The I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes For August 2024

Hexagram 38 Unchanging

These horoscopes are done with your entire life (all 12 astrological houses) in mind.

While you can pay attention only to your Moon or Rising sign, it can be valuable to read for each house in your chart/area in your life.

If you have your birth date, time of birth, and location of birth and want me to generate your chart for you: email me at

If you'd prefer to generate your own chart, check this link (for a Sidereal chart, though, Tropical can work as well)

The following is a truncated topic list for each astrological house (full list here):


1 - Self, body

2 - Money, possessions, material goods

3 - Close family members that aren't your parents, writing, social media, spiritual practices, neighborhood

4 - Home, land, your father, private matters

5 - Love, sex, your children, pleasure/fun, physical activity

6 - Job, coworkers, health problems and treatment, pets

7 - Spouse/partner, business partners, enemies, conflict

8 - Permanent change, death and the dead, money that belongs to others

9 - God, oracles, politics, prophecies, getting smarter

10 - Your reputation, your mother

11 - Fans, friends, those generous to you, other's children

12 - Separation, distance, law enforcement and incarceration, spies, large/wild animals


The Horoscope For Everyone

If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect some opposition paired with some persistent security

Reading: Hexagram 38 Unchanging (38 uc)


1) The Reality

The Three

Just like July, there's some opponents to stare down. So, yes, there might be some negative emotions involved. It doesn't have to be the end of the world, but also: don't expect to accomplish the world.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect indefensibility tied to magic

Don't expect learning's courage

The reward is an offer's privacy

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to have some opposition as you live out security's persistence

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with an associate-related hesitation

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with malicious gratitude



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Follow the rules with what you can't conquer, and stay the course with a sacrifice

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 34

Transitional Reading: 44.1 > 44.5 > 1.5 > 44.6 > 14.6 > Hexagram 34


1) The Reality

The Three

Stand your ground and follow the rules when it comes to a tempting, but excessive reward. Allow the results to trickle down at their own pace, too, while also countering any potentials that lean towards the negative. Excessive force may come with regrets, but the Heavens may still be favoring you in some way by the time the month wraps up.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a window of opportunity's progress

Don't expect moving on's negotiation

The reward is growth's ephemerality

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to stay the course, as you live out a sacrifice's energy

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with a trapped response

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with confidence tied to the dead



If You Read Nothing Else ...

There's a higher purpose when it comes to following, so determine what cravings are correct as you experience some solitary-ness

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 11

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 17.2 > 17.3 > 58.3 > 17.4 > 43.4 > 17.5 > 5.5 > Hexagram 11


1) The Reality

The Three

There's a higher purpose as you do some immature speculating. By diverting yourself to the mature path, and accepting the dissatisfaction, you may find a new direction, with some level of completion. There's a surprise as you do some following, and it may involve a wait with a less-seasoned side of the equation.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a reading's temptation

Don't expect a mission's learning

The reward is an unfounded fatedness

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to determine what hunger's correct as you live out a solo-ness tied to a teacher

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with a dead end's cooperation

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with an assumption's priority



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect some prepping involving satisfaction as you wander into an undoing

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 16

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 58.1 > 58.2 > 47.2 > 58.5 > 45.5 > Hexagram 16


1) The Reality

The Three

Put in the prep work, while also accepting one source of indulgence may be a little empty. If you're trying to find some stable ground, keep in mind that *this* can't be made any safer. Don't put your faith into the staying-power of clouds, and instead try to build up some trust with any other parties involved in all of this.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect gratitude tied to a gift

Don't expect a hesitation's clinging

The reward is conception's innocence

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to experience some wandering as you live out an undoing tied to writing

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with an insight's struggle

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with confusion's beginning



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect an abandonment tied to decisiveness, so safeguard your following

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 12

Transitional Reading: 43.1 > 43.2 > 28.2 > 43.3 > 31.3 > 43.6 > 45.6 > Hexagram 12


1) The Reality

The Three

There's a need for abandonment this month, and you may be trying to find some certainty and stability where there isn't much to be had. The worst cases may never come as something potentially gets a renewal, so try to be decisive here, and know that pursuing pleasures may be a little regrettable. If there's help, and you need it, ask for it, because by the end of August, there may be some woulda, couldas.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect impatience's search

Don't expect nourishment's finding

The reward is a timeline shift's upheaval

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to do some safeguarding as you live out a following's authenticity

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with a good idea's regret

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a delusional focus



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Seek the right direction or crowd as you experience some impenetrable impressionability

Reading: Hexagram 2 Unchanging (2 uc)


1) The Reality

The Three

You're not going to be completely sure this month. In August, it may be about looking for the right crowds, and paths. Making an effort in that direction may be about all you can do.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a manic possession

Don't expect a discovery's forgiveness

The reward is a gain's unfinished business

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to seek the right direction as you live out impressionability's impervious-ness

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with peace tied to the dead

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a new opportunity's arrogance



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Take a break as things build-up, and experience some surprise solo-ness

Reading: Hexagram 7.4 > Hexagram 40


1) The Reality

The Three

A crossroads doesn't necessarily need to be dramatic. As it stands, this may be the perfect time to do some sitting. So, take a break, and try to reciprocate in August.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect temptation's excess

Don't expect an assumption's recognition

The reward is a dead end's censorship

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to experience a build-up as you live out a solo surprise

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with unsubstantiated subordination

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a mission's sustainability



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect an exhaustion when it comes to things coming together, and know you might have a subordinate change of mind

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 47

Transitional Reading: 50.3 > 50.5 > 64.5 > 50.6 > 6.6 > Hexagram 47


1) The Reality

The Three

There's some exhaustion and distrust as you get what you were always supposed to get, even if you didn't think so at the start. Expect some meaningful waiting times that require a little maturity on your part. If a change of mind, puts some change in your metaphorical pocket, know the wins will likely accompany their own losses.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect a mission's excess

Don't expect an unfounded discovery

The reward is solo censorship

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to be subordinate as you live out a dead end's withdraw

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with an assumption's support

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with temptation's dream



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Do some risk-planning as you figure out a fit that works, and know your luck may decrease

Reading: Hexagram 1.2 > Hexagram 13


1) The Reality

The Three

There's likely some 'others' in your proximity this month. But, there's a lot of potential here, though, not necessarily any fruition. With that said, try to plan for the worst cases your mind can dream up, and you probably won't regret the preparation.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect privacy's persistence

Don't expect finding's malice

The reward is an immature increase

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to determine the right fit as you live out a luck's lessening

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with a craving's accident

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a conversation's diplomacy



If You Read Nothing Else ...

There's some imbalanced relationships, so expect change and some misunderstanding

Reading: Hexagram 5.2.6 > Hexagram 37

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 5.2 > 5.6 > 63.6 > Hexagram 37


1) The Reality

The Three

Imbalanced relationships may be the name of the game in August. If you're wondering with a lot of what ifs this month, don't expect much in the form of culminations. If other parties pop up, give them their due respect, while also not letting your head get away from you with any overconfidence.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect practice's not yet

Don't expect impossible truth

The reward is freedom's one-sided-ness

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to experience a change as you live out a misunderstanding's reform

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with an attraction's impatience

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a lover's encouragement



If You Read Nothing Else ...

There's belief about change that might include some confusion, so implement your necessary restrictions and expect a stranger

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 61

Transitional Reading: 49.2 > 49.3 > 43.3 > 49.4 > 58.4 > 49.6 > 60.6 > Hexagram 61


1) The Reality

The Three

You may have a lot of 'belief' in August, but any changes need to be kickstarted by someone other than yourself. Wait until you're sure before making any decisive declarations, and know that maturity and consensus is required when it comes to changes around indulgences or pleasure. Your changes can affect others, so try to really apply some restrictions, because you're likely not going to feel any regrets for them.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect security's announcement

Don't expect an offer's difficulty

The reward is an indefensible upheaval

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to experience some confusion as you live out a stranger's execution

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with a worsening's consequences

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with trust's elimination



If You Read Nothing Else ...

Expect a restricted wandering as you seek out the right crowd, and know a change of scenery might not be happening just yet

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 60

Transitional Reading: Hexagram 56.1 > 56.2 > 30.2 > 56.3 > 14.3 > 56.4 > 38.4 > 56.5 > 41.5 > 56.6 > 61.6 > Hexagram 60


1) The Reality

The Three

There's limitations and uncertainty in August, and with any misunderstandings around potentially significant pairings, try to be a little selfless. Cut a connection short even if it's a big sacrifice, and even though you may be getting an opportunity for assistance with stability, it might not make you overjoyed. If you're overthinking a potential action, don't let your expectations get *too* high, because a bridge may need to be burnt by the end of it all.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect lucid mutuality

Don't expect rejection's security

The reward is focus' returning

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to find a direction as you live out a change of scenery's not yet

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with a struggle's consequences

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a writing's upheaval



If You Read Nothing Else ...

There's some attraction tied to ignorance, but expect a return and some unsatisfactory passion

Reading: Hexagram > Hexagram 31

Transitional Reading: 4.2 > 4.3 > 23.3 > 4.4 > 52.4 > 4.5 > 56.5 > 4.6 > 33.6 > Hexagram 31


1) The Reality

The Three

There's reciprocity and some attraction involving learning and teaching in August, and if you're craving the image of a reward, know that you may need to stick to your principles and let something get stripped away. Ignorance may sting as you balance stillness and movement, but cluelessness and speculation may turn out to not be *too* bad if it also involves being uninvoled. Don't get hurt or dish out pain, and a withdrawal may be an opportunity for something new to take its place.

Will And Won't And Win

Expect an activity's privacy

Don't expect danger's strategizing

The reward is an apology's anger

2) How You Should Shape It

The Prescription

Your job is to do some returning as you live out passion's dissatisfaction

How To Avoid Regrets

Avoid regrets with adaptation's surprise

How To Be Lucky

Be lucky with a blindspot's loneliness


The I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes For September 2024

The I Ching-Astrology Horoscopes For July 2024