Emergency Magic: Potential Solutions For When Your Back Is Against The Wall

Your bank account is increasingly losing commas and digits as if it's in the editing phase of an essay called 'your life'.

Old friends' smiles turn crooked, and their approaches, hostile.

Emails go un-replied to, and job applications end up in the same dimension Matthew McConaughey was trapped in during 'Interstellar'.

The thread keeping you on high ground is close to saying you need to lose a little weight for the last time.

More than once in my life, I found myself hanging on by only my fingernails.

While I've usually found a rescue through the grace of others, there's been moments where I've wondered if that grace would have arrived without the magic that was done prior to the temporary salvation.


What follows are ideas that I've applied (and some that I haven't) to find a sort of deliverance.

While I can't (and nobody can) guarantee that they'll work for you, they're either what *seemingly* worked for me, and what I would suggest to a friend that asked me for advice in their darkest moment.

So, let's begin.

1) Address Your Anxiety About Your Situation

If you don't get your anxiety under control you'll stumble into mistakes, especially when it comes to magic.

So, because of that danger, I'd first refer you to my post about effectively handling your anxieties.

Once that's taken care of, try moving on to these other possibilities.

2) Petition To Helios

I've made this petition before, and within a few days of doing this and many other things, I got a satisfying result that saved my ass a bit.

So, while I can't say what caused what (that's kind of what you get with a lot of "magic," folks), because in a short amount of time I got out of a bad situation, I have to recommend the ritual.

While it'd be ideal to make this petition on a Sunday during a Sun hour (see https://planetaryhours.net/ for a Sun hour in your area), desperate times call for desperate measures and you might need to do it whenever you need to do it.

This is the petition I've personally used.

And if you're looking to spend money, here are two books I would also suggest for similar assistance.

3) Creating Your Own Sigils

I have an entire guide to creating sigils in my 'Prescription Magic' post (expect to see this referenced often on this page), so if you're unsure of *how* to do sigil magic, see there.

As far as what sigils to make?

Ask yourself what would need to be true to fail to have a satisfying resolution to this situation? Then make sigils for the opposite.

(Ex: You'd fail to have an adequate resolution if you ran out of money, so you'll charge a sigil to acquire more)

One sigil I'd suggest is: I am immediately delivered from (this situation/problem) in a way I won't regret

As far as the phrasing for your sigil intention goes:

While I can't guarantee that it would work "immediately," try adding in time language to your wording with something like "I immediately received ____."

Give yourself the best chance of getting out of your predicament as soon as possible.

4) Charging Sigils

While my 'Prescription Magic' piece has more on this, your process for charging any sigils you make yourself, or find in the books below, can be as simple as holding your breath until you can't anymore, and then immediately staring at a sigil. It's a method I've used and personally seen results with.


So, while those are some "free" solutions besides the time invested, there are some potential solutions that cost money that I'll talk about next.

Solutions That Cost Money

1) St. Expedite Petition (Cost: Hard to say, but potentially as much as $50 for rum and pound cakes)

I wrote a good deal about petitioning Saint Expedite in my 'Prescription Magic' post, so please reference that for any questions. But like the personal sigil mentioned above, I'd recommend petitioning Saint Expedite with the intention of: "Deliver me from this situation in a way I won't regret."

There's more you can do, and you can of course get specific depending on your needs in the moment, but that's what I would recommend in a general crisis moment.

2) Gallery of Magick Books (Around $46)

There's a number of books released from a group (individual in reality?) of magicians called The Gallery of Magick.

Because I've seen results, I will personally recommend the following 7 books:

- 'Magickal Protection' (At least the Sword Banishing, but more as needed)

- 'Sigils of Power' (Cancel a Curse, Find a Pathway From Crisis, Overcome Anxiety, and Attract a Job That Suits Your Needs are just a handful of sigils I'd recommend in a dire situation)

- 'The 72 Sigils of Power'

- 'The 72 Angels of Magick' (Petitioning Poiel for a solution is one I'd recommend)

- 'Words of Power'

- 'Mystical Words of Power'

- 'The Greater Words of Power'

For each of these, I would recommend using as many of their sigils, rituals, and incantations as you can, while not using any that have stated purposes that are actively hostile or unproductive as it relates to your present needs.

This, of course, is a judgement call type of thing, but that's why it's important to address anxiety first so you're thinking a little more straight.

Wrapping It Up

I've said something similar in the past, but: magic is inherently dangerous. Just like walking outside of your home is dangerous.

But when your back is against the wall, a little risk might be the safest thing you can dabble in.

If possible, do some divination on the magic you’re doing to make it as safe as possible, but if you don’t have any experience with divination, or any friends that can do divination for you, you’ll unfortunately just have to deal with the cards you’re dealt and decide what magic is a go or not based on your intuition.

I do recommend staying away from demonic magic (though, some will undoubtedly skip over that recommendation), because I believe it'll only augment the bullshit you might be dealing with.

With that said, there's nothing I've recommended above that I would not currently do if I was in a tough spot.

So, regardless of what you're going through, I wish you success, and peace, and I hope you make it out to the other end in good health, and with as much peace as possible. Good luck.

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