Prescription Magic: How To Change Your Life With Pen, Paper, And Pound Cake


Magic And Mental Health: What The Former Is, And How It Helps The Latter

‘What Does This Button Do?’: The Inherent Risk of Magic

My Personal Beliefs on Intention in Magic

How To De-Risk Before You Begin

My Best Solution For Making Your Magic As Safe As Possible

Removing Vowels For Gains: How To Make Sigil Magic Work

Creating Your Christmas List For Life: Deciding On Your Magical Intentions

Edges To Manipulate The Uncertain: Structuring Magical Intentions

Working Magic On Old You From The Present: Retroactive Sigils

Saving You From Yourself (And Your Past And Future Self): Odysseus Petitions

Snipping Memory Cords: Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind Sigils

Giving While Getting: Charity Sigils

Taking Orders From The Sky: Strategic Magical Timing

Seatbelts And Road Signs: Safeguarding Your Magic With Divination

Art That Changes Your Future: Sigil Construction

Mindlessly Staring At Paper For Success: How To Charge Sigils

Being Above Success: Reaping The Rewards of Magic

Brute Force Magic: Working With The Capricious Saint Expedite

Setting The Table: How To Work With Saint Expedite

Last Thoughts on Working With Saint Expedite

Permission To Live Consciously: Wrapping It Up

Bonus: A Brief List of Magical Successes

Bonus: Profection Years And House Meanings

Bonus: The Prescription Pad of Sigil Ideas

Bonus: Additional Reading

In 2012, I didn’t know about magic, let alone “Prescription Magic.” I did, however, know about the effects of coming off of prescription drugs.

I was a mess, with my anxiety dancing with my mania, as I danced around semi-starvation and perpetual unemployment. 

My first direct experience with magic came that summer, when a friend cast a spell to help get me a job.

I interviewed for a position at a concierge startup in New York City … but I didn’t get the job.

In the depths of depression, and in the middle of that October, though, I did get one.

After being unemployed for 20 months. 

A minor miracle in itself.

What I’ve learned about practicing magic over the years is that it doesn’t always work on your schedule, or in the way that you want (though, sometimes it does both), but it does work out how it was always going to work out.

And magical results can often be a “minor miracle.” Or even a major one.

Not getting that job I wanted saved me from myself (and probably from living in a kitchen drawer in NYC). 

And the job I did get saved my position for me after I spent four months in a mental hospital.

How could I complain about those results, even if the initial intention wasn’t brought to life?


Since seriously beginning my own magical practice in 2018 (though, I technically began in the late ‘90s with a Barnes & Noble voodoo doll (seriously)), I've used it to get a promotion (accidentally, as you’ll read about in this piece), raises, and thousands of dollars. 

But the most enduring rewards I've received from sigils, prayers, and petitions, have come from using them to operate on my own mind.

In three years I was able to change who I was as a person by suppressing cravings, killing off bad habits, and gaining an understanding of what actually brings me peace.

This is what Prescription Magic is all about: Strategically choosing magical intentions to remove weaknesses, and augment strengths. 

To create stability where there was none. 

And to be more of the person that you want to be, instead of the person that you feel you’re forced to be, out of habit, and external circumstances.


The goal of this piece is to give you everything you need to get your magical practice started, and everything you need to know to improve your life as a whole with magic, but especially your mental and physical health.

The focus will be on sigil magic. But near the end of all of this, I discuss Saint Expedite. And the dangers that could come along with the benefits of working with them (which I don’t really see talked about online).

But before we get into specifics, let's talk about magic as a whole.

Magic And Mental Health: What The Former Is, And How It Helps The Latter

My current personal definition of magic is: The changing of experience through indirect, or sly/clever means.

I believe we're all practicing magic, consciously, and unconsciously, every day.

Affirmations, saying a prayer, and setting intentions are generally low-potency magic (from my experience), but they can still produce results.

But when you start to consciously practice magic through something like sigils, I find the effects to be a little more evident.

Sometimes a magical act is like turning the wheel on an oil tanker. It takes time to change course. 

Like any investment, the pay-off usually isn't immediate.

Often, magic is self-improvement that works on your life in the background. But when it comes to the foreground with a solution, or an insight, it makes all of those rituals worth it.


When I made it out of the hospital, and into the arms of excessive antipsychotic doses, I wouldn't have dared to touch magic.

Even the thought of picking up the I Ching again put fear in me.

I didn't want to take any risk that would set me off-balance, and take away my freedom with another involuntary hospitalization.

But as time went on, I gained more control over my life, and my Bipolar Disorder.

And with that control came courage.

And with the courage came a conscious magical practice.

Since I've seen some of the darkest consequences of poor mental health, I'd rather you learn how to begin practicing from someone that may have been in your shoes (if you're reading this with your own experience of a mental health crisis) than someone that talks about summoning demons as if they’ve never had any inside of them.

Magic can’t replace therapy (or medication), but sometimes the ritual act is a form of therapy in itself.

Putting my intentions into some sigils is sometimes like off-loading worries, and desires.

You complete the ritual and you're essentially putting that energy out into the world, for it to hold, shape, and mold, while you get to go back to living, a little bit lighter.

Like all of life, magic can be both therapeutic, and risky.

And if you've been through some rough moments, you're probably focusing on the last word of that sentence. 

So, before we go further, let's touch on the dangers, so you can go into all of this free from delusion.

‘What Does This Button Do?’: The Inherent Risk of Magic

Magic is inherently risky because action is risky.

Walking out of your front door can lead you to slip and put the contents of your skull on the sidewalk. Or it can lead you to your place of employment where you can get chewed out for a minor error.

Walking out of your front door can also lead you to meet someone that changes your life forever, or to a day in the office where you end up getting that raise you wanted.

Every action has consequences, and we can’t anticipate all of them. 

Life will do what it's going to do, and we don't have the time to ask the I Ching about every step we take (as much as I sometimes try). And why would we?

That's the inherent magic in life’s unpredictability, and the inherent risk that rests inside of that uncertainty.

But the danger that we can avoid when it comes to magic relates to the intentions we try to breathe life into.

My Personal Beliefs on Intention in Magic

Those words from Ajahn Chah in ‘Food For The Heart’ inform my magical practice.

If you're just beginning to practice, here's my 'if this, then that' for whether you should, or shouldn't feel responsible, or guilty for good, and bad magical results that happen to others:

- If you intended ill, and misfortune happened exactly the way you wanted it to, you have responsibility

- If you intended ill, and misfortune happened but not the way you wanted it to, or planned, you still have some responsibility for it

- If you intended good, and good fortune happened exactly the way you wanted it to, you have responsibility

- If you intended good, and good fortune happened but not the way you wanted it to, or planned, you still have some responsibility for it

- If you intended good, or bad, and the opposite happened, take a step back and think about whether you were misguided for even wanting to do the act in the first place

- If you had no intention for something and it played some level of a role in what ended up happening: pause and consider whether that intention was driven out of craving, and whether you should refrain from magic like that in the future

- But if that “no intention” part is true, accept that you simply had the same kammic culpability that every one of us has simply by coexisting in this interdependent world, and rest easy knowing you had no motives, or designs for seeing that circumstance play out that way

Some Perspective From My Experience

I've seen some magic (in particular, Saint Expedite petitions) that have been connected to personal Franz Ferdinand moments in my life (though, let me scale that back and ensure you there have been no deaths).

Magical intentions that got me what I wanted, while also being connected in some way to events I (and likely, Saint Expedite) didn't have full say in.

But that list above still stands in those cases.

Thinking your magical act caused *that* misfortune to happen is just as self-centered as thinking you're the cause of everyone's good fortune.

We're all interdependent, but intention is the key. Be responsible and mature (and definitely heedful), but if you didn't intend it, think "it's bigger than me."

I can tell you that I might be more grateful for all of the magic I divined about and *didn't* do, then all of the magic I've done. And the reason is, the readings showed me the warning signs.

And it takes maturity to see a treasure chest that you can only get to by activating a tripwire that will send a guillotine towards some other area of your life, and decide it's not worth it.

I wish you that maturity very early on in your journey with this. When there's an inkling of doubt, say "I do ____" and then ask "and then what" at least three times to try to activate those smelling salts to see reality with clear eyes.

You'll be thankful for your pause.

How To De-Risk Before You Begin

1) Give Some Thought To Your Intention

Being clear about what you want, and being specific in your intention is important.

It's also important to think about whether your intention affects someone else, and what your responsibility is in the situation.

I've certainly cast sigils that have affected others. Some of them have gone well, and some haven't. 

Some I wouldn't do again, and some I would. And when you read about my experiences with Saint Expedite, you’ll have more food for thought about this.

2) Accept That Something Will Blow Up In Your Face At Some Point, Even When You’re Careful

I can tell you to think twice, but I know that human craving is human craving.

And when you want something bad enough you'll sometimes take actions that hurt others in pursuit of a prize. Even if it’s unintentional.

Those are mistakes that will have to be learned by getting a stove burner tattoo on your palm, and I accept that as someone teaching all of this. 

I still believe the benefits of beginning to practice outweigh the negatives that some of you may get yourself into because of desires that control you more than you control them.

And when it comes to Saint Expedite? Well, sometimes he throws you a bone. And sometimes you choke on that bone for a little while, as he laughs at you.

Sometimes things exploding in your face are a feature, rather than a bug. 

Sometimes we need to make mistakes to learn things that go on to change our lives in ways we couldn't pay for in cash if we tried.

Since we’ve covered that, let’s talk about what I’ve found to be the best way to make your music as safe as possible.

My Best Solution For Making Your Magic As Safe As Possible

Sometimes magic has the power of a firecracker with an unspoken grudge against your thumb and index finger.

And sometimes that grudge extends to your loved ones.

When you pursue results by-any-means, it might mean you suffer a loss in another area of your life (like all actions, really).

But since magical results can be even more unpredictable than a simple action, like us consciously typing up an email, I think there’s a reason to exercise a little more caution. Especially when you petition a spirit such as Saint Expedite (which I get into with greater detail further into this piece).

Sometimes a situation is dire, and you need income immediately. Or you need an immediate safeguard put into place to prevent an emergency.

But, if that’s not the case, I’d suggest at least considering making a petition (if you’re dealing with a spirit), or a sigil (if you’re not calling upon any spirits - very much advisable if you’re brand new to all of this) with the intention of obtaining ‘know-how’ than a specific outcome.

To put it in some other ways: intend for the means, not the end - the ‘how to’ of fishing than the fish.

The reason I’d recommend this, especially if you’re overly cautious, and even more if you’re incredibly overeager to begin, is because once you have the means, the decision to pursue the ‘end’ is up to you.

If you’re doing any work with spirits (like making a Saint Expedite petition), they want the reward you’re offering, so they may try to bend the will of things in ways that you might regret. Because you’re not the one taking all of the actions.

I wouldn’t tell you to use this way of doing magic for every sigil, forever. Most won’t listen to me anyway. But I’d definitely suggest thinking long and hard about it if you ever end up following my Saint Expedite petitioning instructions (because this is more experience with Saint Expedite than most people with remaining sanity, trying to save you from some strife).

When you leave as much of the decision making possible up to you, it can become a matter of ‘where do I draw the line’ and ‘what won’t I do’. And those are questions you should be facing with magic if you’re intending to grow as a person.

As far as examples go:

- ‘I always make at least 85K a year’ becomes ‘I know how to always make 85K a year’


- ‘I get a $5 dollar raise by the end of the next 30 days’ becomes ‘I know exactly how to get a $5 dollar raise by the end of the next 30 days’

Maybe that raise would have to come through some actions that you’d regret. And maybe I’m being ‘too cautious’, ‘too conservative’, ‘too lame’.

But I’d say most magic comes out of craving than need, so reflect on which one your particular intention is coming from, and then maybe take my advice.

Why I'm Saying This

From July 2021 - July 2022, some of my biggest magical choices were the things I didn't do.

I take greater precautions than most with my magic.

I do multiple divination readings for each magical intention that I'm contemplating putting into action. And I have specific negative outcomes that I ask about before I decide to go with something like a Saint Expedite petition.

Because I can't completely transfer my knowledge of the I Ching, or of my own oracle deck to you, so that you can safeguard any magical intentions you're considering, I want to err on the side of caution.

Because of this, I'd say some of the safest magical intentions you can choose would revolve around changing things about yourself, personally, including your thinking, outlook, habits, and choices, rather than outside individuals in your world.

And with working with a spirit like Saint Expedite for years, I've found that a lot of the petitions I've felt great about have come when the intention was about controlling my mind, learning something, or creating a new habit.

I have, and am confident that I'll continue making petitions from time to time to influence the outside world directly (sometimes you feel the need to do it to survive), but this does come with greater risk (to others, and subsequently, yourself) than working on yourself directly.

Additionally, I believe that changing your mind, and making yourself wiser with magic is the most rewarding application of it.

It's through ‘you’ that you can even practice magic. So, it's through ‘you’ that you can make greater changes for yourself after having your mind changed.

My last word of caution is: don't let yourself get addicted to pursuing magical reward after reward without learning enough about yourself, and the world, to not need to do so much magic. And instead, use magic to facilitate that learning.

Since we've established that there will be risk, and how to minimize it, let's talk about how all of this actually works.

Removing Vowels For Gains: How To Make Sigil Magic Work

As usual with the posts on this site, I'm going to spare you the history here. You can Google people like Austin Osman Spare, and Peter Carroll, on your own time.

I also won't give you any theories about why sigils work. Once upon a time I cared about those kinds of questions, but now I only care about the results.

And to get the results, you just need to know "how" to do all of this.

Let's start at the beginning, with your intention.

Creating Your Christmas List For Life: Deciding On Your Magical Intentions

It’s easy to begin practicing magic with the same mentality of a child looking through this year’s Toys-R-Us catalogue (if such a thing still existed).

You think you want this, and that, and that “this, and that,” will satisfy all of your desires, and deepest wishes. 

Because all of this is impermanent, I can assure you it won’t.

But it’s a natural response to having a potential path to power.

While casting sigils for material things can help, I’d like us to think bigger as we begin to practice.

So, let’s start with the big buckets that make up most of our lives:





Give each of these buckets adequate time, and you’ll be able to quickly generate tons of sigil ideas (or you can also hop down to the bonus section to see some suggested sigils).

For each of these, we’ll use what we can call the Invert and Flip technique, and we’ll start with my favorite question: What would need to be true?

And then my favorite thing to pair with that question: the problem solving strategy of “inversion.”

When you combine them, you can ask a question like: "what would need to be true to have the worst mental health/relationships/career/spiritual practice?"

Let's say you started with your mental health (which is really the biggest focus of this post) and asked what would need to be true to have the worst mental health?

You might come up with:

- Not getting enough sleep

- Not taking the medication I've been prescribed

- Not speaking to a therapist

- Not having a healthy diet

- Not getting exercise

... etc.

Then you take what you learned from that and flip it to have some ideas for sigils.

So, for that first reason for poor mental health (not getting enough sleep), three potential sigils could be:

I always follow the perfect bedtime for myself

I am always completely free from sleep problems caused by my phone

My bedroom is always the perfect temperature for sleep

... etc.

You can go through each reason why you wouldn’t get the results you want, and try to come up with sigil idea, after sigil idea, for you to use later.

And of course, you could always ask yourself “what would need to be true to have the perfect (relationship/career/etc.)” and get other perspectives on the same problem.

That’s all simple enough, right?

But there’s a reason why I wrote those intentions in the way that I did, so let’s talk more about that.

Edges To Manipulate The Uncertain: Structuring Magical Intentions

There's only really two rules I follow when constructing magical intentions:

1) Go To The Extreme

You want to go to the extremes with your intention because most magic won't immediately win you your wildest dreams.

Because not everything comes to fruition how you might like it, I feel that going to the extreme polarity in how you phrase your intention gives you the best chance of getting closer to that target than not.

Think about it, what sounds better: "I feel happy" or "I always feel completely happy."

To me, "I feel happy" could potentially give you a brief result. A single day where you're satisfied. 

On the other hand, "I always feel completely happy" might be a sigil that results in you picking up a meditation practice that works for you, changing your diet to overcome the vitamin deficiency you never knew you had, or ending up in a new relationship that changes your life for the better.

With magic, it's all dependent on your personal situation, and the means that exist in your life to bring things around you, or to you. 

But I feel it's better to be safe rather than sorry when putting your intention together, to give yourself the best chance to succeed.

2) “Free From” Instead of “Never”

I remember back when I first began practicing magic I read material that said to never say "never." 

To never phrase things negatively, out of fear for unintended blowback.

While I don't completely buy it, since it's not broken, I'm not going to "fix" it. 

Magic is your own cause-and-effect laboratory, so you can experiment with negative language if you want, but don't say I encouraged it.

Because of all of this, when I want to not do/have/experience something, I tend to phrase it as "I am always free from ___."

So, "I am always completely free from jealousy/suicidal thoughts/insecurity, etc."

Of course, you could also invert that general sentiment and come up with intentions like "I am always completely selfless," "I always think positively," and so on, but if you know what you specifically want to target for removal, I'd encourage you to go after it directly with that “free from” phrasing.

But there’s a few other types of magical intentions I’d like to touch on that could give you even more ideas.

Working Magic On Old You From The Present: Retroactive Sigils

I believe the first place I heard of “retroactive sigils” was in a Peter Carroll book, though, I can’t remember which one it would’ve been.

The idea is simple, though: You construct a magical intention to create change in your past.

I believe in Einstein’s “Block Universe,” where the past, present, and future all exist at the same time. So, why wouldn’t magic work “backwards”?

I’ve experimented with retroactive sigils in the past, though, I admit, I don’t use the technique very often.

If you want to give it a try, think about a time in your life when you could have really used some help. Maybe you had a rough time in the 5th grade, when your parents divorced.

With that example, one sigil might be “I always felt peace in the 5th grade.” And maybe there’s some other ideas that come up from around that time, or other parts of your childhood, that you could throw into a shoal (a group of sigils focused on the same overall goal - which we’ll touch on more a little later) to charge (which means “activate” or “cast” - which we’ll also touch on later) all at once.

Try it, and see what happens. There’s always a possibility that it could loosen any residual trauma that’s stuck to you from that time of your life.

Magic works in mysterious ways, so stay open to “weird” solutions.

Saving You From Yourself (And Your Past And Future Self): Odysseus Petitions

Now this can be good for sigils, but if I'm being honest, I've only done magic like this (I think) in the form of Saint Expedite petitions (see the Saint Expedite section first before acting).

Sometimes you want to do everything you can to stop yourself from doing something, or *being* something. In the past, present, and the future.

And if you believe in the Block Universe (and that the past, present, and future, exists right now) then it would make sense that there's connections in every direction leading you to this moment in time. Right now.

So, if we assume that's true, knocking down a domino right now, might lead to a Youtube-worthy cascade happening in yesterday's, today's, and tomorrow's.

I've never done this for anything that's already come to pass, and appears to be immovable, but I have done it to try to use the possible flexibility of time to pad the ends of coffee tables-past, to keep a younger, dumber, version of me from suffering a sudden blow to the skull.

And to keep future me from having a careless, unthinking moment, that leads the Grim Reaper to Bone Thugs "Crossroads" video a particular part of my life.

Like Odysseus being tied to the mast, you're giving it your best shot to stop a lesser version of yourself from taking the wheel. And this is how I phrase it:

"to completely and permanently be unable to and prevented from ____ in the past, present, or future (by the end of the next 30 days)"

Of course, you can edit that how you wish. You can remove the day specification if there's no deadline, add a prevented from doing (magic) in the past, present, or future (that negatively affects ____), and so on.

The reason why I like this for Saint Expedite petitions is because it's assumed (by me and others) that spirits can operate outside of the bounds of human time.

Because of this, they may be able to put Lego sets into your past and future, so you can trip over them before making a stupid decision.

A little too optimistic? Perhaps, but if you're trying to set the tone for your life in a certain way, I'd recommend trying it.

Snipping Memory Cords: Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind Sigils

If you’ve ever seen ‘Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind’, you know the story. After the pain of a breakup, a woman gets the memories of her ex erased from her mind, and sadness ensues. It was ‘Black Mirror’ before ‘Black Mirror’.

Well, a much more benign, but still useful version of that is what I like to call “Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind Sigils.” Long name, but it gets the idea across.

If you’ve had painful relationships, or other moments you want to resolve, you can target them directly.

If something is painful enough, don’t charge one shoal of sigils, charge several.

Here’s some ideas on how to put it to use with some sigil examples:

For jealousy:

- I am always completely free from jealousy over ____

- I always know how to perfectly rid myself of jealousy over ____

- I am completely at peace with ____ being in a relationship with others

For a relationship that ended with conflict:

- I always have complete acceptance of how my relationship ended with ____

- I have perfectly resolved every issue I had with how my relationship with ____ ended

- I am completely free from any resentment over my relationship with  ____

You get the idea. 

All it really takes is knowing what your biggest problems are, and getting creative in the ways you address those specific things.

But it can definitely be worth it.

Giving While Getting: Charity Sigils

Whenever I charge a shoal of sigils, it’s usually always four at a time.

Three directed at the problem, or challenge I’m trying to conquer, and a fourth designed to help someone/something outside of myself.

For me, the Charity Sigil is always aimed at helping those living in the projects I grew up in (The Saratoga Apartments in Binghamton, NY) while having a focus on the same overall theme of the shoal.

Ex: If the shoal is focused on getting me a better job, I’ll have that Charity Sigil be about getting the residents of the Saratoga Apartments a job they love as well.

Of course, some magicians out there will question the wisdom of taking magical action on another’s behalf, but I’m personally fine with it, especially when it’s a positive intention for a group of people, rather than one individual person.

You can decide what feels right for you, but I can’t really imagine going back to my pre-Charity Sigil practice. Though, maybe there will come a point where I run out of sigil ideas for the Saratoga Apartments.


If you're still coming up with intentions, or even if you know what you want, it's helpful to also think about when you should use them. Which takes us to a little bit of astrology.

(Note: Since publishing this piece I began to have second thoughts about my Charity Sigil practice, and after doing some divination, decided to cease including them in my shoals. This is largely because I have a suspicion that they may make the primary sigils less effective. As it stands now, I’d say if you want to do any charity work with your magic, try making a dedicated shoal for that purpose)

Taking Orders From The Sky: Strategic Magical Timing

There was a time when I didn't think at all about "when" I would charge my sigils. I just did them whenever I wanted, or was able to.

But over the years, I've seen enough successes that I find aligning my intentions with the appropriate astrological times for those intentions is the best course of action for consistent magical wins.

Every day of the week has a different planetary ruler. And each planet favors a particular set of topics, or actions. Here's a (partial) list of the topics related to each day of the week:

Mondays - Moon

- Body/Home

Tuesdays - Mars

- Action/Conflict/Persistence

Wednesdays - Mercury

- Communication/Speed/Information

Thursdays - Jupiter

- Increase/Gain/Beliefs

Fridays - Venus

- Relationships/Pleasure

Saturdays - Saturn

- Restrictions/Loss/Discipline

Sundays - Sun

- Success/Leadership/Intelligence

What do you do with that? 

Well, if I have three or four intentions to improve my social life, I'd probably choose to charge them on a Friday.

If I had intentions to make myself more persuasive, I'd probably choose a Sunday. 

And if I had some intentions to get a new apartment, I'd probably choose a Monday.

I'd also recommend choosing a complementary planetary hour as well. If you can cast your Venus sigils during a Venus hour, it could be helpful. 

And if your Venus-related intentions are about communication, it could be beneficial to charge those during a Mercury hour on a Venus day.

I can't give any recommendations for apps for the iPhone, but I use the Planetary Times app for Android, and I have it set to use Sidereal, rather than Tropical. Because Sidereal is the only style of astrology I pay attention to, and it's all that I can personally recommend.

I believe that leaning into the energy that already exists with a planet on any given day gives you a greater chance of success than trying to swim upstream.

And I believe we should also think about leaning into our profection years as well.

As I write this, I'm in an 11th house profection, because I'm 34 years old.

The 11th house in astrology relates to friends, your audience, and your supporters, to name a few things.

Depending on which profection you're currently sitting in, you can expect events relating to those house topics to pop up until your next birthday, when you'll enter the next house.

In my 11th house year I've definitely had more events relating to friends than I did last year. 

Since I've been creating I Ching horoscopes for external consumption, I'm serving an audience, regardless of how small it is. And I'm sure I'll see more events relating to this house in the next six months.

But I believe something that’s smart for all of us to do is to lean into those house topics with the magic we practice, because all of those topics are already susceptible to change.

So, if you're in a third house year, magic relating to your siblings, cousins, grandparents, neighborhood, writing, or your personal spiritual practices (including magic) would probably be helpful to hammer in on until you enter your next profection.

To figure out what profection year you're in based on your age, check out my profection year guide here. And if you'd like to see a list of the topics that are covered by each house, scroll down to the bonus section of this post.

But before we actually perform any magic, it’s helpful to do a little bit of divination to make sure we’re not running into a burning building. So, let’s talk about that.

Seatbelts And Road Signs: Safeguarding Your Magic With Divination

I can’t suddenly make someone proficient in divination, but I’d be making a mistake if I didn’t implore everyone to get skilled in at least one form.

I wrote my ‘Strategic Divination’ post for many reasons, but one was to give people tools to make smarter, more informed decisions about their life.

Before any sigil, or petition, I ask “what will happen if I cast the sigil ____” or “please show me an image of the results of casting the sigil ____.”

If the reading isn’t favorable to me, I don’t go through with it.

If you have no familiarity with divination, the sigils I include at the end of this post are about as safe as you’re going to get, in my opinion.

But if you’re willing to put in the time to learn a method of divination, it’ll pay off for you. And here are some suggestions on resources to pick them up:

I Ching

- My aforementioned ‘Strategic Divination’ post.

Tarot & Playing Cards

- I’d recommend Camelia Elias’ books on playing cards, and the Marseille Tarot.


- John Michael Greer’s book has been helpful for me.


Obviously, I’m biased towards the I Ching, but you’ll be drawn to what’s right for you. And as long as you put in the effort, I’m sure you’ll get good enough that you can easily tell yourself whether it’s worth it to go through a ritual or not.

And once you have some intentions, the days (and possibly hours you plan to use them), and you feel it's safe enough to proceed, then we can go into actually creating the sigils.

Art That Changes Your Future: Sigil Construction

If it's sigils that I'm creating for myself, I rarely charge/cast just one. It's usually four at a time.

Gordon White came up with the idea of shoaling, and it's something I've stuck with since I first started putting it into action.

The idea is to charge multiple sigils, aimed at solving one overall problem, all at once. 

It saves time, lets you do more magic in one ritual, and gives you the best chances of success, because it's likely that not everything you cast will bring you the results you're looking for.

To use our previous example, let's say you had these three intentions:

- I always follow the perfect bedtime for myself

- I am always completely free from sleep problems caused by my phone

- My bedroom is always the perfect temperature for sleep

To draw a sigil for each you'll need to remove all of the vowels, all of the repeating letters, and then what you're left with are the letters you can create your sigil with.

For that first intention, we'd have these letters:


Once you have that, you can get as artistic, or non-artistic as you want and create your sigil. Here's an example of what this could be:

Alternatively, you can use a website to create the sigil for you (but why?).

How I create a shoal is actually by connecting multiple sigils together. 

So, after creating multiple sigils, using all of those intentions from above, we'd have something like this:

Now you have your shoal of sigils. And now it's time to charge them.

Mindlessly Staring At Paper For Success: How To Charge Sigils

This won't be an exhaustive list of how to charge sigils. There's plenty of sites out there that can give you more ideas if what I describe doesn't work for you.

My method is as follows:

I go into the bedroom and stand in front of my bed (When I first started I would use my method in the bathroom until I almost ripped the shower rod out of the wall after falling into the bathtub).

I start with what is called Wim Hof breathing, which is essentially deep inhales, without fully exhaling.

I do that quickly, while spinning clockwise in a circle (it sounds ridiculous, I know) in front of the bed.

After doing that for several minutes I'll hold my breath and keep spinning. 

When I finally can't hold my breath any longer, I'll fall back on to the bed, and finally breathe while staring at the shoal of sigils that I drew. 

It's a very quick and easy way for me to get my mind to that state of "no-mind" that usually requires meditation (which is another way to charge sigils).

If loudly breathing isn’t something you could get away with in your home, you could always spin while repeatedly holding your breath (instead of doing the deep inhalations), and then just end the ritual the same way.

Or ... you can try some of the other (perhaps more “normal”) methods below:

1) Masturbation

Let's be real: this is the most popular way to charge sigils. You'll see people talking about this method all over the internet if you search for anything on Chaos Magic.

It's a way to go if you're just starting out, because I'm sure most human beings are pretty familiar with the act already. You stare at your sigils at the point of orgasm. That's it.

But it's not my favorite.


It's limiting, for one.

I don't think I'd enjoy practicing magic if the only way I got it to work was to do that every time. Especially on the days when I'm casting multiple shoals.

For two, it's just not efficient enough for me. With my personal method, which I described above, I can quickly get into the frame of mind that I find to be sufficient for adequately charging a sigil.

It takes 3-5 minutes, and then I'm done. And I usually feel better physically after having done the breathing, which is an added bonus.

I won't judge if you want to make this your primary method, because only you can know what's right for you. But it could be helpful to get familiar with another way of getting to that state that’s perhaps a little more versatile.

2) Meditative Focus/Concentration

I've used this method a few times, but it's not really my "thing" despite having a meditation practice.

When it comes to the execution, you'll basically have a staring contest with your sigils until you maybe start to have double vision, or another lightly trippy visual effect that eventually gives you that intuitive "that's enough" feel.

Because it may require extended amounts of staring time, and you may not know what that ideal "empty" or "blank" mental state might feel like for you to have the sense that it was sufficient, it may not be the method for you.

For me, I'd rather just meditate without a magical purpose. And I’d prefer to keep my rituals as brief as possible, so I can get my future results and get going. 

But this one might work for you.

3) Dancing/Exercise

I don't dance. So, I've never tried to charge a sigil after intense dancing, but maybe that's your thing.

And maybe high-intensity exercise is too.

If you're able to do either of those things to the point that you have that "no-mind" absence of internal conversation feeling, then this method might be for you.

You can get yourself to that point, and then take a look at your shoal of sigils, and I bet it would be just as effective as anything else written about here.

But again, there’s plenty of methods out there, so gravitate to what calls to you, and experiment.

Being Above Success: Reaping The Rewards of Magic

I'd say there's a few ways to make magical success more likely. Let's start by addressing our cravings for success:

1) The Magical Version of a Cold Shower

Having magical success is kind of like its own 'Fight Club' situation, but instead of not talking about it, it's not caring about it.

I believe the first sigil anyone casts should be constructed using the intention: “I am always completely free from lust for results.”

"Lust for result" is that 'I just did this ritual, when is it going to come to life' feeling.

And by making this your first sigil you're giving yourself the best chance for future success with all of the rest of your magic.


 Because if you can get yourself out of that 'when will I get what I want' mindset, you'll:

A) Generally just have better mental health, and you’ll

B) Get out of your own way, so that you can take the right, natural actions, and stumble into circumstances that give you a better chance of ending up where you want to be.

I'd also refer you to the "Not Sure" section of the 'Web of Practice' post for more advice about clinging to your daydreams of rewards a little less.

2) How Shoaling Puts More Coins In The Machine

If you've read this far, you already know about shoaling.

Well, when it comes to shoaling, having multiple sigils aimed at the overall goal of getting a new job gives you a greater chance of success. Let’s say your shoal consisted of these four:

- I always have perfect job interviews

- I always have a perfectly persuasive cover letter

- I always have a flawless resume

- I always have the perfect job for me

Well, because not all intentions pan out, it could be good to treat that new job aspiration as a campaign.

Next week, cast a new shoal, with a new set of intentions aimed at hitting that mark, on its appropriate day.

And then keep doing it, until you run out of ideas.

By throwing everything you have against the invisible wall of fate, you give yourself more chances of something sparking a breakthrough.

To be completely honest, though, sometimes things still don’t work out. And you have to accept it.

This is especially true if you don’t take number four in this list into consideration.

3) How Mixing Magic Might Make Dynamite

I don’t just practice magic with sigils. If my practice were a triangle it’d consist of sigils, prayers, and Saint Expedite petitions (and the very rare petition to my Spirit Guide).

In the fall of 2021, I used that triangle of practices and managed to get some coins in my machine to keep me going.

When you have multiple types of magic, all aiming at the same types of intentions, you can sometimes finally get through to the other side, a la the Run-DMC “Walk This Way” video.

But there are no guarantees. Sometimes you have to take a lot of shots. But when you hit a three that wins the game you’ve been playing, it’ll all have been worth it.

4) Don’t Just Sit There, Do Something

Something that I really (really) had to learn was that the magic can’t do all of the heavy lifting.

Sometimes the magic can put you in the right position, but you have to get the rebound, catch the ball, and swing the bat (to continue with the sports metaphors).

Don’t expect magic to make the decisions for you.

Don’t expect magic to apply to the jobs, to ask for the assistance, to put in the work, to choose the right words. 

It might. 

But not reliably enough for you to depend on it.

Spirits like your ancestors, guides, and Saint Expedite are out there, but you’re the one with the body. 

You have the human life that a lot of spirits desperately want (why do you think possession, and making offerings of actual food and drink are a thing?).

Don’t take that for granted, and like hexagram 19 says, don’t rest on your laurels. 

Get to work.

Magic can grease the wheels, but you still have to drive.

5) Don’t Expect All of Your Magical Results To Be Immediate And Obvious

Sometimes when you put an intention out into the world, it takes the scenic route before bringing you back something that you asked for.

There’s no way to get exactly what you want from life, when you want it, in an approved form.

Uncertainty is baked into our existence. And it’s that uncertainty that leads us to pleasant surprises. Or to lessons that come after misfortune.

Magic gives you another way to control your world, but our control will still be limited.

Your sigil to have your own business may lead you to work even longer hours than you did in traditional employment.

Your sigil for love may lead you to sacrifice some of the independence you’ve grown to love.

Every action has a reaction. Every choice has a trade-off. Nothing is one hundred percent certain, down to every detail. Expect the unexpected.

But that’s no different from the rest of life. Magic is just one way to interact with that life.

And I find it better to consciously practice magic, than to do it mindlessly. But even conscious practice doesn’t stop the surprises.


So, there you have my thoughts on results. But since I mentioned spirits in this section, let’s talk about one that I’ve done a lot of work with.

Brute Force Magic: Working With The Capricious Saint Expedite

On 3/5/19 I asked the I Ching what I needed to know about petitioning Saint Expedite for “a sustainable job I love in downtown Denver, that pays over 21 dollars an hour, and provides me with great dental, and health insurance.”

It was a lot to ask for.

The reading I received was 29.4. Hexagram 29 is about danger, and line 4 speaks of being handed the resources you need to get by. It’s kind of the grocery delivery line of the I Ching.

I made my offering of pound cake and rum the next day.

I didn’t immediately start making over 21 dollars an hour, or even 20, to be clear. 

I also didn’t get a “new” job, if we’re being specific. 

I also didn’t ask for a new job there, did I? 

What ended up happening was that I was finally offered the promotion that had been dangled in front of me since late 2018, 10 days later. 

And after that weekend I accepted it.

Taking on that leadership role ended up changing my life (mostly for the good, though, there was certainly bad).

It’s hard to say you “love” any job, but I started enjoying it more shortly after taking the position.

It certainly was “sustainable.” I mean, the office didn’t up-and-leave, so it was still located in downtown Denver. And I was all set with dental, and health insurance.

I got what I asked for, even though it wasn’t what I thought I asked for.

Magic has to work through the means you have available to you. 

If you cast a sigil, or petition Saint Expedite to let you steer a steamboat and you’re not near a river, and have no experience as a captain (and also don’t live in 1886), chances are you’ll do it in a daydream, or during a good night’s rest, rather than in real life.

This is why, like Strategic Divination, you should be strategic with your magic.

But I tell this story to also illustrate the humor of Saint Expedite (who I personally believe also wears the nametag Baron Samedi depending on who is calling to them with each of those names).

They can be effective, but they can also be frustratingly funny. And they can also be pretty dangerous.

They’re a spirit, not a human. 

They don’t think like us, they don’t have the same morals, or ethics (if they even have any), and they get the job done (or don’t) in the way they see fit.

After a dark fall of 2021 (which I get into below), I’ve found that things really do balance themselves out. Even when you don’t want them to. 

After some of the lowest moments of my life I came upon an abundance of good fortune.

And sometimes, Saint Expedite can be that almighty interior designer moving furniture around in Jamiroquai’s “Virtual Insanity” video, but with the contents of your life, or mind. 

They’ll take from your back pocket to put money in your front. They’ll shave a bald spot in your head to give you a mustache. They’ll pour orange juice into your milk carton if you’ve asked for a refill.

It’s a balancing that happens that you can’t see. And it’s a balancing that happens naturally on its own, but a little bit faster when you request something of the Saint that’s literally called “Expedite.”

There is a danger with Saint Expedite, as there is with any spirit work. 

If you’re actively struggling with your mental health, perhaps save the drive to work with them for a time when you’re feeling better. Perhaps after some of the sigils we discuss in this piece take effect for you. They’re a spirit, and they’re not going anywhere.

But even when you are feeling better, there’s still going to be a risk. Let me give you a couple more stories so that you can make a responsible decision for yourself.


Funnily enough, exactly two years after that initial question about petitioning Saint Expedite, I asked my Spirit Team “what will happen if I petition Saint Expedite to receive a 2 dollar raise in the next 14 days?”

The reading I received was 45.1.5 > 51. Instead of breaking down the whole reading I’ll tell you the sentence those two hexagrams make is “Caution’s Shock” or “Safeguarding’s Shock.”

The “coincidence” that happened was one of my team members entered into a depressive episode, and had an unexpected absence from work. While I don’t know what their situation was leading up to this moment, the “coincidence” of it all is significant.

I was lauded by the CEO for how delicately I handled that situation, and in return I was given that pay increase that I asked for.

Of course, I don’t think it was strictly a “coincidence.” And after I pieced the two together I thought about how fucked up it all was. But fortunately, that experience led this team member to seek out help for their depression.

You could argue that it’s a disturbing concession prize, and you’re right. 

And I’m telling you this story to let you know that magic is real, with real consequences. With real weight that could rest on your conscience.

You’ve got to ask yourself what would you be able to live with, even if there’s no way I, or you, could’ve predicted this particular outcome.


The last story I want to tell about the dangers of working with Saint Expedite comes from the fall of 2021.

2021 as a whole has been a year of nearly non-stop magic for me. I’ve probably had enough Saint Expedite petitions that if I had a single liquor store clerk checking me out this year, they would have thought I was a true alcoholic based on the amount of rum I’ve purchased for those rituals.

And I’ve certainly been looked at funny by 711 clerks when buying them out of all of their slices of individually wrapped pound cake.

But I had a couple important Saint Expedite petitions for myself in September 2021:

I petitioned Saint Expedite to “feel complete, and permanent peace about the impermanence of all existence by the end of the next 14 days,” and to “completely and permanently have right view by the end of the next 14 days.”

Those are both Buddhist petitions. And I may be the only person that’s ever petitioned Saint Expedite to improve their Buddhist practice. 

And it worked. 

But it worked by almost killing me.

I ended up entering the darkest depression I’ve experienced in nine years. 

And by hitting that rock bottom, I ended up with some divine intervention that saved me from any rash decisions.

And believe me, after hitting a bottom that I thought I had forever escaped, I truly did understand impermanence on a deeper level than I thought possible with my already adequate understanding.

And after my Spirit Guides reminded me that suicide would just bring me back to this planet in another body, to face the same human obstacles, I certainly had right view.

When asking Saint Expedite for help in rearranging the contents of your mind (or probably the contents of your life in general), you have to decide if the means justify the ends

I said that Saint Expedite was Baron Samedi for a reason.


Setting The Table: How To Work With Saint Expedite

The internet has tons of pages with instructions on how to work with Saint Expedite, but I can only tell you what has worked for me.


- Get some rum (I have always chosen Captain Morgan for Saint Expedite)

- Get a slice of pound cake (Some use entire pound cakes, but I’ve had success using the individually wrapped slices sold in 711)

Construct Your Petition

- Try to ensure your request is something that needs to be done relatively soon (I mean, they have the word “Expedite” in their name for a reason). 

- Don’t ask for the world (generally). I’ve asked Saint Expedite for a big request before, with a deadline that spanned multiple months. 

While I didn’t get what I wanted, I did get some other things of value. But we don’t usually practice magic to get “close, but no cigar.”

Like I’ve discussed, magic needs a means of manifestation. If you’re asking Saint Expedite to make you a millionaire when you have a thousand dollars in your bank account, don’t expect that to succeed. If it does, congratulations.

So it’s best to dial things back a bit.

- I’ll be honest: specificity doesn’t ensure that you’ll get what you want without any friction. 

I’ve made enough Saint Expedite petitions to know that no phrasing is truly “safe.” It’s good to have specificity, but sometimes there’s a reason to leave it a little open to interpretation. 

One of the reasons is you don’t even know what you’ll want next week. Things are always changing. And if you get the larger outcome you were aiming for, I have personally found that to be more important than getting every single detail just like I asked for it.

Divine About Your Intention

I’ve gotta be real: If you don’t have any method of divination under your belt, stick to the suggested sigils I’ve included in this post instead of reaching out to Saint Expedite. 

If you can’t divine using the I Ching, Tarot, Geomancy, or playing cards, and you don’t have a feel for whether a reading says green light, or red light, give yourself time to get to that point before working with Saint Expedite. 

Or you can consult someone you trust that is skilled in divination.

Whether it’s a Saint Expedite petition, or a sigil, I always ask either “what will happen if I …” or “please show me an image of the results of …,” which keep me from diving headfirst into a magical act that might complicate my life further. I believe this is especially important if you’re dealing with a spirit.

Making Your Petition

How I make my petition is relatively simple: I put the pound cake on a plate, the rum in a glass (letting myself “feel” just how much I should pour), and then I cross myself up out of Catholic habit and say “I pray to you Saint Expedite, and I offer you this pound cake and this rum. In exchange for this, I ask that you please (insert petition here). In exchange for this request being fulfilled by that time, I will provide you with another pound cake, and another glass of rum.” 

I end with some personal comments thanking them for working with me to get things accomplished in the past, and then I’m done.

If Saint Expedite tells you that they want a different procedure than that, then by all means, take that into account. But that version of the ritual is what has worked for me for years.

Repaying Saint Expedite

If the request was a success, I’ll make an offering similar to what I just described and mention that it’s in exchange for having gotten me the results I was looking for and then I’m done with that.

But if I didn’t get what I was looking for, I don’t pay them back. Because there’s nothing to pay them back for.

There have been times where results have been on the borderline and I’ve done divination to ask if I should give them the other slice, and the other bit of rum. And sometimes it’s really a judgement call when it’s close. So, you can decide.

My only advice is to be sincere. 

Don’t interact with Saint Expedite with ill-intentions, be true to your word, and treat them as an equal. The same advice I would give if you were doing business with a human. 

You should have a sense of what’s “fair.”

Disposing of The Offering

I generally give it about three days before I dispose of the pound cake and rum. If you get a “feeling” that you should operate on a different schedule, then roll with it.

Some people dispose of offerings in unique ways. Some even put them at a crossroads. Me? I pour the rum down the sink, and put the pound cake in my garbage. 

Again, if you’re sincere, and you’re not doing anything disrespectfully, I find it to be perfectly fine. And again, if you get the feeling that you should be doing it differently, then do that.

Last Thoughts on Working With Saint Expedite

Don’t feel pressured to do any spirit work. Even involving your well ancestors. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you.

I want to also mention again that collateral damage is a thing, as you can see from the stories I told. 

We don’t live in isolation in this world. We’re all interdependent. If you took one life out of the entire world, erasing its entire existence, the whole would fall apart.

I believe we each have a role we have to play. And each of our choices affects not only us, but everyone else, living, and dead. 

That thought might feel heavy, but it shouldn’t. Your life has had that kind of importance since the day you were created.

I say all of that to emphasize the importance of measured decisions. 

Don’t jump into impulsive decisions involving magic, just like you wouldn’t impulsively run into traffic during a green light. 

And don’t discount the importance of your decisions, and the power you wield through your actions. 

Be responsible to yourself, and others. But only you can decide on what’s “just right” in that regard.

Permission To Live Consciously: Wrapping It Up

At this point you should know how to practice magic (as safely as possible), and how to get specific on what you actually want to change in your life.

You should also have a better sense of the risk, and reward of all of this.

And if you’ve actually read it all, you’re in a much better place than where I was in 2018.

Practice is practice, though.

By “doing” you’ll learn a lot more than what I can tell you. Your journey will be unique to you.

If you commit yourself, you’ll find your own ways of doing things, and maybe you could even give me advice at some point.

Magic helped me to put my entire life in my hands.

Rather than waiting for the tides to turn on their own, it gave me a paddle. And while it’s sometimes rocky, I wouldn’t go back to a life without magic if I ever had the opportunity.

Hopefully, by starting your practice, you can find that same feeling of control that I found, in a world that sometimes doesn’t want to give you a drop of it.

Just be smart as you find it.

Bonus: A Brief List of Magical Successes

I know that when you’re just starting out, it’s hard to believe that magic is “real.” I’ve been there.

Magic doesn’t always come to fruition in the ways you’d expect.

Sometimes a magical result is just you ending up in the right place at the right time. To read something, hear something, do something.

Regardless, though, I wanted to give you a relatively brief list of some magical successes I’ve had, as well as another reminder that those Saint Expedite-related successes can come with a downside that you wouldn’t expect.

Sigils & Saint Expedite Success

1) The Sigils of Power - Saint Expedite Combination Success

At the beginning of October I petitioned Saint Expedite for $1K by the end of the next 14 days.

Around that time, a book called ‘Sigils of Power’ was recommended by a woman I follow, after she had some success with it. I picked it up, and one of the first sigils I charged was “Make Your Money Go Further.”

By the end of those 14 days I gained five times what I asked for, and I have to believe that the combination of those two acts is what produced that particular payoff.

Luck? Yes. But magic is all about giving yourself more luck.

2) The Getting A House Offer With Sigils And Saint Expedite Success

My mother was planning to sell her house for quite a while. 

On 1/24/21 I charged a shoal of three sigils:

- My mom received the perfect offer for her house

- My mom sold her house for the perfect price

- My mom easily sold her house 

And on 2/4/21 I charged a shoal of three more:

- My mom met the perfect buyer for her house

- My mom easily makes profitable business connections

- My mom easily had the perfect house sale negotiation

And then after months of work on the house, my mom was getting closer to actually selling it. On 9/16/21 I petitioned Saint Expedite for her to sell it by the end of the next 28 days.

With a few days left to go, she accepted an offer.

Sometimes sigils can result in you gathering wood, and then something like a Saint Expedite petition can throw gasoline and a match on top of what you’ve built. 

Of course, none of this would have been possible without my mother working extremely hard to get her house on the market, but when you’re trying to help loved ones meet an objective, why not practice magic? Give yourself (or them) the best chance at success that you possibly can.

But, since I already touched on the risks that come from working with Saint Expedite, I thought I’d mention another “coincidence.”

A couple of days after my mother accepted that offer, my grandmother’s neighbor (completely different state than my mother, to be fair) had a home invasion.

If it was their car getting broken into I probably wouldn’t have blinked, because there wouldn’t have been a similarity. But the fact that it was a house next to my family’s house, after my mother received an offer? I have enough experience with magic to know that a lot of things can be connected. 

And some coincidences are a little too coincidental.

Sigil Successes

I only went back through 2021 for these, but they’re still some successful examples here.

1) Dental Health

One thing I’ve always had problems with is avoiding cavities. Even with flossing, brushing, and a WaterPik, I’d still end up getting some. 

I cast sigils to improve my dental health in past years, and I believe it likely resulted in me getting supplied with Clinpro 5000, which gives you extra fluoride. 

That did help a lot, but I know I’m never out of the woods, so on 1/31/21 I cast a shoal consisting of these intentions:

- I always have perfectly healthy teeth

- I always have perfectly healthy gums

- I am always free from cavities

And then on 2/14/21 I cast another with these:

- I always know how to successfully prevent cavities

- I always know how to protect my dental health

- I have complete mastery of my dental health

And then on 2/21/21, my therapist at the time recommended that I buy a Sonicare toothbrush. I did, and instantly noticed the difference it made.

Between the toothbrush, the extra fluoride, and being extra disciplined about brushing 30 minutes after eating, any signs of problems (for the moment) have gone away.

When I went to my last dentist appointment in the summer of 2021, I came back home with compliments from the hygienist and no future appointment for a filling.

Like I said, sometimes success with magic is you being put in the right position to get the message (and tools) that you need to succeed.

2) Sharper Focus On My Priorities

In 2021 I got very clear on my strategy for my career, and my life.

I figured out what I could let go of, and the things I should drill into.

And I think a couple of shoals played a part in that.

On 2/13/21 I charged these three sigils:

- I am always able to ignore what isn't right for me 

- I am always able to avoid what isn't right for me 

- I am always able to easily determine what isn't right for me

And on 2/24/21 I charged these:

- I always use what would need to be true at the right time

- I have the perfect what would need to be true habit

- I transformed my life for the better with what would need to be true

“What Would Need To Be True,” as mentioned earlier in this post, is my favorite question. It comes via Roger L. Martin who wrote a book on strategy called ‘Playing To Win’, which I recommend.

It’s my favorite question because it flips a switch in my head that helps me easily see what’s important, and what isn’t, so I spend less time with uncertainty, or trivial pursuits.

In 2021 it became a question that I started to ask throughout the day.

And as far as that first set of sigils go, I’d call it a success as well.

I got very clear on my Buddhist practice and made it as simple as possible.

Not only that, but I also have a note on my phone that I reference every day to quickly help me solve different problems that arise in my day based on rules of thumb I’ve picked up over time that have been successful.

With sigils, you’re basically putting a point on the map, and then past, present, and future you begin to work together behind the scenes to get you to that location, often in ways you couldn’t have predicted if you tried.

Bonus: Profection Years And House Meanings

Included here is a list of each of the 12 houses, their meanings, and again, here is the link to identify what profection you are currently in.

Then you can use the intention construction techniques mentioned earlier for each of your profection house topics. 

So, as an example: what would need to be true for you to have the worst/best friendships/fans/mentors, etc.

As I mentioned, it can be helpful to apply pressure to the areas of your life that are most susceptible to change this year to make some changes you actually want.



- Me


- My body

- My actions

- Actions that happen to me

- How I influence the outside world

- Spirit/Soul/Your life force/Your nature

- Your perspective/position/character

- Invention/Reinvention - Birth/Rebirth



- What you have/possess

- Money

- Income/Salary

- Assets/Resources/Possessions/Valuables

- Physical things/Goods

- Spending/Purchases

- Sales

- Energy

- Worthiness/Substance



- Siblings

- Grandparents

- Cousins

- Aunts

- Uncles

- Close friends/fictive kin/friends that are like family


- Your neighborhood

- Movement/mobility/Speeding things up

- Commute/Short trips

- Cars and travel by car

- Telecommunications/Internet

- Social Media

- Your rituals/personal spiritual practices/style of practice (Ex: how you personally practice magic, divination, and ancestral work)

- Heretics (Anti-Religious Establishment)

- Your connection to spirituality/God without gatekeepers or intermediaries

- Writing

- Thoughts

- Early education



- Parents (but father in particular)

- Paternal relatives


- Origins

- Home/Residence

- Real estate (property that can't be moved)

- Land

- Farming/natural resources/treasure

- Hidden things/private life

- Foundation

- Death/things related to the end of life

- The Masses/Commoners/Proletariat

- Trauma



- Children

- Lovers


- Love

- Attraction/Interests

- Sex

- Fertility

- Intimacy

- Conception/Creation

- Pregnancy

- Childbirth

- Fun/pleasure

- Recreation/leisure/entertainment/interests

- Giving

- Cooking

- Physical fitness

- Sports

- Art/dance/music/poetry/performance

- Self-expression/Creativity



- Coworkers

- Employees

- Subordinates

- Pets/small animals


- Employment/labor/obligations/service

- Job title/duties/job description

- Workplace

- Work projects

- Illness/injury/diagnosis/treatment/healthcare/hygiene

- External maintenance



- Spouse/Partner

- Partnerships (Including in business)

- Clients

- Those you consult (Ex: doctors, therapists, diviners, etc.)

- Affiliates


- Merging together/Interacting/Mutuality

- Marriage/Divorce

- Contracts/Binding agreements

- Litigation/Lawsuits

- Open/visible conflict/enemies

- Death/endings



- The dead/deceased/Spirits


- Reciprocity

- Shared resources

- Worldly dependence/interdependence/other people's money/your partner's money

- Death/mortality/loss/losing

- Permanent changes

- Taxes/Insurance/The Economy/Banking/Debt

- Loans/scholarships/gifts/inheritance

- Corruption

- Supernatural/the occult

- Memories

- Communal/Inter-generational living

- Fear/anxiety/depression



- Clergy/priests

- Professors/Teachers

- Politicians

- Public servants

- Librarians

- God/Gods


- Governmental/Political institutions

- Schools/Colleges/Universities

- Libraries

- Religious institutions/churches/mosques

- Cults

- Oracles (The I Ching, Tarot, etc.)

- Prophecy

- Initiations

- Religion

- Philosophy

- Politics

- Mass media

- Publishing

- Teaching

- Long-distance travel/journeys

- Foreign culture/languages

- Certificates/Licenses

- Becoming smarter/wiser



- Mother

- Supervisors/Managers/Bosses/Authorities/Leaders


- Brand/Reputation/Image/Status/Footprint

- Fame/prominence/high visibility

- Career/ambitions

- Actions/doing



- Mentors

- Audience/fans

- Patrons/supporters/sponsors

- Professional alliances

- Friends/acquaintances

- Children of others


- Receiving

- Belonging

- Profits/gains

- Awards

- Non-profit organizations

- Volunteer groups

- Unions

- Community/support systems/networks

- Child custody/support

- Conferences



- Foreign people

- Strangers/anyone unfamiliar

- Spies

- Hidden enemies

- Large animals


- Solitude/isolation/seclusion/exile

- Estrangement (physically/emotionally)

- Long-distance separation

- Feeling misunderstood

- Being an immigrant/feeling like a foreigner

- Wandering

- Retreats

- Prisons

- Hospitals

- Monasteries

- Remote work

- Solo projects

- Illness/Suffering/Catastrophe/Weakness

- Secrets

- Reflection

- Internal maintenance

- Meditation

- Activism

Bonus: The Prescription Pad of Sigil Ideas

If you’re looking for some sigil ideas that have less of a chance of backfiring in some way, without doing divination on each, I’ve included five for each day of the week.

(Additionally, I have an entire post with 118 sigil intention ideas)

Mondays - Moon

- Body/Home


- I always have a perfectly healthy diet

- I am always free from vitamin deficiencies

- I am always free from mineral deficiencies


- I am always in complete control of (health condition)

- I always know how to perfectly manage my (health condition)

- I always have all of the resources I need to handle my (health condition)


- I always have a completely peaceful home

- I always have a completely safe home

- I always have the perfect home for myself

Affording A Home

- I always have a perfectly affordable home

- I am always able to easily pay rent/my mortgage

- I always have completely secure housing


- I always have the perfect exercise routine

- I am always in perfect shape

- I am always at peace with my body

Tuesdays - Mars

- Action/Conflict/Persistence


- I always easily persist in pursuing my goals

- I always successfully bring my goals to completion

- I always pursue the perfect goals for me

Conflict Resolution

- I always know how to perfectly handle conflict

- I always resolve conflict peacefully

- I always successfully avoid escalating conflict


- I am always free from impulsive actions

- I always act in a measured, calm way

- I am always careful before taking action

Improper Action

- I am always free from taking improper actions

- I always act in a way that is completely aligned with my values

- I always know the next right action to take


- I always deal with challenges in a completely skillful way

- I am always at peace when facing challenges

- I always find a successful solution to my challenges

Wednesdays - Mercury

- Communication/Speed/Information


- My communication is always completely persuasive

- My communication always perfectly addresses the concerns of the other party

- I am always able to speak the language of the party I'm speaking to


- My communication is always easy to understand

- I always know how to communicate in simple language

- I always choose the right words when communicating


- I am always completely honest when communicating

- I am always free from liars

- I always hear the truth that I need to hear

Divisive Communication

- I always communicate in ways that put others at ease

- I always communicate in ways that get others to cooperate

- I am always able to win goodwill through my communication


- My emails are always kept private

- My text messages are always kept private

- The details of my conversations are always kept private

Other Ideas

- Getting things on time, such as payments, or medication

Thursdays - Jupiter

- Increase/Gain/Beliefs

Right View

- I always have complete understanding of right view

- I always live a life completely aligned with right view

- I always practice right action


- I always have the perfect salary

- I always easily get paid on time

- I always make enough money to survive


- I always live a morally correct life

- I always avoid doing harm to others

- I always know how to act in every situation


- I am always completely free from delusion

- I am always capable of seeing reality exactly how it is

- I always have perfect discernment


- I always have the perfect teachers

- I always learn exactly what I need to learn, when I need to learn it

- I am always perfectly capable of learning things easily

Fridays - Venus

- Relationships/Pleasure

Support System

- I always have the perfect group of friends

- I always have great friends that are completely reliable

- I always have completely supportive friends

Romantic Relationships

- My relationship is always completely faithful

- I am always completely free from jealousy

- I always have a completely healthy relationship

Professional Networks

- I always get perfect career opportunities from my professional network

- I always get perfect references from my professional network

- I always make great professional contacts

Building Rapport

- I always build rapport with others extremely quickly

- I always find common ground with others extremely easily

- I am always well-liked by everyone I meet


- I always have completely safe sex

- I am always completely free from STDs

- I always have a perfect sex life

Saturdays - Saturn

- Restrictions/Loss/Discipline


- I always have extremely high willpower

- I am always able to follow-through on my biggest priorities

- I am always in complete control of my actions

Working To Eliminate Bad Habits

- I always know how to completely eliminate bad habits

- I am always successful in stopping bad habits

- I am always free from bad habits

(Note: You can also just swap "bad habits" for your actual bad habit)


- I always have the perfect diet for myself

- I am always free from poor eating habits

- I always easily avoid foods that cause my body problems


- I always have complete understanding of impermanence

- My understanding of impermanence always brings me complete peace

- I always easily see the impermanence of all existence


- I am always able to thrive with restrictions

- I am always at peace with loss

- I am always able to bounce back after a failure

Other Ideas

- Sigils related to improving your sleep, and sleep habits

Sundays - Sun

- Success/Leadership/Intelligence


- I am always viewed as a great leader

- I always capable of leading others successfully

- I always have perfect leadership skills

Problem Solving

- I always easily solve problems

- I always find the perfect solutions to my problems

- I always know how to get the right answer to solve my problems

Completing Projects

- I always know how to get my projects completed

- I always get my projects completed quickly

- I always produce great results on every project


- I am always completely favored by my bosses

- I am always given great support by my bosses

- I am always free from issues with my bosses


- I always have the perfect reputation in my personal life

- I always have the perfect reputation at work

- I am always completely respected

Other Ideas

- Sigils to improve clear-thinking

Bonus: Additional Reading

There’s a lot of words in this post, but if you want more reading material that can help your magical practice, here’s what I would suggest:


- The one book about magic that I would recommend above all others is Alan Chapman’s ‘Advanced Magick For Beginners’. It’s a book I still turn back to. It covers a lot, but the biggest benefit is the perspective it offers on magic. I mentioned my definition of magic at the beginning of this piece, but I’m also fond of Alan Chapman’s definition, which is: Magic is a way to experience truth. 

- There’s several Peter Carroll books I’d recommend: ‘Liber Null & Psychonaut’, ‘Apophenion’, ‘Liber Kaos’, and ‘Psybermagick’. They can cover everything from practical magic, to philosophy, to physics, but I enjoyed them all when I first read them.

- If you want a book of sigils, I’d definitely have to recommend ‘Sigils of Power’. I’ve seen several successes from putting it to use at the time of writing this, and it’s already paid for itself.


- When it comes to astrology, I can only recommend material on Sidereal Astrology. And when it comes to Sidereal Astrology, I can only recommend the work of Dayna Nuckolls. Her yearly Sidereal Astrology guide is something I turn to every month when the new edition hits.

Understanding Reality/Buddhism

- I’ll be recommending Ajahn Chah’s ‘Food For The Heart’ until the day I die. It changed my life more than anything I’ve read since taking my first breath. If you practice magic but don’t understand impermanence/anicca, you’re honestly in store for some pain. But maybe you’ll have to learn that lesson for yourself. I did.

The Simplest Explanation of The I Ching I Can Possibly Provide

Your Sidereal-I Ching Horoscopes For 2025