7th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)

For years, I've asked the I Ching about other oracles (see my Tarot According To The I Ching piece, for one), and the results have shaped how I've practiced divination.

For this series, I've asked the I Ching to help us better understand astrology What you'll find below are readings detailing the meanings of the most important house, sign, and planet placements, in hopes that it offers others some insight into their natal charts, without the impossible task of me doing individual readings for every single curious person out there.

I hope that it's helpful, and that if you're unfamiliar with the I Ching, that it becomes your gateway into my favorite oracle.


1st House Astrology Meanings

2nd House Astrology Meanings

3rd House Astrology Meanings

4th House Astrology Meanings

5th House Astrology Meanings

6th House Astrology Meanings

7th House Astrology Meanings

8th House Astrology Meanings

9th House Astrology Meanings

10th House Astrology Meanings

11th House Astrology Meanings

12th House Astrology Meanings



7th House Aries Meanings

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 32

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 8.2 > 8.3 > 29.3 > 8.4 > 48.4 > 8.5 > 28.5 > Hexagram 32

With Aries in your 7th house, stay the course when it comes to any cravings, and put some caution between you and a decision. If it's an awkward fit, don't force the danger by going further, though you may still try to re-shape things by attempting to make a connection more solidified. By letting others come and go as they please, you may put yourself in a position to make a superficial connection come back renewed.


7th House Taurus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 48.4.5 > Hexagram 32

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 48.4 > 48.5 > 28.5 > Hexagram 32

With Taurus in your 7th house, it's a good idea to carry on with the past or outside experience you currently possess. Expect a new direction as something valuable finds itself getting reconstructed. And you could end up with a gain that includes its own 'L' as a connection without a lot of future growth potential gets re-sparked.


7th House Gemini Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 48

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 14.1 > 14.4 > 50.4 > 14.5 > 18.5 > 14.6 > 57.6 > Hexagram 48

With Gemini in your 7th house, move forward to some resources that require consensus, while also distancing yourself from dislike and dissatisfaction in the form of others. This isn't your area of expertise, so expect a stressful interpersonal exchange, but by being respectful of the material, you could get by bolstering the better parts of this, without trying to reinvent everything. Ultimately, a higher power may be on your side, but don't try digging into things so much that you take away your agency.


7th House Cancer Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 29.2 > Hexagram 8

With Cancer in your 7th house, try to assess what the right fit is as you move from here to there. While it may be stressful, busyness is likely to he happening with all of this. But try to lower your heightened expectations a bit, and aim to only make small bits of progress.


7th House Leo Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 32

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 17.1 > 17.2 > 45.2 > 17.3 > 47.3 > 17.5 > 28.5 > Hexagram 32

With Leo in your 7th house, there's likely a lot of activity to look forward to as you stay with the norm, but there will be some form of a change of plans. Immature speculation requires a sacrifice amidst the distrust, and if you choose the mature path, you probably shouldn't expect a strong connection with the other party. If anything surprising pops up as you follow along, you might be able to expect a connection resurfacing, even if it doesn't have the greatest potential.


7th House Virgo Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 48.4.5 > Hexagram 32

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 48.4 > 48.5 > 28.5 > Hexagram 32

With Virgo in your 7th house, stay with the current course of things as you utilize some past and outside experience to assist. There's something valuable here, but because of the excess, you should allow it all to get reshaped. Accept the gain that'll be paired with a loss, and an absent connection could come back into the picture for superficial results.


7th House Libra Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 25

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 47.1 > 47.2 > 58.2 > 47.6 > 17.6 > Hexagram 25

With Libra in your 7th house, keep the motives pure as it relates to reciprocal attraction, but something may be a bit tapped out here. You can't make anything safer here, despite your desire to seek out some stability as it relates to the pleasurable. Express regrets if necessary, and know that an 'other' is likely calling the plays here, and you're just following.


7th House Scorpio Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 32

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 52.2 > 52.4 > 18.4 > 52.6 > 50.6 > Hexagram 32

With Scorpio in your 7th house, there's a completion involving continuance, and you may be getting tugged in two different direction. Try your best to balance stability and forward-movement, but there's something troublesome that you may not be seeing with all of this. Sit still if it's the right thing to do, but a mind change might be in store for you, regardlesss.


7th House Sagittarius Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 32

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 29.3 > 29.4 > 48.4 > 29.5 > 28.5 > Hexagram 32

With Sagittarius in your 7th house, there's a reduction tied to staying with the current course of things, so take heed if the warning signs say 'no further'. You could be getting a little of what you need to get by here, but expect some stress as a reshaping happens with what's valuable. The good news is the worst may be over, and some superficial connection could find its way back into the picture, even if it doesn't remake your life.


7th House Capricorn Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 52

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 49.1 > 49.4 > 31.4 > 49.5 > 39.5 > 49.6 > 15.6 > Hexagram 52

With Capricorn in your 7th house, there's a somewhat contradictory pairing of stilling yourself, while taking some steps forward. Change may not be possible, so seek consensus that's actually reciprocal, and know that a one-sided change may solve an obstacle problem your currently have. If you make changes, they can affect others in a significant way, so keep that in mind as you keep yourself from being a little too inactive.


7th House Aquarius Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 60.1.4 > Hexagram 47

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 60.1 > 60.4 > 29.4 > Hexagram 47

With Aquarius in your 7th house, exhaustion and distrust have a relationship with your ability to exert a subtle influence. If you're looking for a return to take place, understand that it may be blocked by some restrictions, unfortunately. But despite the limitations and lack of trust, you could be getting some value that can end up sustaining you.


7th House Pisces Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 32

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 26.1 > 26.4 > 18.4 > 26.6 > 50.6 > Hexagram 32

With Pisces in your 7th house, stay on the present path and seek agreement about resources, but there is still some danger present that you should stop before it grows. Wait and restrain, while also understanding that there's a landmine in the room that you should spend some time addressing. If an unwanted sacrifice has to happen, though, a change of mind might be coming with it.



7th House Moon Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 34.1 > Hexagram 32

With the Moon in your 7th house, you can't beat the current course of things here. Despite any overthinking that makes you think you can. By following the established rules in the situation, and staying with the norm, you could have better results than you would taking a risk.


7th House Mars Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 56

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 24.1 > 24.3 > 2.3 > 24.4 > 15.4 > 24.6 > 62.6 > Hexagram 56

With Mars in your 7th house, any wandering will bring with it some danger, so return to what's comfortable. If you're busily going back and forth, you could get a meaningful resolution without much reward, but parting from groups could leave you empty-palmed, despite what you hoped for. Ultimately, avoid any unwise comebacks, while also not expecting treasures that will likely never arrive.


7th House Mercury Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 63

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 62.1 > 62.4 > 55.4 > 62.5 > 36.5 > Hexagram 63

With Mercury in your 7th house, find a completion tied to repair, and think twice before talking yourself to a pursuit of what's shiny. By being fair and balanced, a bad element here could actually be better for you. By reducing your scope or options and staying poker-faced, you may find yourself a little more effective than you would be otherwise.


7th House Jupiter Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 61.1.5 > Hexagram 4

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 61.1 > 61.5 > 59.5 > Hexagram 4

With Jupiter in your 7th house, there's ignorance about what's cooking up, but something certainly is. A meaningful surrender might be in store for you, especially if it's for the greater good. And remember that a loss is dependent on more than just yourself, and you'll end up with a little more clarity as time ticks away.


7th House Venus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 7

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 58.1 > 58.4 > 47.4 > 58.5 > 29.5 > Hexagram 7

With Venus in your 7th house, the mission is repair, because a source of satisfaction is somewhat extinguished. There's a need for maturity here, too, because there's likely a buffer that exists between you and others. By recognizing what isn't built to last, the bad will at least be prevented from getting any badder.


7th House Saturn Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 37.2.5 > Hexagram 26

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 37.2 > 37.5 > 9.5 > Hexagram 26

With Saturn in your 7th house, use past, or outside experience to find a little clarity that could come with a separation. Decide on what action seems 'right', and know that something superficial could affect the other party or parties here. Ultimately, there's bound to be an un-resolved build-up involving others, so brace yourself for any 'bad' feelings that might spring up.


7th House Sun Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 40 Unchanging (uc)

With the Sun in your 7th house, you might be sitting at some fork in the road. You get to decide if you move forward, or pull back, though. Whether you want to feel 'freed' from all of this is ultimately your choice.


7th House Pluto Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 30

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 11.2 > 11.4 > 36.4 > 11.6 > 55.6 > Hexagram 30

With Pluto in your 7th house, a completion will likely involve a separation, so expect a connection to find its finish. If you're seeking out some open arms, though, you could at least get some insight that allows you to move forward. Accept the limited time clarity that you can, but also know that you'll probably be isolating by the end of it all.


7th House Uranus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 63

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 16.1 > 16.3 > 51.3 > 16.4 > 55.4 > 16.5 > 36.5 > Hexagram 63

With Uranus in your 7th house, there's ignorance about an ending, so put in early prep-work and decide what's right as you're pulled in two directions. You could need some advice on the right direction to walk in, and should know that a negative here might actually do you good in some way. If you're feeling unwell, keep your emotions and thoughts under wraps, and know that you'll survive the worst of it all.


7th House Neptune Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 25

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 31.1 > 31.3 > 49.3 > 31.6 > 17.6 > Hexagram 25

With Neptune in your 7th house, keep the motives pure despite the distrust, and expect an 'unexpected' inter-personal change. Following your passions could be regrettable, though, so only move forward with the new if you're *really* sure. And if someone else has power in the situation, understand that your words at least carry their own form of significant power.



7th House Chiron Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 8 Unchanging (uc)

With Chiron in your 7th house, there's bound to be some hesitation. If you're scattering your attention on top of it, you should expect to be unsettled. But whether you come or go is ultimately dependent on what you really want, so keep that in mind here.


7th House Fortune/Lot of Fortune Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 10

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 36.2 > 36.3 > 11.3 > 36.4 > 19.4 > 36.5 > 54.5 > 36.6 > 58.6 > Hexagram 10

With the Lot of Fortune in your 7th house, stay cautious about any returns, and keep your eyes open for the potential assistance in front of you. Accept the ups and downs as things stay undone, and allow the insight you gain to move you forward to some form of a completion. Staying censored, waiting for things to change on their own, and not pursuing some potential pleasure could be the best choices for you, even if it feels like you're getting a reality check, too.


7th House North Node Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 30

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 39.1 > 39.4 > 63.4 > 39.5 > 49.5 > 39.6 > 55.6 > Hexagram 30

With the North Node in your 7th house, you might move forward with some separating, so be sincere when you do seek a finish. Divine intervention isn't coming to make a risky situation safer, but you could get some help with your present obstacles with a one-sided change. And instead of searching for an escape door, closing it behind you and accepting a little isolation might actually be in your best interest.


7th House South Node Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 29

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 52.2 > 52.3 > 18.3 > 52.5 > 4.5 > 52.6 > 59.6 > Hexagram 29

With the South Node in your 7th house, there's danger involving sudden changes, and you can probably expect to be pulled in a couple of different directions. If you're being 'extra' in patching things up, be sure to also turn down the shiny, and choose your words carefully to allow your ignorance to work out in your best interest. Ultimately, stilling yourself because it's the right thing to do might help you clear up any animosity that you've found lingering around your relationships here.


8th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)

6th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)