The I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes For January 2025

Hexagram 29 > Hexagram 21

These horoscopes are done with your entire life (all 12 astrological houses) in mind.

While you can pay attention only to your Moon or Rising sign, it can be valuable to read for each house in your chart/area in your life.

If you have your birth date, time of birth, and location of birth and want me to generate your chart for you: email me at

If you'd prefer to generate your own chart, check this link (for a Sidereal chart, though, Tropical can work as well)

The following is a truncated topic list for each astrological house (full list here):

For Weekly I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes, I offer the first week of every month free, and the rest for a small subscription price at my Two Dreams Substack


1 - Self, body

2 - Money, possessions, material goods

3 - Close family members that aren't your parents, writing, social media, spiritual practices, neighborhood

4 - Home, land, your father, private matters

5 - Love, sex, your children, pleasure/fun, physical activity

6 - Job, coworkers, health problems and treatment, pets

7 - Spouse/partner, business partners, enemies, conflict

8 - Permanent change, death and the dead, money that belongs to others

9 - God, oracles, politics, prophecies, getting smarter

10 - Your reputation, your mother

11 - Fans, friends, those generous to you, other's children

12 - Separation, distance, law enforcement and incarceration, spies, large/wild animals


The Horoscopes For Everyone

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 21

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 29.1 > 29.2 > 60.2 > 29.4 > 3.4 > 29.5 > 17.5 > 29.6 > 51.6 > Hexagram 21

Deliberation/Chewing when it comes to Danger/Stress

Do some deliberating about balance, consider a surrender, and only expect small gains as you eye a cracked door this month. You can get the little that you need despite your confused following, but expect a surprise and the worst to not get worse-r. There's a need to reel it in amidst the danger, but keep in mind that sudden changes might spring up involving some people that aren't you.



Reading: Hexagram 8.5.6 > Hexagram 23

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 8.5 > 8.6 > 2.6 > Hexagram 23

Removal when it comes to Coming-and-Going

Do some removing and adhering to the rules this month, and allow others to come and go on their own schedules. There may not be a strong sense of leadership this month, so watch the overconfidence, especially if you're all over the place with this. Ultimately, two possibilities (or 'sides') might be in a tug-of-war in January, so there might be a gain tinged with loss by the end of it.



Reading: Hexagram 15 Unchanging (uc)


There's likely to be some lopsided-ness that you need to address. Instead of allowing things to tip towards 'too much', take the time necessary to tone it all down. By keeping excess away, you can find balance, and no big booms.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 39

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 43.1 > 43.2 > 28.2 > 43.4 > 31.4 > Hexagram 39

Obstacle when it comes to Decisiveness

Expect little-by-little movement as you inch towards a block in the middle of the road, which means: small results. The sunny side of things is that disaster will likely not strike, and there might be a new spark that can catch fire if you let it. As you wait for a new arrow to point out where to go, know that others will match whatever it is that you're putting out in their vicinity.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 9

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 24.2 > 24.3 > 19.3 > 24.5 > 11.5 > 24.6 > 5.6 > Hexagram 9

Build-Up/Being A Leader when it comes to Returning

Sudden change and a build-up are in the cards for January, and you should keep your eyes peeled in the direction of future calendars. A busy back-and-forth may inch towards too much indulgence, so plan on an uncertain return and putting in an investment that won't see fruit in the immediate future. Coming back to something might not be the wisest move, but if others pop up in one form or another, tend to them like any good host would.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 25

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 22.3 > 22.4 > 27.4 > 22.5 > 21.5 > Hexagram 25

Pure Motives when it comes to Superficiality

Keep the intentions pure as you do some reducing and if some superficiality seems too good to be certain, reject it knowing that it's likely not good for you. A connection is being viewed through that rose tint, and it'll be in your best interest to do some deliberating before you devour what your cravings are inching you towards. Giving the little you can give in an imbalanced situation is going to be good for you this month, as long as you also keep the *greater* good in mind as well.



Reading: Hexagram 45 Unchanging (uc)


Shore up your vulnerabilities in January. Check the locks, close the windows, and keep an eye or two open. Worst cases are worth guarding against, because there's likely at least a little danger lurking in the background.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 41

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 47.1 > 47.4 > 58.4 > 47.5 > 60.5 > 47.6 > 19.6 > Hexagram 41

Reduction when it comes to Exhaustion/Distrust

Push ahead while doing some reducing in January, because you might find things to be a bit drained. Buffers will exist between others, so keep any indulging mature, and don't do more than you have to, because restrictions you can live with are what's going to help this month. If necessary, though, express regrets, and don't dish out damage or let yourself take any either.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 11

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 59.1 > 59.3 > 61.3 > 59.5 > 9.5 > 59.6 > 26.6 > Hexagram 11

Higher Purpose when it comes to Surrender

There's a greater meaning to all of this freedom, and a seat may be empty and waiting for you to take it and receive some assistance in January. Be selfless amidst any emotionally-activating connections, and know you'll eventually find clarity about any unresolved build-ups. Let tensions and animosity get discarded, even if it all involves a sacrifice you'd rather not make.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 10

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 33.1 > 33.2 > 13.2 > 33.3 > 1.3 > Hexagram 10

Treading when it comes to Withdrawal

Tip-toe around tension, and look towards abandonment for your best interest, because there is an opportunity to dip out. You may not want to depart the situation, but that's normal for comfort zones. Try to cure any interpersonal imbalances in January, and know that busyness may bring a bit of stress, but things may still stay in a state of potential.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 64

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 48.3 > 48.4 > 29.4 > 48.5 > 47.5 > 48.6 > 40.6 > Hexagram 64

Incompletion when it comes to Resources

Undone-ness amidst taking action is in the deck in January, so do some tense negotiating if you're intending on utilizing some attractive resources. As things reshape and you get what you need to get by, know a gain usually always has some form of a loss, but just don't let yourself get unnecessarily over-extended when you don't need to. There's going to be things you can't see as you adapt this month, but one problem will be wiped away, even if a larger thing in the room of the present remains unfinished.



Reading: Hexagram 39.1.3 > Hexagram 3

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 39.1 > 39.3 > 63.3 > Hexagram 3

Confusion/Early Stages when it comes to Obstacle

There's conflict in the confusing early stages, but do your best to direct yourself to some form of a finish. As you feel out the flux as best you can, look towards whatever feels like the right space to move towards. Ultimately, the outcome that falls in your lap will be directly connected to how much effort you exert amidst the rocky circumstances.



Reading: Hexagram 36.2 > Hexagram 11

Higher Purpose when it comes to Censorship

As you try to determine the right fit, expect potential helping hands to be in your vicinity. But as it does, it depends on whether you want to reach right back at them. Whether you accept assistance or not, don't plan on a light show when modest lighting is more likely.


The I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes For February 2025

The Internet I Ching: Hexagram 9 Meanings