Everything You Need To Know About The Meaning of Life (That Might Also Make You Angry)

The secret meaning of life, that's painted over, and obscured by many is:

There is no meaning.

We live in a world where it's all interpretation.

When there's some level of consensus overlapping it helps to create culture that is so prevalent that it appears to be a law of nature. Even when it's just an interpretation.

So, now that we've gotten that out of the way, what should you do because it's all interpretation?

Seek Out A Consensus Version of Ethics That Works For You

What is a consensus/consensual version of harm and ethics that you agree with?

Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all have their ideas. So, that's one source you could work with.

But maybe there's something as simple as 'do unto others as you would have them to do unto you'.

If a large number of people in the society you exist in agree with it, it's about as good as you're gonna do to function effectively.

Improve Your Relationships By Remembering It's All Interpretation

Instead of correcting and convincing, 'win friends and influence people' by reminding yourself it's all interpretation as you gently bite your tongue.

This may seem especially ignorant or cowardly (like you're not willing to stand up for your beliefs) until you reach a certain higher age where you realize it actually makes life work much better.

There's something to be said for example being more helpful for your life than outbursts.

Remember That Meaning Is Impermanent

What the world means to you at 23 will likely not be what the world means to you when you're 36.

Neither are right, neither are wrong, they were just interpretations that stopped working and started working at different points in your life.

What life meant to you as a young adult will likely seem absurd when you get a little less deluded. But if you're a step ahead of me and understand that you'll likely find something about that 'that was absurd' self to be deluded in 10 years, you're in the mental direction that will be most helpful for you to function effectively in this world.

Because Meaning Is Impermanent, Choose A Way To Be In The Present, And Be It

I wrote about this in my 'Being A Sigil' post, but to summarize: figure out what way to be would be helpful for you right now, and then be it.

If something would empower you, but not at the expense of those above mentioned ethics, go for it.

It'll teach you things about life, and you'll see whether it turns out to be effective for a period of time.

Then, as the planets turn, you might slide into a new way of being aligned with those ethics, and create new results that fuel and make meaningful your life and relationships with others.

That's how it goes.

This is how you go with the flow of the aforementioned interpretations without letting them be a prison.

Reminding yourself that they're uncertain, and being the way you want to be while doing as minimal amount of harm as possible to others is about as good as we can do.

And even that level of harm is an interpretation.

The more being-fluid you can 'be', I believe the better your life will work.

But maybe you should test my interpretations before you take them to your chest.

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