Free Reading Review #2: A Question For The I Ching About A Job Search

Hexagram 29 Unchanging

The Free Reading Review is a (kind of) self-explanatory series where I'll conduct a free I Ching reading for a reader like you, and write about it for everyone interested in divination in general, and the I Ching specifically.

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Let's get into this edition's question:

What is the clearest answer to will XL be hired by a new company in the next 30 days?

Hexagram 29 is the one I call "Danger."

Because of that, it doesn't bode well for this particular possibility.

When it shows up in its unchanging form, you're likely to feel some level of stress, or un-wellness.

It doesn't say anything close to a definitive "yes" or "no," but that's when you look at the general sense of the hexagram, along with the context of the question.

If you wanted to be hired by a new company and you saw a symbol of stress, I imagine you'd agree that it doesn't seem like either 1) it's possible in this time period, or 2) that the process would be enjoyable.

And if you came to those conclusions like I did, it may not seem like a process of attaining a new position would be very enjoyable.

I will say that with 29 unchanging, you're advised to follow your north star.

If you're shaky on what your north star is here, it may be a better idea to take precautions.

This is really a 'walk that tightrope only if you really believe in getting to the other side' kind of answer.

So, while again, it doesn't clearly say yes or no, and that 'follow your heart' advice is present here, success is also not guaranteed.

The trigrams here are water over water. So: expect a lot emotions during this period of time.

And if a job opportunity ends up in front of your face, only accept it if your internal compass is directing you towards it, because there's some risk here.

But take comfort in the fact that you're not the first, and won't be the last person that has to deal with a hexagram 29 type of situation.

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