How To Manifest The Life You Want (Or: The Three Sigils)

I've gotta be honest here.

I kind of hate the word and concept of manifestation.

As someone that enjoys practical solutions, manifesting can be slippery.

Manifestation coaches create pyramid schemes to sell you on dreams of future rewards.

When that's not happening, the idea can delve into New Age woo concepts and language that obfuscates the whole idea in a cloud of positive thinking, and superficial self importance.

What I hope follows is a way to detach from whatever definition of manifestation you might have and simply think of it as results magic.

Changing experience through indirect or clever means in a way that gets you results you want and enjoy.

Let's get started.

The Un-Fun But Effective Way To Manifest

Choose what you already have.

Saying 'good, I get x', is the way to always manifest what you want, by wanting what you get, and have.

Let me guess, though ... you don't like that answer.

That's what I expected, so let's go into some ways to manifest that you might actually prefer.

The Ways To Manifest That You Might Like A Little More

Sigils, in my opinion, are stand-ins for direct action.

They're a subtle way to represent the result you want to bring into your life.

We're going to talk about three types of sigils: Being/Mantra Sigils, Awareness Sigils, and Drawn Sigils.

A) Being/Mantra Sigils

I've written about these ones at length here, but I'll try to give a simplified version in this piece.

A Being/Mantra Sigil is one you bring to mind repeatedly, whenever it comes to you in the course of a day, or sparked by a reminder on your phone.

It being present in your mind can naturally make you more inclined to take x action that's compatible with that repeated sigil.

Additionally, repeatedly bringing to mind a Being/Mantra Sigil can keep you in the present moment, allowing you to naturally act in a way consistent with the Sigil you chose.

Actors do this a little more directly with method acting, and you can read the aforementioned 'Being A Sigil' piece for that 'how to'.

There's two guidelines I'll offer for how to use this form of sigils effectively:

- 1) The sigil you choose can't limit you

- Ex: Choosing 'Wealth' instead of 'Millionaire' (because 'million' in this case is limiting

- 2) The sigil can't be a doing-to-get (x) specific result

- This means you try to embody the sigil by 'being' it, without craving after something specific

- To chase some specific result would mean you're contradicting guideline #1, because you'd be limiting yourself

So, essentially, you can choose a Being/Mantra Sigil of 'Unfazed' or 'Calm', and by simply bringing it to your awareness, I've found that you can naturally gravitate to a result compatible with that sigil.

If it seems too good to be true, I guess that's why it's called "Magic."

B) Awareness Sigils

When it comes to Awareness Sigils, I have W. Timothy Gallwey, and his 'Inner Game' books to thank for my approach, though, he doesn't call them by that name.

Mr. Gallwey usually begins with a desired outcome (like improving customer service), and then looks at what the critical variables that can make or break that outcome (whether you're smiling as you do the job, or rating the tone of the customer on a scale of 1-10).

With a critical variable, you're not exactly following a prescription, or reading a step-by-step list to get the outcome you want. Your actions aren't driven by craving for results. Your awareness, simply by being aware, is putting you in the right direction to achieve the results you want.

Being aware of critical variables that could contribute/create a possibility you have in mind, takes in-order-to out of the equation. You're not doing-to-get, you're just being aware.

How do you do it?

1) Start by identifying the Awareness Sigil/the desired outcome or result you want

- Ex: High-quality meetings at work

2) Ask yourself 'what would need to be true to fail to achieve/obtain x"

- Ex: Not sticking to an agenda

- Not starting or ending a meeting on time

- Not having everyone contribute evenly

3) Turn The WWNTBT To Fail Results Into Their Opposite Action

- Ex: Observing whether a meeting sticks to the agenda

- Observing start and end times of meetings

- Observing frequency, and total length of time that each person speaks

4) When One Action Seems Appealing, Ensure That:

- 1) It's something you can observe

- 2) It's easy to observe

- 3) It's interesting enough to keep your attention

- 4) It's relevant to fulfilling the Awareness Sigil/Sigil outcome

Additional Awareness Sigil Examples To Ensure There's No Confusion

A1) Desired Outcome: Wealth

A2) Choosing The Awareness Sigil of 'Spotting Wealth Opportunities'

B1) Desired Outcome: Being Unassailable

B2) Choosing The Awareness Sigil of 'Noticing How Protected I Am Against Potential Risk'

C1) Desired Outcome: Being Free From Anxiety

C2) Choosing the Awareness Sigil of 'How Calm Am I Right Now on A Scale of 1-10?'

5) How To Execute An Awareness Sigil

It's simple: just be aware of what you chose.

Whether it's something you're rating on a scale of 1-10, like your calmness, or how interested a prospect seems when you're doing a sales call, or you're simply noting whether there's risk around you, there's a number of directions you can go in, as long as you're using awareness instead of forcing things to change in a direct way.

You execute an Awareness Sigil by being aware. The same way that you're aware of whether you want to eat more food. It's as simple as that, and the results come about in fun ways.

C) Drawn Sigils

These are the sigils that everyone talks about.

Weird symbols, made out of letters, meant to bypass your conscious filters and, sometime in the future, reward you with a desired result.

Because I've written about this, at length, in my 'Presciption Magic' post, and here, I'll leave you with those guides (in particular, the latter much briefer version) to get you well-versed in making your own drawn sigils.

Final Thoughts

If you have a purple car in the back of your mind, you might end up seeing more of them in the near future. It's a trope at this point, but if you've experienced that, you know how true it can be.

In the same vein, if you have the a Being/Mantra Sigil or Awareness Sigil, you may find yourself gravitating towards actions that will bring it to life (or manifest it, if you want to use that word).

The old saying in business is "what gets measured gets managed," but here it's 'what gets noticed, gets multiplied'.

Just because you really want, and intend on making millions of dollars, and quitting your job, doesn't mean the magic is going to be powerful enough to bring those dreams to life.

The secret is: if someone is offering you a secret that guarantees such a thing, they're using you to guarantee that the money they wanted to manifest gets manifested.

That doesn't mean your results can't be rewarding. We often don't know what's good for us until reality does its thing and gives us a variation of our desired outcome that is perhaps more fulfilling than the original objective would've been.

The best thing about magic, and from practicing these forms of 'sigil' magic, is that it gives you a direct line to personal empowerment. You now have a way to get yourself closer to a life you want, while making it fun along the way.

Just promise me and yourself that now that you know how to work this magic in your own life, you won't get caught spending thousands to stock up on snake-oil.

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