Find Your Purpose

Find Your Life's Purpose Without Divine Intervention, And Your Strengths And Weaknesses Without Bugging Everyone You Know

At times, it felt like I was singlehandedly keeping the self-help and business book publishing industries afloat.

I read article after article, and book after book, trying to figure out what actually mattered, and what was actually meaningful to me.

I grew up wanting to be an illustrator, then a music producer, then I dropped out of college, then I worked jobs that I excelled at, but was never excited about when I would wake up in the morning.

I was an arrow with no target.

Long story short, after dabbling in music writing, and getting hospitalized for a psychotic episode for four months, I had to rebuild my life.

It took years, but I eventually came back to the I Ching, and it became my passion (especially when I became proficient at divining with it).

Then I returned to Buddhism, and found a set of rules, and boundaries, that actually made my life better.

But I was still lacking *something*.


During the pandemic, though, I asked the I Ching what my life's purpose was.

I got Hexagram 12, line 2 (12.2 > 6).

It told me that I'm not meant to follow the crowd (even when it would be so much easier to find superficial successes in doing so).

I also asked what my greatest strength was, and got Hexagram 62, lines 1, 2 and 6, with a relating hexagram of 14 ( > 14).

Those two hexagrams together can be called "Heedfulness' Great Possession." And for someone whose brain naturally does pre-mortems, thinking about every worst case scenario, it rang very true.

Finally, I asked what my greatest weakness was and got Hexagram 3, line 3 (3.3 > 63).

This line is about thinking twice amidst confusion, and pulling back instead of pushing forward. And it definitely spoke to the downsides of being exceedingly careful: You can often stop yourself from acting when it would it be so much better for you to get the ball rolling.


What those readings provided was a clarity that I couldn't find in the infinite this-article/book/tweet-will-change-everything-for-you stream.

I now knew that I should shun easy rewards, that being extra careful was something I should lean into, and inaction is something I should stop ... putting into action.

These were three clear lessons that I could now look to whenever I felt I was off-course, confused, or uncertain.

But it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't spent years of my life doing an 'is-this-guy-OK' number of readings like I did after picking the oracle back up in 2016.

Fortunately, you don't have to do what I did. Which brings me to the actual service I'm selling here:

Find Your Purpose

My Way To Help You Understand Your Life With The I Ching, Without Dedicating Years of Your Life To The I Ching (Like I Did)

For $249, you get a pdf report, full of nine readings (and analysis) that can help you find greater clarity, and direction when it comes to your own life.

Like these same readings did for mine.

Without requiring you to dedicate a college career's worth of time doing readings yourself.

What's Specifically Contained

- For each question (your life's purpose, greatest strength, and greatest weakness) you'll have one I Ching reading, and two readings from my personal Oracle deck, the Practical Oracle.

- A summary of what each reading means as it relates to those big questions, based on the distilled experiences I've had with *your* exact reading. So you get to have the fruits of my (at times, very painful) labor, without dirtying your clothes with the blood, sweat, and tears that they required.

- An actual reading example from a time I received the reading that you did, so it doesn't stay as some theoretical idea for you.

- A summary of what your reading means, and *doesn't* mean, so you don't fall victim to speculation about what it could mean for your life. Which will prevent you from being let down if you don't get exactly what you want (which I know all too well).

- An "If It Were My Reading" section where I will tell you straight-up how I'd approach my life if those readings were my purpose, my greatest strength, and my greatest weakness, so you can benefit from my knowledge of the oracle.

- A section dedicated to telling you how to practically apply your readings, by telling you what to do more of, less of, and how to frame the reading in your head (though, you're always free to not take my/the oracle's word for it).

If you were to pay someone competent for an I Ching reading, I believe you'd be hard-pressed to find the number of readings, and something equivalent to the extras I provide, for the same price. But you could always try.

The Section Where I Tell You That I Actually Do Have Integrity And Won't Screw You Over

Others (besides myself) have received this service, and have gotten a lot from it. Here's one of them:

"If you are feeling stuck, lacking vision or clarity for the next chapter of your life, or just need a little spark of inspiration, you need to get a reading with Johnathan Kochis. Before my reading with Johnathan, I was second guessing every decision and finding myself in a mental holding cell because of it. I was ready for that grand universe sign of “here’s what to do!” when I was introduced to Johnathan’s work. I received Johnathan’s reading very quickly and was immediately impressed with how professional and thorough the document was.

The reading started with a background of i ching, which is the world’s oldest oracle and having no prior experience with this oracle, I was already in an excited and curious state of mind. He then set the table with a very clear description of what to expect of the reading. Each question is broken down into very tangible information but I especially loved how he included examples of his own experience with each i ching hexagram in my reading. I tend to grasp an idea much more clearly when I can see how it can be interpreted in the real world. He also includes a section of “Do More, Do Less” that is a series of short phrases and one word themes that made it really easy for me to say “I get it!”. Overall Johnathan is incredibly knowledgeable, breaks down the reading into tangible “ah ha!” moments, and provided the perfect road map in my time of waiting at a stop sign."

- Emily Bormann

I know $249 can be a lot for some people, so if you're not satisfied with the value I've provided, I can offer you a 7 day money-back guarantee.

To ensure I'm not attracting dishonorable people, though: if you request a refund, I will definitely send that money back to you, but I will unfortunately be unable to allow you to purchase any additional services (which I plan on offering soon) from me in the future. If you're not satisfied with this, it's unlikely that you'd be satisfied with any future offerings, so ...

The reason I must do this is because this service is custom made, not a cookie cutter, fill-in-the-blank affair. And as such, it can take a lot of hard work and time to create for you. It's a fair is fair kind of thing.

This is an example of what it will look like when you get the final pdf document:

But before you contact me wanting to purchase, here's how to know for sure if it's right for you:

Who This Service Might Help (Is This You?)

- You invest in personal development, and self-help material, and feel like you're snacking on information instead of learning anything meaningful, or helpful about yourself.

- You dropped out of college and don't know where you want to go next.

- You graduated college but still aren't sure what the right direction for your life is.

- You aren't sure what your natural strengths and weaknesses are.

- You're coming out of a relationship and feel like you need a reset, or a fresh start.

- You're going through your Saturn Return and are reassessing what this life thing means to you.

- You're turning 30 and want to avoid approaching the decade without a clear direction.

- You're trying to live the life that you believe was meant for you, instead of reaching your death-bed with a bunch of regrets.

What This Won't Provide (Who This Isn't For)

- It won't tell you what your ideal career is. It may help you see what careers would and wouldn't be ideal based on your life's purpose, strengths, and weaknesses, but you won't walk away from it saying "I was meant to do music supervision," or whatever else you're considering.

- It doesn't guarantee that your life purpose will be something that you've always dreamed of. Mine certainly wasn't what I dreamed of, but it made sense to me, and gives me meaning when times get tough. There are lines and hexagrams in the I Ching that I don't enjoy getting, personally, but I have so many documented moments where what I thought was going to be terrible was actually fulfilling. I will try to help you see what's beneficial in your reading, because there *will* be benefits present.

- It won't tell you about your love life. Your life's purpose may relate to your love life, but there's nothing in it specifically about that area of your life.

- This won't be an I Ching tutoring service. While you will certainly learn things about the oracle, I won't be able to answer unrelated questions, or do additional readings for you with your purchase. For learning more about the I Ching, I would direct you to these two posts I've written previously.


How To Buy

If that all sounds good to you, you can email me at to briefly discuss when you can expect the final product to be sent to you, and to make the $249 payment.

To make things easier, include the subject line "Find Your Purpose Service."

I look forward to helping you all get the same kind of clarity, and direction that I received, and continue to receive, when I look back on these same readings that I once did for my own life.