These horoscopes are done with your entire life (all 12 astrological houses) in mind.
While you can pay attention only to your Moon or Rising sign, it can be valuable to read for each house in your chart/area in your life.
If you have your birth date, time of birth, and location of birth and want me to generate your chart for you: email me at
If you'd prefer to generate your own chart, check this link (for a Sidereal chart, though, Tropical can work as well)
The following is a truncated topic list for each astrological house (full list here):
For Weekly I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes, I offer the first week of every month free, and the rest for a small subscription price at my Two Dreams Substack
1 - Self, body
2 - Money, possessions, material goods
3 - Close family members that aren't your parents, writing, social media, spiritual practices, neighborhood
4 - Home, land, your father, private matters
5 - Love, sex, your children, pleasure/fun, physical activity
6 - Job, coworkers, health problems and treatment, pets
7 - Spouse/partner, business partners, enemies, conflict
8 - Permanent change, death and the dead, money that belongs to others
9 - God, oracles, politics, prophecies, getting smarter
10 - Your reputation, your mother
11 - Fans, friends, those generous to you, other's children
12 - Separation, distance, law enforcement and incarceration, spies, large/wild animals
The Horoscopes For Everyone
Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 53
Transitional Reading: Hexagram 29.2 > 29.3 > 8.3 > 29.6 > 39.6 > Hexagram 53
Gradual Development when it comes to Danger/Stress
It's a little at a time as you follow along in February, so don't expect large gains. Avoid pushing forward if the fit isn't right, because "too far" is a possible thought you might be having if you do. Try to dampen the danger with some restrictions, but don't go looking for an exit sign if the moments calls for you to address an obstacle directly this month.
Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 55
Transitional Reading: Hexagram 28.1 > 28.2 > 43.2 > 28.5 > 49.5 > Hexagram 55
The Peak when it comes to Great Excess
It's the peak of wandering in February, and you should put in the necessary precautionary prep-work. A new spark has parts that can produce a revitalization if you pursue it, and another positive here is that a possible problem won't end up coming to pass. If there's a superficial reappearance by the end of the month, know that one side may have already moved on.
Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 60
Transitional Reading: Hexagram 2.1 > 2.2 > 24.2 > 2.5 > 19.5 > Hexagram 60
Restriction when it comes to Direction
A wandering might be restricted in February, so expect the current course to continue as is. There's no need for repeats this month, and it's in your favor to focus on the future instead of the 'what was'. But if anxiety strikes, don't take too long to find a new course as you get a better understanding of all of this.
Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 44
Transitional Reading: Hexagram 16.2 > 16.3 > 40.3 > 16.5 > 32.5 > 16.6 > 28.6 > Hexagram 44
Unconquerability when it comes to Preparation
You can't conquer some sudden change in February, but the barriers in place might not be sturdy forever. Decide what's right between two courses, expect some unpleasant-ness that requires your leader-ly qualities, and know that you should only leap after something if you're absolutely sure. By getting an overview before any actions you might make being in over your head as manageable as possible.
Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 64
Transitional Reading: Hexagram 20.2 > 20.4 > 59.4 > 20.5 > 6.5 > Hexagram 64
Incompletion when it comes to Observing
Expect incompletion tied to superficiality in February, and you might end up with a change of mind. An imbalanced opportunity might be offered, but allow yourself to be off to something new, or other than this, instead. By looking inside yourself, the conflict you're currently grappling with might actually be in your favor.
Reading: Hexagram 52.2.4 > Hexagram 50
Transitional Reading: Hexagram 52.2 > 52.4 > 18.4 > Hexagram 50
Cooking when it comes to Stilling
An interdependent relationship is likely connected to something cooking this month, and you'll likely have a fork to choose between in your field of vision. Plan on movement to be paired with being in place, and likely no drastic changes by the end of it all. But despite any best efforts, there might be a troublesome long-trunked animal in the room that you're not seeing at the moment.
Reading: Hexagram 33.2.4 > Hexagram 57
Transitional Reading: Hexagram 33.2 > 33.4 > 44.4 > Hexagram 57
Indirect Influence when it comes to Withdrawal
A potentially imbalanced relationship may involve some subtle influence in February, and you may not want to let yourself get pulled away. Regardless of that, a withdrawal will likely benefit one party more than another. So, take charge of the situation in the ways you can while acknowledging that something may be too strong to bend to your will.
Reading: Hexagram 21.4 > Hexagram 27
Hunger when it comes to Deliberation/Chewing
You may be grappling with something mentally this month, and should you act or should you refrain might be the question. It's likely in your best interest to make a small sacrifice and exert a little effort in February. Because ultimately, your support at the moment may be a bit limited.
Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 19
Transitional Reading: Hexagram 37.2 > 37.3 > 9.3 > 37.5 > 61.5 > 37.6 > 41.6 > Hexagram 19
Taking Charge when it comes to Interdependent Relationships
Take control of the situation in the face of any sudden changes, and do some consideration on what might be the best decision this month. Being active while unspoken tension is at play is better than the alternative, and something superficial here may involve a loss with others that you don't get full say in. Stay diplomatic if you're isolating, and know that February may bring some assistance, but don't plan on it being there forever.
Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 40
Transitional Reading: Hexagram 53.2 > 53.3 > 57.3 > 53.4 > 59.4 > 53.5 > 6.5 > 53.6 > 64.6 > Hexagram 40
Freedom when it comes to Gradual Developments
You're free and potentially solo as you return to something this month, and you should exert the indirect influence you do possess in the situation. Don't harm or be harmed as you poke and prod, and expect some assistance and reconsideration as you move on to the new. A beneficial conflict may be tied to something fleeting, and you should be cautious about overconfidence with the incomplete, because there's a possibility you haven't considered that will likely make the current obstacles an afterthought.
Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 43
Transitional Reading: Hexagram 61.3 > 61.4 > 9.4 > 61.6 > 1.6 > Hexagram 43
Decisiveness when it comes to Personal Belief
There's decisiveness and restriction at play in February, and a connection here may get you riled up in one way or another. If there's a pair, expect some form of a parting, but *that* will be paired with a little less anxiety. Try to lower your thoughts from dream-land, though, because it's likely you're getting a little too confident.
Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 62
Transitional Reading: Hexagram 42.1 > 42.3 > 20.3 > 42.4 > 53.4 > 42.5 > 33.5 > 42.6 > 56.6 > Hexagram 62
Heedfulness when it comes to Increase
Be heedful about a mission this month, and try to counter the negatives at play if you're standing at any crossroads. There's a gift and a curse as you eye a couple of options, and the unexpected requires everyone to be on the same page number if you're rethinking things. Don't question a withdrawal for someone else's sake, and don't be too lackadaisacl because the times likely call for some form of a bridge to be burnt.
Reading: Hexagram 35.1.4 > Hexagram 27
Transitional Reading: Hexagram 35.1 > 35.4 > 21.4 > Hexagram 27
Hunger when it comes to Busyness/Displaying
There's craving as you utilize some subtle influence, and deliberate a small potential gain. If you're getting ahead with a little underhanded-ness, recognize risk when or if you see it. Ultimately, you may need to be satisfied with the slight support you have instead of seeking out significant success.