The 'How To Get A New Home' Horoscopes For 2024

The 'How To' Horoscopes are designed to give you answers for a variety of different life goals that most of us experience or seek out, day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-moth, and year-to-year.

To use them, you only need to know the rising sign in your birth chart/natal chart, and you'll have an answer to your question using both the I Ching (see here for an I Ching translation if you're curious), and my Practical Oracle deck.

I hope that they prove to be useful.


Question: How do I get a new home in 2024?

Answer For Aries Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 41.2.6 > Hexagram 24

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 41.2 > 41.6 > 27.6 > Hexagram 24

There's a change paired with a return if you're looking to get a new home in 2024. Try to make some form of a safety net for yourself, but know that the current supportive resting place may not be one for the long-term. Keep in mind that you may be seen as the source of sustenance for someone else.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with insight's misguided-ness


Answer For Taurus Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 52 Unchanging (uc)

To get a new home in 2024, you may need to stick those guns on your sides. If you have principles that you want to adhere to, do it. Even it isolates you a bit.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with moderate prayer


Answer For Gemini Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 3.1.3 > Hexagram 39

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 3.1 > 3.3 > 8.3 > Hexagram 39

There's an obstacle and some conflict if you're looking to get a new home in 2024. If you're at a crossroads, you'll likely be confused, and shouldn't rush into un-thought-out action. Read the warning signs of what you shouldn't go further with, and recognize it, at least, if the fit looks less than ideal.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with dangerous mania


Answer For Cancer Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 32

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 5.1 > 5.4 > 48.4 > 5.5 > 28.5 > Hexagram 32

Try to maintain the course and do some repair work as you pursue getting a new home in 2024. Anxious feelings require consensus, and if something's being reshaped, recognize when to get out of what's draining. There could be waiting involving a less developed option, and it could come with some form of a superficial re-emergence.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with getting closer's depression


Answer For Leo Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 20 Unchanging (uc)

If you're looking for a new home in 2024, keep your eyes open. It's as simple as watching what pops up. But that doesn't necessarily mean any action is going to be happening this year.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with retaliation's satisfaction


Answer For Virgo Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 12.4 > Hexagram 20

To find a new home in 2024, keep an eye out, and know that it may take a sacrifice. The good thing is: this is likely to be a significant string of events for you. The negative is that it probably won't be the most fun of pursuits, and it'll take some leader-ly like initiative.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with yearning tied to friendship


Answer For Libra Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 2

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 38.1 > 38.2 > 64.2 > 38.4 > 35.4 > 38.6 > 23.6 > Hexagram 2

There's an obstacle, incompletion, and some opposition as you seek direction in finding a new home in 2024. This all may involve close-quarter meetings requiring fairness, and some sly maneuvering when it comes to any interpersonal opportunities that pop up. Keep in mind that an 'enemy' may not actually be one, and you may have to let something go to get closer to the more significant.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with a blocking's absence


Answer For Scorpio Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 18.5 > Hexagram 57

If you're looking for a new home in 2024, know that something may be a little fractured at the moment. Ask yourself what's already working well, though. Try to lean into the current benefits, and avantages, to try to move towards where you want to be.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with an on the move acceptance


Answer For Sagittarius Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 23.4.5 > Hexagram 12

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 23.4 > 23.5 > 35.5 > Hexagram 12

There's some abandonment related to outside experience if you're looking for a new home in 2024. Something may be getting removed, even if it's only potential, and it may also involve other people. Part of the advice for you, though, is: let things unfold instead of wondering about what you will or won't get.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with freedom's right fit


Answer For Capricorn Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 6

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 14.1 > 14.3 > 50.3 > 14.5 > 64.5 > Hexagram 6

There may be some incompletion-related conflict if you're looking for a new home in 2024, and it's in your best interest to get some distance between yourself and all of that. You may need to make a big sacrifice, and should know that while you might not get *that*, you'll end up with what actually is in the cards for you. Maintain diplomacy with others when it comes to anything material, and try to stick to a mature approach, even if you're staring down unfinished outcomes.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with joy's partnership


Answer For Aquarius Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram 7.1.5 > Hexagram 60

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 7.1 > 7.5 > 19.5 > Hexagram 60

Restrictions and uncertain outcomes are the name of the game if you're looking for a new home in 2024. Know that taking action can help you move past *this*, but it's going to be important that you follow your personal guiding light if you're weighing up a couple of options. By the end of it all, you should have a better understanding of the situation at hand.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with possessed lost-ness


Answer For Pisces Rising Signs

I Ching

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 17

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 59.1 > 59.2 > 61.2 > 59.4 > 42.4 > 59.6 > 25.6 > Hexagram 17

Do some following if you're facing an obstacle in getting a new home in 2024, and know that some form of assistance may be waiting for you to accept it. Try to flock towards what *is* supportive as you make an investment for the future, and know you can make some unexpected moving-past-this progress if you can manage to find a consensus. Any negative emotions or tensions could dissolve if you make sure you're not sitting on your hands too much when it comes to all of this.

Practical Oracle Reading

You can ... with execution's teamwork


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