The I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes For July 2024

Hexagram 38 Unchanging

These horoscopes are done with your entire life (all 12 astrological houses) in mind.

While you can pay attention only to your Moon or Rising sign, it can be valuable to read for each house in your chart/area in your life.

If you have your birth date, time of birth, and location of birth and want me to generate your chart for you: email me at

If you'd prefer to generate your own chart, check this link (for a Sidereal chart, though, Tropical can work as well)

The following is a truncated topic list for each astrological house (full list here):


1 - Self, body

2 - Money, possessions, material goods

3 - Close family members that aren't your parents, writing, social media, spiritual practices, neighborhood

4 - Home, land, your father, private matters

5 - Love, sex, your children, pleasure/fun, physical activity

6 - Job, coworkers, health problems and treatment, pets

7 - Spouse/partner, business partners, enemies, conflict

8 - Permanent change, death and the dead, money that belongs to others

9 - God, oracles, politics, prophecies, getting smarter

10 - Your reputation, your mother

11 - Fans, friends, those generous to you, other's children

12 - Separation, distance, law enforcement and incarceration, spies, large/wild animals


The Horoscope For Everyone

If You Read Nothing Else ...

Experience some opposition, and lower your expectations as you experience some cryptic hesitation

Reading: Hexagram 38 Unchanging (38 uc)


1) The Reality

The Three

Everyone's likely to see another entity on the right side of the fighting game's versus selection screen this month. Opposition isn't all that fun, but it's better to see it coming than to be surprised by it. Just don't expect to accomplish big things.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a disagreement when it comes to a curse

Don't expect not me's apology

The reward is excessive retaliation

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to experience some opposition as you live out some hesitation tied to the cryptic

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with clarity tied to activity

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a truce's rest



If You Read Nothing Else ...

You're looking for stable satisfaction with an unwise return, and should have some deceptive authenticity

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 27

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 58.2 > 58.4 > 17.4 > 58.5 > 3.5 > 58.6 > 24.6 > Hexagram 27


1) The Reality

The Three

You might have a hunger for stability this month, but be mature, and find some level of a completion when it comes to any potential indulgences. Don't trust a return that's carrying a reward to be something sustainable for the long-term. And know that any further returns might be a disaster, no matter how good they look.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect damage tied to charity

Don't expect selflessness' dream

The reward is ease's preparation

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to stay censored as you live out deception's authenticity

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with a lessening's resurrection

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with an activity's new opportunity



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Counter the excessive when moving ahead with any resources, and know you might be stuck

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 14

Transitional Reading: 48.1 > 48.4 > 5.4 > 48.5 > 43.5 > 48.6 > 34.6 > Hexagram 14


1) The Reality

The Three

Expect a lot this month, but one resource might be on zero for the time being. Allow a rebuild to get you out of an overwhelming spot, and make a compromise when it comes to gain that's hand-in-hand with a loss. There's some blindspots to adapt to, and you might just have to accept an uncontrollable standstill by the end of it all.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect defense's truth

Don't expect danger's greed

The reward is hidden motives' perfection

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to move forward as you live out recognition's ritual

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with solo optionality

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with flow's support



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect early-stage confusion, and some subordinate assistance

Reading: Hexagram 3 Unchanging (3 uc)


1) The Reality

The Three

Things are only kicking off in July. As one brick stacks on top of another, expect there to be some confusion. And remember that 'confused' is how you're supposed to feel this month.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect accidental restriction

Don't expect adaptation's stuck-ness

The reward is passion's leadership

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to experience some early-stage confusion as you live out help's subordination

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with malice's violation

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with an associate-related guarantee



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Take charge of your ignorance, as you get some distance from something excessive

Reading: Hexagram 4.1.6 > Hexagram 19

Transitional Reading: 4.1 > 4.6 > 41.6 > Hexagram 19


1) The Reality

The Three

Take control of the action this month, and know it's gonna take learning a thing or two. One thing you should be doing is avoiding any outside blows, while also avoiding dishing any out. That may be some help you're getting by the end of it, but don't expect it to be built for the long-term.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect misunderstanding's attraction

Don't expect repair's courage

The reward is good fortune's hope

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to move away from excess as you live out unwellness' solution

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with volitional experimentation

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with an agreement's luck



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Try to find some balance of belief, and put in the necessary prep-work as you find a truce

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 15

Transitional Reading: 61.1 > 61.2 > 59.2 > 61.3 > 20.3 > 61.5 > 53.5 > 61.6 > Hexagram 15


1) The Reality

The Three

Balance things out with a meaningful surrender. Put a down payment (of some sort) into what's valuable, and know there's helping palms out there that aren't the possible fists you might see in a crossroads moment. Impermanence leading to loss might depend on other parties, so don't try to shape reality with words, and stay still because it's the correct thing to do this month.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect an escape's surprise

Don't expect imagination's maturity

The reward is fruitlessness' solution

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to do some prep-work as you live out a truce's mutuality

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with clarity tied to the dead

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with protection's subordination



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect some reciprocal attraction, and a disaster when it comes to peace

Reading: Hexagram 31 Unchanging (31 uc)


1) The Reality

The Three

There's a pull as the form of *something* might pique your interest. If an *other* does something in your favor, maybe return it too. There may not be some significant culmination, but just enough is still enough.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a windfall's long-term-ness

Don't expect a never's preservation

Be lucky with missing's right direction

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to experience some reciprocation as you live out a disaster tied to peace

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with regret's unassailability

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with repeating's deception



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect some wandering when it comes to an unconquerable separation, and experience a team's mistake

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 44

Transitional Reading: 30.1 > 30.2 > 56.2 > 30.5 > 50.5 > Hexagram 44


1) The Reality

The Three

You can't beat something here this month, and you may not be able to see the path ahead of you with 15/15 vision. Try to encourage some personal selflessness amidst the misunderstandings, and know that a partnership may have the potential to be a significant one. If disagreements show their grimaced face, let yourself wait it out, because there's actually something meaningful here.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a short-term yearning

Don't expect separation tied to something else

The reward is disappointment's humility

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to do some wandering as you live out a mistake tied to team

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with relaxation's unfounded-ness

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with an apology's mission



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect a little subordinate uncertainty as you find the right fit with a wise agreement

Reading: Hexagram 54.2 > Hexagram 51


1) The Reality

The Three

There may be a bit of jolt that shifts things a little. Don't expect your eyes to pick up on all of the picture, though, whatever that picture is. Despite your powerless place, there are some adjustments you do have the power to put into place.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a yearning's subordination

Don't expect a defending that's in progress

The reward is home's elimination

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to determine the right fit or action as you live out an agreement's wisdom

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with volitional fruitlessness

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with unwellness' loneliness



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Stay with the norm as you experience some indefensible pain

Reading: Hexagram 32 Unchanging (32 uc)


1) The Reality

The Three

Like you're waiting for customer service, just stay in the queue. By continuing with the 'as is', you won't be making a mistake. And eventually, you'll be able to figure out what side is up.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a delay tied to a student

Don't expect a search's restraint

The reward is a sigil's learning

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to stay the course as you experience pain's indefensibility

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with a good idea's magic

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with delusion's worsening



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Allow events to gradually progress as you meditate on the incomplete

Reading: Hexagram 53 Unchanging (53 uc)


1) The Reality

The Three

It's a drip-by-drip kind of month instead of a tidal wave. Gradual doesn't have to be a bad thing, though. Enjoy the view as you allow time to do what time does.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a what if's prayer

Don't expect indulgence's escape

The reward is near support

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to let things develop as you experience unfinished business' meditation

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with arrogance's success

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a betrayal's investigation



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect a cautious removal when it comes to restriction, and a disagreement when it comes to what's wise

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 23

Transitional Reading: 60.1 > 60.2 > 29.2 > 60.5 > 8.5 > 60.6 > 2.6 > Hexagram 23


1) The Reality

The Three

There's a peeling away, and a return may have some barricades in front of it as you consider heading out the font door for a gain or two. Expect restrictions you won't lose sleep over, though, and just let the rest of the world come and go without trying to exert your influence. By keeping some seemingly excessive restrictions in place as two options tangle, you may not be thrilled, but you'll at least be free of regret.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect an on the move death

Don't expect clinging tied to the body

The reward is a decision's audience

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to be heedful as you experience a disagreement's wisdom

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with an intention's loyalty

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with finding's higher purpose



If You Read Nothing Else ...

There's some reciprocal danger, so experience an increase and a student-related trap

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 31

Transitional Reading: 29.2 > 29.3 > 8.3 > 29.4 > 39.4 > Hexagram 31


1) The Reality

The Three

There's a pull, and possibly some reciprocity as you squeeze out only a little progress. Know what incompatible fits are risky enough that you shouldn't keep pushing forward with them, though. You may get a little of what you need to get by, but don't expect genies to give you some dream scenario you want without you needing to lift any of your digits.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a mutual optionality

Don't expect a solution's cryptic-ness

The reward is restraint's confidence

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to have an increase as you live out a student's trapped-ness

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with delusion's sacrifice

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a good idea's growth


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