The Easiest Guide To Doing Breathwork

We all know that caffeine, and food, and other stimulants can seemingly instantly pick us up when we need that pick-me-up.

But, breathing can have effects that are just as immediate.

In fact, breathwork can help you regulate your emotions in a way that is similar to you adjusting your thermostat.

And learning how to do two forms of breathwork so you can have those kinds of results, is relatively easy. Let's get into it:

Breathwork Bare Minimum

There's two breathing exercises that I've found incredibly helpful in quickly altering my mental state:

Cyclic Hyperventilation (For depression and lack of energy)

Double-Breathing (For anxiety)

How to do both of them is relatively easy.

Important Notes About Cyclic Hyperventilation Before Beginning

- Both breathing exercises will be easier if your stomach isn't full, but when it comes to Cyclic Hyperventilation, that will be much more true, so keep this in mind

- Cyclic Hyperventilation also is a lot harder to be inconspicuous about. So, doing it in a full office, or on public transportation, may create an uncomfortable 'When Harry Met Sally' type of situation

Cyclic Hyperventilation Instructions

- Breathe in through your nose (the more rapid the pace of this, the quicker you'll get to the effect) while allowing your stomach to expand, and quickly have a brief exhale through your mouth

- By brief exhale I mean maybe only a quarter of the potential exhale if you were purposely doing a full exhale

- So, this would be a "huf" sound instead of "hufffffff"

- The longer you do this for, the more dramatic the effect will be, so:

- Try it for a minute and a half at first with a timer

- At another time, try it for 30 seconds

- Maybe even try it for three minutes, if possible

- After doing the breathing pattern for the chosen amount of time:

- Finally exhale in a full, long way

- Then hold your breath (not until you're close to passing out, but long enough that you gave it an honest effort) and finally release and breathe normally

What You Might Experience

- I've done this breathing exercise vigorously enough that I've had the involuntary closing of my hand, and I'm not necessarily recommending you do it that vigorously, but if you experience that, your hand, and your self will be fine

- What you should experience (if you haven't perhaps try a longer amount of time, as long as you're doing it properly) is a pretty noticeable change in your mental state

- You may feel more energetic, or positive, or more social. All of those things aren't unusual when I do it

Potential Times To Use It

- Before a presentation

- When you wake up and feel groggy

- Before exercising

- Before a social event


Important Notes About Double Breathing Before Beginning

- The Double-Breathe is something much more subtle than Cyclic Hyperventilation, and you can pretty easily do it surreptitiously in a crowded office

Double-Breathing Instructions

- Inhale through your nose for as long as you can, and then (even if you think you can't) try a new, additional inhale for as long as you can

- After inhaling for those two times, as long as you can, exhale deeply, for as long as you can, through your mouth

- Experiment like you would with Cyclic Hyperventilation, and try doing it for 30 seconds, a minute, or three minutes, and see what works for you

What You Might Experience

- What you should experience is a relaxing effect, and it's really as simple as that

- The longer you continue, the more stark the effect might be, but it's a good way to pull your anxiety back by the collar

Potential Times To Use It

- Before a presentation

- When your day feels hectic, or "too busy"

- When you're in bed, waiting to fall asleep

- When you leave the office

- When you get home from a stressful day

Final Thoughts

Breathwork can have the effects of a drug, without all of the downsides.

And while it won't solve all of your problems (because nothing does), it gives you power over your mind and body that you can exercise, whenever you need it.

I hope that you find it to be a valuable tool in your kit, just as I have.

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