10th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)

For years, I've asked the I Ching about other oracles (see my Tarot According To The I Ching piece, for one), and the results have shaped how I've practiced divination.

For this series, I've asked the I Ching to help us better understand astrology What you'll find below are readings detailing the meanings of the most important house, sign, and planet placements, in hopes that it offers others some insight into their natal charts, without the impossible task of me doing individual readings for every single curious person out there.

I hope that it's helpful, and that if you're unfamiliar with the I Ching, that it becomes your gateway into my favorite oracle.


1st House Astrology Meanings

2nd House Astrology Meanings

3rd House Astrology Meanings

4th House Astrology Meanings

5th House Astrology Meanings

6th House Astrology Meanings

7th House Astrology Meanings

8th House Astrology Meanings

9th House Astrology Meanings

10th House Astrology Meanings

11th House Astrology Meanings

12th House Astrology Meanings



10th House Aries Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 10 Unchanging (uc)

With Aries in your 10th house, start by thinking twice instead of barely thinking once. There's likely some form of incompatibility that may not be easily seen at first glance. By making a sacrifice when appropriate, you can make things a little safer than they would otherwise seem.


10th House Taurus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 40.1.4 > Hexagram 19

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 40.1 > 40.4 > 54.4 > Hexagram 19

With Taurus in your 10th house, you have some subtle influence as you take control of things, and you can rightly reassure yourself that a transition isn't a mistake. If people pop up in the process, you may be put in front of a new mission, but don't expect a guarantee of its success. If anything is prevented, accept your subordinate spot, and let yourself wait it all out.


10th House Gemini Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 21.2.4 > Hexagram 41

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 21.2 > 21.4 > 38.4 > Hexagram 41

With Gemini in your 10th house, expect a reduction tied to un-even relationships. By pouring yourself into something here, you're not making a mistake, even if you lack a real goal. But it's important to know that your support is a little week, so expect more restraint than agreement if you're looking for an opportunity with others.


10th House Cancer Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 26

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 8.1 > 8.2 > 3.2 > 8.3 > 60.3 > 8.5 > 5.5 > 8.6 > 11.6 > Hexagram 26

With Cancer in your 10th house, prepare with some past or outside experience, and know that putting what's present into the past with an ending will ultimately be better for you. Safeguard any potential connections, restrict around any wrong fits, and allow others to come and go as you wait on something that's a little less developed. You may not have real leadership guiding you, but accept the clarity you can get, when you can get it.


10th House Leo Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 29.1.3 > Hexagram 5

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 29.1 > 29.3 > 60.3 > Hexagram 5

With Leo in your 10th house, there's conflict connected to waiting. If the signs point to surrendering, keep that in mind, because there's bound to be some amount of stress involved here. Ultimately, there's a direction you shouldn't continue going in, so restrict now instead of feeling regret later.


10th House Virgo Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 43

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 3.2 > 3.3 > 60.3 > 3.4 > 5.4 > Hexagram 43

With Virgo in your 10th house, there's an increase in decisiveness, and that should start by making and would-be connections as safe as possible. If all the signs point to not proceeding, take their advice, and restrict now to avoid future regrets. It's important to recognize, though, that you may be following another in confusion, so if it gets too overwhelming where you are, look for a way out.


10th House Libra Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 32

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 33.2 > 33.5 > 44.5 > 33.6 > 50.6 > Hexagram 32

With Libra in your 10th house, stay the course as things hit their peak, and recognize your aversion to pulling back from all of this. Withdrawing may actually be better for another party, and it's best to allow things to transform in a natural way instead of being too excessive in trying to force things. Ultimately, an exit sign may be a new opportunity, and you're likely to have some kind of a change of mind.


10th House Scorpio Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 31 Unchanging (uc)

With Scorpio in your 10th house, you're likely to feel a pull. You're likely on the same page with others, so reicprocate when appropriate. Ultimately, though, there might be a simple give-and-take here rather than a big culmination.


10th House Sagittarius Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 39.1.6 > Hexagram 37

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 39.1 > 39.6 > 63.6 > Hexagram 37

With Sagittarius in your 10th house, an uneven relationship may be a little excessive. If you're on the path to a finish, though, focus on being sincere about it. And if you're in front of an obstacle, work on it without seeking escape, and dial back the confidence just a bit.


10th House Capricorn Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 42

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 54.2 > 54.4 > 51.4 > 54.5 > 24.5 > 54.6 > 3.6 > Hexagram 42

With Capricorn in your 10th house, stay censored with any increases, and know you may not be seeing everything from your current viewpoint. Wait for assistance because a sudden change may not bring much fruit, and let things unfold as they will because a return is uncertain. By fulfilling your end of an exchange, you may not be thrilled, but you'll probably get some form of a gain to take with you.


10th House Aquarius Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 64

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 61.1 > 61.4 > 59.4 > 61.5 > 6.5 > Hexagram 64

With Aquarius in your 10th house, there's an incomplete repair, and you may need to make a meaningful surrender happen for the greater good. A part of a pairing here may part (maybe you?), and you're likely to move past all of this, regardless. Ultimately, though, any losses depend on more than just yourself, and any conflict that appears may actually be to your benefit by the end of it.


10th House Pisces Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 46.1.2 > Hexagram 36

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 46.1 > 46.2 > 11.2 > Hexagram 36

With Pisces in your 10th house, stay censored and do some withdrawing here, if you can. By moving forward, you may have some assistance in reaching a higher purpose. And with any unexpected sacrifices, plan on seeing some of your connections end as things unfold.



10th House Moon Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 6

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 36.1 > 36.2 > 15.2 > 36.3 . 46.3 > 36.4 > 7.4 > 36.5 > 40.5 > 36.6 > 47.6 > Hexagram 6

With the Moon in your 10th house, a clear direction may come with conflict, so amidst the tension, don't slack on exerting enough effort. Potential assistance may not be possible due to an interpersonal imbalance, so don't expect much completion, even if you're moving forward with little resistance. Proceed with insight, take a break when possible, and play dumb about your limited freedom, as a reality check requiring some expressed regrets may be necessary here.


10th House Mars Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 12

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 51.1 > 51.5 > 16.5 > 51.6 > 45.6 > Hexagram 12

With Mars in your 10th house, abandonment and continuance may be hand-in-hand for you as a sudden change turns into a let-down. It's important to know that a lot of work is required here, and you may feel a little unwell about it all, too. If others catch you off-guard, though, restrict and accept, because you may ultimately have a regret or two with all of this.


10th House Mercury Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 8

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 4.2 > 4.5 > 23.5 > 4.6 > 20.6 > Hexagram 8

With Mercury in your 10th house, you may be coming and going as things reach their peak, and if you have the opportunity, do some learning and teaching. Ignorance may be present, but it'll turn out well enough if you do some removing with others in mind. By avoiding doing harm and being harmed, and keeping your gaze fixed outward, you could end up in as good a position as you're going to get.


10th House Jupiter Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 17

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 33.1 > 33.3 > 13.3 > 33.6 > 25.6 > Hexagram 17

With Jupiter in your 10th house, follow along as you face exhaustion, and know you may have an opportunity for withdrawal here. Try to manage any imbalanced relationships, and be balanced as you get an overview of everything. Ultimately, hitting the exit could bring space for something new, but you have to avoid being too hands off when it's time to solve a problem.


10th House Venus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 11

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 2.1 > 2.2 > 24.2 > 2.3 > 19.3 > Hexagram 11

With Venus in your 10th house, there's a greater purpose to any abandonment, and you should expect the current course of things to continue as is. Instead of repeating anything, try to fix your gaze to the future as you make a return. And as a meaningful completion happens, be careful about any delusions or indulgences, because the rewards you're looking for might not appear.


10th House Saturn Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 7

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 22.1 > 22.2 > 52.2 > 22.3 > 18.3 > 22.6 > 4.6 > Hexagram 7

With Saturn in your 10th house, there's a mission that requires safeguarding, and it may be the more difficult path to choose from. Make surface-level improvements where you can, plan on being pulled in two directions, and choose excessive repairs instead of running after illusive rewards. The superficial may be getting suppressed here, so guard against damage, and don't do any yourself as you deal with some uncertain goals.


10th House Sun Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 24

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 50.1 > 50.2 > 14.2 > 50.3 > 30.3 > 50.4 > 21.4 > 50.6 > 27.6 > Hexagram 24

With the Sun in your 10th house, there's a return as you go back-and-forth, and a potentially significant partnership may be possible. There could be an anxious sacrifice involving resources that could get you moving, so accept what 'is', and know the un-hoped for outcome may be best for you after all. Sacrifice in the face of interpersonal stress and limited support, and know that there may be a change of mind involving someone seeing you as a could-be source of sustenance.


10th House Pluto Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 58

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 44.1 > 44.3 > 1.3 > 44.6 > 10.6 > Hexagram 58

With Pluto in your 10th house, a source of satisfaction may be tapped out, so be careful if you're drooling over some kind of potential reward. As you busy yourself to the point of stress, though, you may be putting yourself at the feet of a more powerful piece of the situation. If you're tempted to go full-force with all of this, find some time to assess the feedback you currently have before going forward with your excessive plans.


10th House Uranus Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 49.4.6 > Hexagram 37

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 49.4 > 49.6 > 63.6 > Hexagram 37

With Uranus in your 10th house, wait out an imbalanced relationship. Consensus is going to be required here for change, so keep that in mind. And if you do do something different, know that it affects others, so avoid diving into overconfidence as the page turns.


10th House Neptune Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 3

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 26.2 > 26.3 > 22.3 > 26.5 > 27.5 > 26.6 > 42.6 > Hexagram 3

With Neptune in your 10th house, there's likely to be some confusion revolving around sudden change, so don't expect siginificant happenings. Invest and restrain as you turn away from sneaky illusive rewards, and dial down the intense emotions as you do your due dilligence with any danger. You may be making an unwanted sacrifice, though, but don't let that stop you from doing what needs done when it needs it.



10th House Chiron Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 29

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 50.3 > 50.4 > 64.4 > 50.5 > 4.5 > 50.6 > 59.6 > Hexagram 29

With Chiron in your 10th house, there's danger tied to taking charge, so don't expec what you *wanted*, but what you *get* will be good enough. You face an uncertain crossroads connected to some interpersonal stress, so do some meaningful waiting, and know your unknowns will work out well enough for you. If a change of mind comes on its own, it may accompany some bad blood being let out for everyone's benefit.


10th House Fortune/Lot of Fortune Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 1

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 62.1 > 62.2 > 55.2 > 62.5 > 34.5 > 62.6 > 43.6 > Hexagram 1

With the Lot of Fortune in your 10th house, be heedful about the potential involved here, and think twice about pursuing a prize. You're likely to get what you didn't expect, so be diplomatic to build up the trust, and reduce the scope, even if involves relinquishing an upper hand you had. You may not be getting the rewards your wandering mind was looking for, but there could still be help available if you're willing to open your mouth and ask for some.


10th House North Node Meaning

Reading: Hexagram 15.3.5 > Hexagram 8

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 15.3 > 15.5 > 2.5 > Hexagram 8

With the North Node in your 10th house, there's opposition tied to being back and forth, and your direction may be a bit misguided. If no one else involved here is taking action, though, make sure you're taking some of your own to get movement happening. And if you're seeking a new direction, don't wait too long, because anxiety may make it hard to have additional patience.


10th House South Node Meaning

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 21

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 28.1 > 28.2 > 43.2 > 28.3 > 49.3 > 28.5 > 17.5 > 28.6 > 51.6 > Hexagram 21

With the South Node in your 10th house, do some deliberation about prep-work, and take caution in the early stages. There's a potential for a recharge as the worst doesn't come to pass, so be cautious around the excess and only change if all signs point to doing so. With any surprise superficial re-emergences involving sudden changes with others, do your best to restrict when necessary, because you may already be in over your head.


11th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)

9th House Astrology Meanings (According To The I Ching)