3rd House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)

For years, I've asked the I Ching about other oracles (see my Tarot According To The I Ching piece, for one), and the results have shaped how I've practiced divination.

For this series, I've asked the I Ching to help us better understand astrology What you'll find below are readings detailing the meanings of the most important house, sign, and planet placements, in hopes that it offers others some insight into their natal charts, without the impossible task of me doing individual readings for every single curious person out there.

I hope that it's helpful, and that if you're unfamiliar with the I Ching, that it becomes your gateway into my favorite oracle.


1st House Astrology Meanings

2nd House Astrology Meanings

3rd House Astrology Meanings

4th House Astrology Meanings

5th House Astrology Meanings

6th House Astrology Meanings

7th House Astrology Meanings

8th House Astrology Meanings

9th House Astrology Meanings

10th House Astrology Meanings

11th House Astrology Meanings

12th House Astrology Meanings



3rd House Aries Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 17

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 59.1 > 59.2 > 61.2 > 59.4 > 42.4 > 59.6 > 25.6 > Hexagram 17

With Aries in your 3rd house, there's an obstacle to following, even if potential assistance might be right there for the taking. Try to move towards your actual supports, invest for the future, and know that if you're moving past something here, and surprises will still require consensus. Let any tensions with others disperse, and if things need doing, don't sit on your hands instead.


3rd House Taurus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 26

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 62.1 > 62.2 > 55.2 > 62.4 > 34.4 > 62.6 > 11.6 > Hexagram 26

With Taurus in your 3rd house, expect a roadblock in front of any past or outside experience, and know that you probably shouldn't pursue a prize or two. You may end up with a 'who' you weren't expecting, so be diplomatic to build up the trust, and keep things fair as you move past what you find yourself in front of. You may not get a desired reward, but you have an opportunity here to get a little clarity.


3rd House Gemini Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 47

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 13.1 > 13.2 > 33.2 > 13.3 > 44.3 > 13.6 > 6.6 > Hexagram 47

With Gemini in your 3rd house, safeguard what's tapped out, and choose to have a withdrawal of significance with all of this. You may not want to depart from your comfort zone, but get an overview, and possibly put yourself at the mercy of an 'other'. Lastly, know that if any buffers exist between you and others, you may also find some wins and losses bundled together, repeatedly.


3rd House Cancer Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 52

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 21.1 > 21.3 > 35.3 > 21.4 > 56.4 > Hexagram 52

With Cancer in your 3rd house, sit still and surrender to something greater as you stick to where you're supported. There's likely something flawed here, but you will be able to find some form of agreement about a completion. Ultimately, you may only have slight support here, so expect some dissatisfaction, even if you're getting everything you need to get by.


3rd House Leo Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 24.3.4 > Hexagram 55

Transitional Reading; Hexagram 24.3 > 24.4 > 36.4 > Hexagram 55

With Leo in your 3rd house, plan on the peak of your personal beliefs. There's likely to be some back and forth busyness, but no big successes. If you're returning from a group without a lot to show from it, though, take the learning that will allow you to keep moving on.


3rd House Virgo Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 30

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 10.2 > 10.3 > 25.3 > 10.5 > 13.5 > Hexagram 30

With Virgo in your 3rd house, there's likely to be some separation and deliberation, so try to stay as private as you can be in the face of risk. You likely don't have the power here, so know that a loss for one, can be a gain for another (and it's uncertain which you might end up being). By standing your ground and seeking the greater good for everyone, you could be facing the tension in the best way you really can.


3rd House Libra Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 27 Unchanging (uc)

With Libra in your 3rd house, you'll probably have a craving for a thing or two. But despite that, you may decide something isn't worth all of that desire. If it comes with some form of a 'reality check' for you, then so be it.


3rd House Scorpio Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 55.2.3 > Hexagram 54

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 55.2 > 55.3 > 34.4 > Hexagram 54

With Scorpio in your 3rd house, keep your motives pure as you deal with being in some form of a subordinate position. If you want to avoid hostilities in that position, try to also be as diplomatic as possible. You'll ultimately be getting hit with some kind of an about-face, so in the face of that, do your best to avoid dishing out force that's greater than what the circumstances call for.


3rd House Sagittarius Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 28

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 30.1 > 30.2 > 56.2 > 30.5 > 50.5 > 30.6 > 44.6 > Hexagram 28

With Sagittarius in your 3rd house, there's a great deal of excess that you're going to need to be heedful about, and you may not see it all at first. Be selfless with any misunderstandings that could involve a potentially transformative partnership, and if there's a disagreement, know that you may need to do some waiting that will be meaningful. Cutting off a party that isn't right could be the best choice, but going all-in with your available force may be too excessive for you to sustain.


3rd House Capricorn Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 15

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 57.2 > 57.5 > 53.5 > 57.6 > 52.6 > Hexagram 15

With Capricorn in your 3rd house, try to balance out any peaks, and use the information you do have available to you. If something starts on the rocks, it could end on a better not, but be honest about what isn't sustainable for the long-term. And instead of digging into things so much that you take away your initiative, try to still yourself as best you can because it's likely the right thing to do.


3rd House Aquarius Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 40

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 43.1 > 43.3 > 28.3 > 43.5 > 47.5 > Hexagram 40

With Aquarius in your 3rd house, there's freedom tied to incompletion, even if you may be trying everything you can to get results with all of 'this'. Decide where and what you're going to stick with, but there's likely something here that's a little too excessive. You could be stuck making a compromise, but do make sure that you're not doing more than you have to at a less-than-trustworthy crossroads.


3rd House Pisces Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 44

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 24.1 > 24.2 > 2.2 > 24.3 > 7.3 > 24.4 > 46.4 > 24.5 > 32.5 > 24.6 > 28.6 > Hexagram 44

With Pisces in your 3rd house, expect a direction you can't necessarily conquer, and try to return to what's comfortable. Focus on the future instead of repeating, plan on back and forth busyness with some dead weight, and *don't* plan on deviating from the norm as you come up empty-handed with others. Coming back is uncertain, so only go for something here if you're *really* sure, and if you do, accept that you may be in over your head.



3rd House Moon Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 1 Unchanging (uc)

With the Moon in your 3rd house, plan on potential. There may not be a whole lot of culmination and completion with all of this. But, you're likely to stay pretty busy.


3rd House Mars Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 36.3.5 > Hexagram 3

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 36.3 > 36.5 > 24.5 > Hexagram 3

With Mars in your 3rd house, there's going to be some confusion wrapped up in opposition. If you're speculating about anything here, there may not be a whole lot of finish line to go with it. Try to keep the motives concealed, and know that any returning may still be a bit uncertain.


3rd House Mercury Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 33

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 48.2 > 48.4 > 39.4 > 48.6 > 31.6 > Hexagram 33

With Mercury in your 3rd house, a completion may bring with it a withdrawal, but don't neglect a valuable resource that likely needs to be repaired. As something is rebuilt, don't look to the sky for some divine intervention to help. Adapt to the blindspots you currently have, and recognize that your words can carry a lot of force here.


3rd House Jupiter Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 31.5 > Hexagram 62

With Jupiter in your 3rd house, try to counter what may be a bit too excessive. If you're drawn to something, one certainty is that you're not seeing the whole picture. So, in the midst of any unpleasant emotions, try to be a little more heedful.


3rd House Venus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 32.2.3 > Hexagram 16

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 32.2 > 32.3 > 62.3 > Hexagram 16

With Venus in your 3rd house, put in pure-hearted prep-work instead of leaping into things. By persisting with 'what is' and maintaining lowered expectations, you'll at least be necessarily heedful. But despite that caution, you may find that you had the wrong assumption, so avoid any regrettanle crossroads.


3rd House Saturn Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 6.1.3 > Hexagram 1

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 6.1 > 6.3 > 10.3 > Hexagram 1

With Saturn in your 3rd house, there's potential conflict, and some of that may revolve around something finding completion. You may also be getting a reality check that lets you know you're not the one running things here. The good news is, solutions that have worked in the past, likely still work.


3rd House Sun Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 24

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 12.1 > 12.4 > 25.4 > 12.5 > 42.5 > 12.6 > 27.6 > Hexagram 24

With the Sun in your 3rd house, expect to move forward with a return, and understand that any abandonment can have greater ramifications than you may think. There's some significance that isn't necessarily fun here, but you can be loyal to it for now, and if you get a gain, don't question it, but do remind yourself about the impermanence of it all. Ultimately, even if you're not pursuing a prize, you'll still look like one in the eyes of others.


3rd House Pluto Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 43

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 6.1 > 6.3 > 10.3 > 6.6 > 1.6 > Hexagram 43

With Pluto in your 3rd house, be decisive about anything exhausted, and live with your conflict about something finding a finish. Use tried-and-true solutions as you come to terms with the fact that you may not have as much power here as you'd prefer. And if you get some gains, reduce the natural overconfidence, because they'll have their own losses as well.


3rd House Uranus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 48.6 > Hexagram 57

With Uranus in your 3rd house, begin with an understanding that you're working with incomplete information. The complete information, though, is that there *is* something valuable here. Fortunately, you'll be able to adapt, despite the parts of the story that are missing.


3rd House Neptune Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 57.2.4 > Hexagram 33

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 57.2 > 57.4 > 53.4 > Hexagram 33

With Neptune in your 3rd house, expect some uninvolvement as it relates to relationships that may not be balanced. If information starts coming in, use it as best you can to fill in any blanks. Even if you have some options here, though, you may need to surrender your efforts. And if you do, try to use the assistance you do have to do some reassessing before proceeding again.



3rd House Chiron Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 54

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 18.1 > 18.3 > 26.3 > 18.4 > 41.4 > 18.6 > 38.6 > Hexagram 54

With Chiron in your 3rd house, you likely won't be calling the shots when it comes to danger, so use the mission you have in front of you to at least get some learning out of it. Try to be excessive in making repairs, invest a bit while restraining yourself, and understand that you may not be seeing a larger problem, even if you get some help in overturning any opposition. There's a higher purpose here, though, and it may involve an enemy that actually never was one.

3rd House Fortune/Lot of Fortune Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 42 Unchanging (uc)

With the Lot of Fortune in your 3rd house, you could be getting a gain. But keep in mind that you could be a little vulnerable in a temporary incomplete state. Ultimately, by focusing on bolstering the beneficial and reducing the less than good, you could be doing your best to make getting that increase a little more likely.


3rd House North Node Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 17

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 19.2 > 19.4 > 24.4 > 19.5 > 51.5 > Hexagram 17

With your North Node in the 3rd house, plan on doing some following as it relates to the superficial. If you have any confusion about returning, expect that something will find its completion without your doing, and you may be coming back to something without much to show from mingling with others. As you get a better understanding with any sudden changes, though, know that you'll need to put a lot of work in to have something to show for all of this.


3rd House South Node Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 20.3.6 > Hexagram 39

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 20.3 > 20.6 > 53.6 > Hexagram 39

With your South Node in the 3rd house, there may be an obstacle to pleasure. And if it seems like it'd be hasty to move forward at a crossroads, try to keep that in mind instead of acting hastily. By fixing your gaze outwards, while protecting yourself, you may find yourself taking a third option when you only saw a couple.


4th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)

2nd House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)