The I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes For October 2024

Hexagram 13 > 21

These horoscopes are done with your entire life (all 12 astrological houses) in mind.

While you can pay attention only to your Moon or Rising sign, it can be valuable to read for each house in your chart/area in your life.

If you have your birth date, time of birth, and location of birth and want me to generate your chart for you: email me at

If you'd prefer to generate your own chart, check this link (for a Sidereal chart, though, Tropical can work as well)

The following is a truncated topic list for each astrological house (full list here):


1 - Self, body

2 - Money, possessions, material goods

3 - Close family members that aren't your parents, writing, social media, spiritual practices, neighborhood

4 - Home, land, your father, private matters

5 - Love, sex, your children, pleasure/fun, physical activity

6 - Job, coworkers, health problems and treatment, pets

7 - Spouse/partner, business partners, enemies, conflict

8 - Permanent change, death and the dead, money that belongs to others

9 - God, oracles, politics, prophecies, getting smarter

10 - Your reputation, your mother

11 - Fans, friends, those generous to you, other's children

12 - Separation, distance, law enforcement and incarceration, spies, large/wild animals


The Horoscopes For Everyone

Reading: Hexagram 13.3.5 > Hexagram 21

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 13.3 > 13.5 > 25.5 > Hexagram 21

Deliberate a bit about the opposition this month, and try to get an overhead view of the sitution(s), because you likely can't do much advancing. Thinking about the greater good here is going to be in your best interest. And maybe turn down any medicine that can supposedly fix what ails you.



Reading: Hexagram 2.1.2 > Hexagram 19

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 2.1 > 2.2 > 24.2 > Hexagram 19

Take charge of pulling back in October, and expect to continue trodding along on the path that you currently see in front of you. There's no need for reptition here, though, so turn down any 'seconds'. And if you're coming back to something, keep your eyes fixed to the future, instead of following ghostly directions from the past.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 60

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 6.1 > 6.4 > 10.4 > 6.6 > 61.6 > Hexagram 60

Decide on some restrictions related to resources that need some consensus, but understand that you may be a little conflicted about a completion. Choose the greater significance in the situation, and state your case as you seek support. Wins and losses may be locked, arm-in-arm, so with that in mind, try to help your hopes and dreams descend from the clouds to get a little more grounded when it comes to all of this in October.



Reading: Hexagram 45.1.6 > Hexagram 26

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 45.1 > 45.6 > 17.6 > Hexagram 26

Keep the motives pure as you deal with the excessive, and try to do some cautious following because there's some confusion coursing through you in October. Playing it safe will be in your best interest this month, even if you're stuck saying you should've did or didn't do this or that. You may not be holding the power in your palm here, so accept that you may have to let another lead the way.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 18

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 63.1 > 63.2 > 39.2 > 63.5 > 48.5 > 63.6 > 46.6 > Hexagram

Be heedful about repairs, don't expect a finish line, and know that a loss may leave you better off, even if you and another are smarting from some less-than-desired setback. Giving the little bit you can could bring in a benefit involving some resources. But if you're feeling pretty confident, try to dial it back, because you're not going to be able to see everything on the path you're proceeding on.



Reading: Hexagram 57 Unchanging (uc)

In October, expect subtlety. Try to be wind-like as you put your goals into action. And adapt to what comes in a wind-like way, too, while you're at it.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 64

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 28.3 > 28.5 > 47.5 > 28.6 > 40.6 > Hexagram 64

You may have a subordinate role as things stay incomplete this month, but restrict the extra-excessive as it comes. There could be a superficial re-emergence that pops up, but try to prevent yourself from putting in more work than you really need to at the moment. If you end up in over your head, it'll at least come with a large looming problem getting knocked out of your way, so take comfort in that.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 36

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 10.2 > 10.3 > 25.3 > 10.4 > 13.4 > 10.5 > 37.5 > 10.6 > 22.6 > Hexagram 36

In October, return to staying zip-lipped, make yourself unassuming, and expect a reality check as a reward for one is a robbery for another. Make your case, plan on not using an advantage, and stand your ground when it comes to superficiality that can affect the other involved parties. Assess the feedback you do get, though, even if the shiny gets suppressed at the same time.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 10

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 33.1 > 33.2 > 13.2 > 33.3 > 1.3 > Hexagram 10

Tread carefully around any abandoning, and recognize the opportunity for withdrawal when it shows itself. You may not want to leap, though, because comfort zones are awfully comfortable this month. Manage any imbalanced relationships involved in all of this, and plan on some busyness that could bring a bit of stress to the situation, even if it's survivable.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 31

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 14.1 > 14.2 > 50.2 > 14.5 > 56.5 > 14.6 > 33.6 > Hexagram 31

There's a spark and some reciprocity in October, but be heedful as you put some distance between you and the disagreeable. There's potential resources that can change things, as well as some anxiety-laced sacrificing, so be respectful about the material and expect some overthinking as you stay withdrawn. A greater power might provide some assistance, though, and a pulling back can open an otherwise-unseen door for you by the end of the month.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 39

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 17.1 > 17.3 > 45.3 > 17.4 > 31.4 > Hexagram 39

There's an obstacle tied to surrendering, but a change of plans may put you on a path of following someone or something new's lead. When it comes to those "paths," pursue the mature one, even if it involved a pulling back that's unwanted. You could find yourself a potential completion here, but it's helpful to remember that others will give back what you're giving out.



Reading: Hexagram 61.4 > Hexagram 10

Try to act like a leader would in the face of a little risk this month. And know you may be pulling back from some connection or relationship in October. If those words spark some anxiety, understand that it may simply be because you decide the fit isn't as ideal as it once appeared.



Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 36

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 58.2 > 58.3 > 17.3 > 58.4 > 49.4 > 58.5 > 63.5 > Hexagram 36

Keep the cravings censored in October, but you still might want to find some stability in the indulgent. There may be a little dissatisfaction as you choose the more mature path, but apply the appropriate restrictions, and know that change requires all heads involved to be in agreement. Don't trust what you know isn't built for the long haul, and if you have a little, give a little, for best results.


The I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes For November 2024

12th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)