. In the face of any conflict, though, try to use solutions that proved themselves in the past.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with an offer's safety


Answer For Aquarius Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 61

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 39.1 > 39.2 > 63.2 > 39.3 > 5.3 > 39.6 > 60.6 > Hexagram 61

For preserving your relationship in 2024, be cautious about what you believe to be true, and try to be sincere as you work towards an end goal. You and another party may find some trouble that's uncomfortable, but you'll be better off after any losses. Don't wait too long in finding a new direction, and don't try to look for the exit door as you clamp down on some things that need to be restricted if you're aiming for this particular goal.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with clinging's exhaustion


Answer For Pisces Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 52

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 45.3 > 45.4 > 31.4 > 45.5 > 39.5 > 45.6 > 15.6 > Hexagram 52

Be a leader when it comes to sitting still if you're looking to keep your relationship, even if it feels as though it's not everything you're looking for. Be on high alert and know that others will match what you put out, so work on building up the trust, and expect at least a little help in doing so. If you're thinking about what you could've or should've done, try to ensure you're not being too 'lax' if the times call for action.

Practical Oracle Reading:

You can ... with a misunderstanding's weakness


The 'How Can I Be Mentally Healthy' Horoscopes For 2024

The 'How To Get A New Relationship' Horoscopes For 2024