The 'How To Get A New Relationship' Horoscopes For 2024

The 'How To' Horoscopes are designed to give you answers for a variety of different life goals that most of us experience or seek out, day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-moth, and year-to-year.

To use them, you only need to know the rising sign in your birth chart/natal chart, and you'll have an answer to your question using both the I Ching (see here for an I Ching translation if you're curious), and my Practical Oracle deck.

I hope that they prove to be useful.


Question: How do I get a new relationship in 2024?

Answer For Aries Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 15

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 6.2 > 6.3 > 12.3 > 6.4 > 33.4 > 6.5 > 53.5 > 6.6 > 52.6 > Hexagram 15

To find a new relationship in 2024, do some returning and even-ing things out if you're facing the status quo. Using old solutions that might bring a little shame could help, and a greater purpose getting pursued could result in a withdrawal that favors one party over another. Beneficial, but unsustainable conflict might pop up, and you might get some back-and-forth wins and losses if you stay still because it's the right thing to do.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with protection's rest


Answer For Taurus Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 13

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 40.1 > 40.2 > 54.2 > 40.3 > 51.3 > 40.5 > 55.5 > 40.6 > 49.6 > Hexagram 13

For a new relationship in 2024, prepare by beginning to determine the right fit, and know that a transition is error-free. Your busy uncertainty is going to require some outside input, and you should expect a sudden change to pull you in a couple of directions. Try to understand the patterns at play with your limited freedom, and know that knocking down the lead domino here could lead to an impermanent finish that might reverberate into the lives of others.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with finished desire


Answer For Gemini Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 50

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 51.1 > 51.2 > 16.2 > 51.3 > 40.3 > 51.6 > 32.6 > Hexagram 50

In the pursuit of gaining a new relationship in 2024, take precautions as things come together, and know there may be a bit of a let-down. Any losses will be compensated for in one sense or another, and the barriers won't last forever as you get pulled in a couple of directions. Expect some interpersonal surprises, and perhaps a connection that can really bring out the extremes of emotions inside of you (but maybe you want that).

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with a timeline shift's finding


Answer For Cancer Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 2

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 43.1 > 43.2 > 28.2 > 43.3 > 31.3 > 43.4 > 45.4 > 43.5 > 8.5 > Hexagram 2

In seeking a new direction to get a new relationship, expect some removal, and that you may be a little desperate. Don't expect the worst when it comes to a potential connection that can revitalize, but understand that putting your line in the sand and letting your emotions do the steering may result in some regrets. A new letter on the compass may bring out some stress, so try to make a compromise, and let whoever wants to move towards you or away from you do so of their own volition.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with a connection's reconsideration


Answer For Leo Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 15

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 45.3 > 45.4 > 31.4 > 45.5 > 39.5 > Hexagram 15

If you're looking for a new relationship in 2024, reducing to find balance, and moving away from something even though you really don't want to, is going to be in your best interest. It may all be intense, but understand that others will reciprocate whether you're moving towards them or away. There could be a lack of trust that needs to be dealt with, but when it comes to that current obstacle, you may be getting some unexpected assistance.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with strategizing's not close-ness


Answer For Virgo Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 4

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 39.2 > 39.3 > 48.3 > 39.5 > 29.5 > 39.6 > 7.6 > Hexagram 4

For a new relationship in 2024, a sudden, though perhaps ignorant change, might be in the cards, and could cause problems that aren't any one person's fault. In finding a new direction, you may need to experience some tense negotiations, but some help could be arriving that will keep things from getting any worse. Don't try to look for an escape from any trouble, just know who you may need to cut off because they aren't right for the mission.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with an obstacle's new opportunity


Answer For Libra Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 63

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 18.1 > 18.2 > 26.2 > 18.5 > 22.5 > 18.6 > 37.6 > Hexagram 63

Some heedful completion is necessary to find a new relationship in 2024, and it could begin with a mission that doubles as a learning process. Don't try to control others, and don't expect much, as you add to the good in the little ways that you actually can at the moment. This all may be a higher purpose that you can't necessarily control, and if you're isolating yourself from any other(s), try to be diplomatic about it.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with a friendship's short-term-ness


Answer For Scorpio Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 3.2.5 > Hexagram 19

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 3.2 > 3.5 > 60.5 > Hexagram 19

For a new relationship in 2024, take control of the situation, even if it requires a little separation. Safeguard any potential connections that present themselves, and know that a 'return' of some sort could bring with it some benefits, as long as you don't take it too far. Ultimately, it's going to be important to find some restrictions you can live with.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with satisfaction's sacrifice


Answer For Sagittarius Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 26

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 39.1 > 39.2 > 63.2 > 39.5 > 5.5 > 39.6 > 11.6 > Hexagram 26

Use some past or outside experience to carefully find some kind of completion in your pursuit of a new relationship in 2024. There may be a problem that affects you and another, but whether you believe it or not, you may be better after taking an 'L'. With any less seasoned options expect some obstacle-related assistance, and face the roadblocks in front of you by using the brief window of clarity that you're likely to have.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with depression's mission


Answer For Capricorn Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 37

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 51.3 > 51.4 > 55.4 > 51.5 > 36.5 > 51.6 > 63.6 > Hexagram 37

In looking for a new relationship in 2024, take initiative when it comes to interpersonal imbalances, and expect a crossroads of sorts. A sudden change that doesn't change much might be a negative that brings benefits, but accept that you may need to put in a lot of work, and kind of 'play dumb' a bit. There's others you can't plan for, but don't get overconfident if you find yourself a completion.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with manic divine intervention


Answer For Aquarius Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 51

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 8.1 > 8.4 > 3.4 > 8.5 > 17.5 > Hexagram 51

A sudden shift in repair may be at play in getting a new relationship in 2024, and you should know that something ending would actually be better for you. In trying to make a relationship a little more solidified, understand that you may be following another with your eyes closed just a bit. Let the other party (parties?) come and go as they please, and expect a surprise when it comes to someone taking the lead.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with moderate trapped-ness


Answer For Pisces Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 21.1.3 > Hexagram 56

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 21.1 > 21.3 > 35.3 > Hexagram 56

There's some conflicted wandering in your pursuit of a new relationship in 2024, and you might want to stay where your feet currently are. Keep in mind that something may be flawed in all of this searching. But ultimately, you may find some kind of agreement about a completion.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with a prayer's necessity


The 'How Do I Keep My Current Relationship' Horoscopes For 2024

The 'How To Get A New Home' Horoscopes For 2024