5th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)

For years, I've asked the I Ching about other oracles (see my Tarot According To The I Ching piece, for one), and the results have shaped how I've practiced divination.

For this series, I've asked the I Ching to help us better understand astrology What you'll find below are readings detailing the meanings of the most important house, sign, and planet placements, in hopes that it offers others some insight into their natal charts, without the impossible task of me doing individual readings for every single curious person out there.

I hope that it's helpful, and that if you're unfamiliar with the I Ching, that it becomes your gateway into my favorite oracle.


1st House Astrology Meanings

2nd House Astrology Meanings

3rd House Astrology Meanings

4th House Astrology Meanings

5th House Astrology Meanings

6th House Astrology Meanings

7th House Astrology Meanings

8th House Astrology Meanings

9th House Astrology Meanings

10th House Astrology Meanings

11th House Astrology Meanings

12th House Astrology Meanings



5th House Aries Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 54

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 35.1 > 35.2 > 21.2 > 35.6 > 38.6 > Hexagram 54

With Aries in your 5th house, there's a pull, and some potential reciprocation when it comes to a subordinate spot, so do a little thinking about *small* progress you can make. You may be getting some assistance with an obstacle as you immerse yourself in it, but don't let your expectations get sky high. Ultimately, that person you thought of as an enemy may not actually be on, despite how weak the connection really is.


5th House Taurus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 3

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 44.1 > 44.2 > 1.2 > 44.3 > 13.3 > 44.4 > 25.4 > 44.6 > 42.6 > Hexagram 3

With Taurus in your 5th house, there's some confusion about coming-and-going, so consider that the reward you're currently drooling over might be too difficult to obtain, and that a sudden withdrawal may be better for you if your goal is containing the present risk. Putting yourself at the mercy of a stronger power may come with only getting an overview of things, so don't expect to obtain the world, just know that you can be loyal to all of this unless it gets too intense. And recognize that excessive force won't be sustainable, but at the same time, don't just sit on your hands and indulging when there's things that actually need to be done.


5th House Gemini Meaning

Reading: Hexagram . Hexagram 37

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 54.2 > 54.3 > 51.3 > 54.4 > 55.4 > 54.5 > 36.5 > 54.6 > 63.6 > Hexagram

With Gemini in your 5th house, there's some returning to imbalanced relationships, so accept your limited clarity, your subordinate and challenging position, and know that you may be getting pulled in two directions. Waiting for assistance may be seen as a problem, but it's likely to be beneficial in some way, so allow things to morph on their own as you keep your thoughts and emotions under the radar. You may not be fully invested in an exchange, but also: don't let your overconfidence get the best of you if a sacrifice is actually what's required.


5th House Cancer Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 53 Unchanging (uc)

With Cancer in your 5th house, treat it all like you do a calendar: one day at a time, without trying to skip ahead. Everything that 'will be' will be without you trying to speed the process up. So let the gradual be the gradual.


5th House Leo Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 61 Unchanging (uc)

With Leo in your 5th house, it may all start with a hunch. Despite what your personal beliefs are telling you, know that you may not be seeing it all here. If a loss or sacrifice seems like it'd benefit the greater good, though, it's likely the right decision for you.


5th House Virgo Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 64

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 13.1 > 13.2 > 33.2 > 13.3 > 44.3 > 13.5 > 6.5 > Hexagram 64

With Virgo in your 5th house, plan on some busyness as things stay complete, and know that you may have some form of a significant withdrawal. You may be where you're comfortable, and may not want to leave, but keep things fair as you get an aerial view of it all, and know that you may have to give up some of your own powers to another. If you continue to think of the greater good, the conflict you *do* end up getting will actually be enriching.


5th House Libra Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 28

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 59.3 > 59.4 > 57.4 > 59.6 > 44.6 > Hexagram 28

With Libra in your 5th house, there's likely to be some restrictions applied to the excessive, and the advice is: be selfless in service of a higher purpose. You may be moving past where you're currently focused, so if the times appear to say 'surrender', that might be the best choice for you. Fortunately, you can expect animosity to disperse, but think twice before using all of your force when it might leave you with some regrets.


5th House Scorpio Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 44

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 39.2 > 39.4 > 48.4 > 39.6 > 28.6 > Hexagram 44

With Scorpio in your 5th house, even with a completion, there's something you can't conquer, so expect a problem for more than just yourself, that isn't the fault of any one person. Don't expect some cloud-parting assistance with any obstacles, but do know that something valuable is being re-shaped. Ultimately, don't go looking for an escape, even if it feels like the water is rising above your nose.


5th House Sagittarius Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 50

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 41.1 > 41.3 > 4.3 > 41.4 > 18.4 > Hexagram 50

With Sagittarius in your 5th house, there's something coming together, but it could involve surrendering to what's greater, and not letting yourself get too involved. A group may change sizes, but don't blindly go chasing the shiny or new, because there's some delusions present here. And you could be overcoming some opposition, but there's likely to be a bigger problem looming that you haven't addressed.


5th House Capricorn Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 42.3.4 > Hexagram 13

Transitional Reading; Hexagram 42.3 > 42.4 > 37.4 > Hexagram 13

With Capricorn in your 5th house, you likely have some unique beliefs about what is or isn't the right fit here. A thing to keep in mind is that a gift is likely going to come with its own curse, so try to rise to the occassion to deal with it. And know that anything unexpected requires consensus, especially when there's something superficial here that everyone isn't on the same page about.


5th House Aquarius Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 40 Unchanging (uc)

With Aquarius in your 5th house, you may find yourself with freedom. What you're freed to do, or freed from, is another story. Ultimately, though, you're going to have the option to move forward, or start moving back.


5th House Pisces Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 1.3.4 > Hexagram 61

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 1.3 > 1.4 > 10.4 > Hexagram 61

With Pisces in your 5th house, you have some beliefs about the potential at play here. And you're likely to be busying yourself to the point of stress. If you're deciding if you should or shouldn't, state your case as best you can, and see if the support sticks.



5th House Moon Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 7 Unchanging (uc)

With the Moon in your 5th house, there's likely a mission guiding you forward, so make sure you keep some consistent follow-through. Are there moving parts and partners that need to be coordinated with? Do what you can to put your plans in motion, but a successful completion may not be entirely dependent on you.


5th House Mars Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 8.3.6 > Hexagram 53

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 8.3 > 8.6 > 39.6 > Hexagram 53

With Mars in your 5th house, expect some gradual developments when it comes to indulgence. If there's a match here, it may not be the most compatible one. If you're lacking true direction, though, don't look for an escape door of the situation, just address what's in front of you in as leader-ly way as you possibly can.


5th House Mercury Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 54

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 61.4 > 61.5 > 10.5 > 61.6 > 38.6 > Hexagram 54

With Mercury in your 5th house, there's a higher purpose to being in the passenger seat, and there's likely to be some form of separation here. Losses depend on more than what you believe, so stand your ground while simultaneously lowering your expectations a tad. And instead of trying to use your words to make something fly, come down from the clouds, and accept that who or what you thought was the enemy, really wasn't.


5th House Jupiter Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 9.4.5 > Hexagram 14

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 9.4 > 9.5 > 1.5 > Hexagram 14

With Jupiter in your 5th house, counter the excessive as it pertains to outside or past experience, because you do have a lot that's valuable here. If there's anxiety striking you, know that the worst will be over, and you'll be able to breathe again. And if there's tension about build-ups that never got resolved, do your best to defuse them with the tools you have available.


5th House Venus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 6

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 21.1 > 21.2 > 35.2 > 21.5 > 64.5 > Hexagram 6

With Venus in your 5th house, wandering may be paired with conflict, so you may want to stick to where your feet are currently supported instead of moving forward on uncertain ground. Immersing yourself in all of this isn't a mistake, and you may be getting some helping hands when it comes to an obstacle. By keeping your motives pure, and handling an incompletion with maturity, you could get some superficial improvements.


5th House Saturn Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 3.3.4 > Hexagram 49

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 3.3 > 3.4 > 63.4 > Hexagram 49

With Saturn in your 5th house, you may hold some beliefs about change, but know when the signs are telling you to not go any further. If your steps are following another, there's likely some confusion that's accompanying the movement. And since you're on shaky ground already, do your best to avert any disaster, even if it requires making a sacrifice.


5th House Sun Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 50

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 19.1 > 19.3 > 7.3 > 19.4 > 46.4 > 19.6 > 32.6 > Hexagram 50

With the Sun in your 5th house, everything that's coming together carries with it its own stress and risk, so take some immediate action to address some of it. There's some dead weight tied to indulgence, so let things come to a close, even if it means you're staying the course. By avoiding doing harm, and not letting yourself get harmed by others, you could be handling an intense connection in the best way that you really can.


5th House Pluto Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 12

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 40.2 > 40.5 > 16.5 > 40.6 > 45.6 > Hexagram 12

With Pluto in your 5th house, there will be an abandonment tied to the peak of things, so get some outside input to put potentially regrettable results to the side. You may have limited freedoms with extra distrust here, but know that however unwell you feel, you *will* be OK. And as you get a major problem out of the way, understand that it doesn't stop *all* problems, and that you may be expressing some regrets.


5th House Uranus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 57 Unchanging (uc)

With Uranus in your 5th house, it's time to decide on your goals and begin putting them out into the world. As you adapt to how things unfold, try to think of yourself as a little like wind. And with that subtle influence you begin exerting, you may actually end up being pretty persuasive as well.


5th House Neptune Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 21

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 40.1 > 40.2 > 54.2 > 40.6 > 51.6 > Hexagram 21

With Neptune in your 5th house, know that your deliberation may lead to some reciprocity, and a transition that won't be a mistake. As you busy yourself, bring in some outside input, because your eyesight may not be catching everything that's there. Taking out the top problem may help you temporarily (until the next problem), but there's bound to be some interpersonal connections that catch you off-guard.



5th House Chiron Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 27

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 56.1 > 56.3 > 30.3 > 56.4 > 21.4 > Hexagram 27

With Chiron in your 5th house, there needs to be some surrendering as it relates to your cravings, and just know that there may be no certain 'knowing' happening here. Don't let a connection last longer than it needs to, and accept what you need to accept, instead of asking for what you never ended up receiving. Ultimately, you may be getting what you need to get by, but there's bound to be some dissatisfaction because the outside support was unfortunately not as strong as you hoped for.


5th House Fortune/Lot of Fortune Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 18

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 19.1 > 19.3 > 7.3 > 19.6 > 46.6 > Hexagram 18

With the Lot of Fortune in your 5th house, repairs may be required but there's bound to be some exhaustion too. Take action in the now, avoid being overindulgent, and recognize that you may be carrying around some dead-weight. By not taking advantage or being taken advantage of, you could end up where you're supposed to be, even if you can't see that path as you're walking it.


5th House North Node Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 17.1.5 > Hexagram 16

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 17.1 > 17.5 > 45.5 > Hexagram 16

With the North Node in your 5th house, try to lay some groundwork as things cook up naturally. And as all of that unfolds, know that you may be having a change of mind here. If some surprises surround a following that's happening here, understand that there's some distrust separating you and another that you should put some work into reducing.


5th House South Node Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 37

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 4.1 > 4.2 > 41.2 > 4.3 > 27.3 > 4.5 > 22.5 > Hexagram 37

With the South Node in your 5th house, there's likely to be some display of imbalanced relationship(s), and you should know that this is a learning process. As the learning and teaching is happening, hatch some plans to make a cushion for yourself, because a grouping will likely change sizes as impermanent attraction is pursued. Your ignorance can actually be beneficial for you, though, so if you only have a little, give the little that you can in the situation.


6th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)

4th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)