How To Do An I Ching Celtic Cross Reading

The Celtic Cross is a staple of people's regular Tarot spreads, but after making my own I Ching card deck, I found value in doing an I Ching Celtic Cross.

Let's get into the how to:

1) Create Your I Ching Card Deck

You can do that with my post about completing one for yourself with some blank index cards.

2) Use The Following Spread Meanings

I don't care if you use your cards to make the same pattern as the Tarot edition of the Celtic Cross, I just care about results.

To get those, you can use the following card pull meanings:

1) What's Currently Happening

2) The Problem

3) The Past

4) The Future

5) Conscious Thoughts

6) Unconscious Thoughts

7) Your Influence

8) Outside Influence

9) Hopes

10) Fears

11) Outcome


3) How To Do The Actual Reading

Shuffle your deck, and pull only one card for each spread question. The reason? Having one Hexagram for each question is a lot easier to interpret than a multiple changing line I Ching reading. With the latter, you'll be dealing with a lot of noise, and the Celtic Cross is about reducing that.

Note: If you pull a blank card, just pull another card until you get a Hexagram card.

4) (Optional) Use An Astrological Card Deck To Figure Out The Relevant House For Each Question

I have a whole post on creating an astrological house card deck, which you can find here.

After you've pulled a Hexagram card for each question, if you want to know what house (and house topics) are relevant for each question, I'd suggest pulling a house card for each answer.

Ex: If your Outside Influence question had the answer of 27 Unchanging, and the Astrological House card of the 4th house, you could say that your answer might be nourishment/hunger/sustenance involving home, land, or real estate

4) The Basic Meanings of All 64 Hexagrams

If you're looking to interpret your I Ching Celtic Cross answers, what follows are my personal titles/meanings for all 64 Hexagrams (not including changing lines, of course).

It really can be as simple as one, or a few words:

Hexagram 1: Potential

Hexagram 2: Direction

Hexagram 3: Confusion/Early Stages

Hexagram 4: Ignorance

Hexagram 5: Waiting

Hexagram 6: Conflict

Hexagram 7: Mission

Hexagram 8: Coming-of-Going/Back-And-Forth

Hexagram 9: Accumulation/Build-Up

Hexagram 10: Treading

Hexagram 11: Higher Purpose

Hexagram 12: Abandonment

Hexagram 13: Window of Opportunity/Right Fit

Hexagram 14: Great Possession/Great Amount

Hexagram 15: Balance

Hexagram 16: Preparation

Hexagram 17: Following

Hexagram 18: Repair

Hexagram 19: Taking Charge/Leadership

Hexagram 20: Observing

Hexagram 21: Deliberation/Chewing

Hexagram 22: Superficiality

Hexagram 23: Removal

Hexagram 24: Returning

Hexagram 25: Pure Motives

Hexagram 26: Past Experience/Outside Experience

Hexagram 27: Hunger/Nourishment

Hexagram 28: Great Excess/Too Much

Hexagram 29: Danger/Stress

Hexagram 30: Separation/Better Understanding

Hexagram 31: Attraction/Reciprocity

Hexagram 32: Continuance

Hexagram 33: Withdrawal

Hexagram 34: Following Rules

Hexagram 35: Busyness/Making Visible

Hexagram 36: Censorship

Hexagram 37: Interdependent Relationships/Imbalanced Relationships

Hexagram 38: Opposition

Hexagram 39: Obstacle

Hexagram 40: Freedom/Solo

Hexagram 41: Reduction

Hexagram 42: Increase/Gain

Hexagram 43: Decision/Decisiveness

Hexagram 44: Unconquerability

Hexagram 45: Safeguarding

Hexagram 46: Moving Forward

Hexagram 47: Exhaustion/Distrust

Hexagram 48: Resources

Hexagram 49: Change

Hexagram 50: Cooking/Coming Together

Hexagram 51: Shock/Sudden Change

Hexagram 52: Stillness

Hexagram 53: Gradual Development

Hexagram 54: Subordination

Hexagram 55: Sacrifice/The Peak

Hexagram 56: Wandering

Hexagram 57: Subtle Influence/Indirect Influence

Hexagram 58: Indulgence

Hexagram 59: Surrender

Hexagram 60: Restriction

Hexagram 61: Personal Belief

Hexagram 62: Heedfulness

Hexagram 63: Completion

Hexagram 64: Incompletion

Final Thoughts

The Celtic Cross is still used because it works.

It eliminates the unnecessary noise that accompanies some divinatory readings, because its prompts don't allow for a lot of wiggle room.

You may be familiar with the Tarot version, but I hope that with this post, more and more of you start getting into the I Ching.

And if you do, you can purchase readings from me, or take a look at something like your Sidereal-I Ching Horoscopes.

Take care.

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