Change The Context of Your Life To Change The Content of Your Life

Hexagram 51 > 33

Consider this a sibling of my 'Being A Sigil' post.

Using what I've written here can help you identify new "sigils" you can 'be' or help you figure out new actions to take to make certain parts of your life more beneficial, successful, or easy.

The Being A Sigil Addendum

Ask what context would:

- Make this easy

- Make this attractive

- Make this fun

- Make this lucrative

- (and so on ...)

Let's take one of these and show how it can be a sort of roleplay/acting job:

What context would make your job fun?

A context in which you:

- Were friends with all of your coworkers

- Found all of your job duties to be enjoyable

- Were paid more for your work

- etc.

You can choose one of these possibilities and let yourself 'be' as though they were the case.

And maybe it *will* be the case once you start acting like it is.

It sounds like wishful thinking, but it works the same way as learning something and then suddenly seeing it everywhere you look.

You're slipping some directives under the door of your mind and you unconsciously start getting such things in your life, or in front of your eyes, as a result.

The (More Immediately Practical) ‘What Would Need To Be True’ Part of It All

My favorite problem solving question is "what would need to be true." When paired with inversion (what would need to be true to fail with ____), you're able to spot some of the future roadblocks that have the potential to make your life difficult.

So, if you have time, and a pen and paper, take a look at one of these potentially more beneficial contexts you could operate inside and try to generate real action steps to make those a reality. Using our previous example ...

In order for your job to be fun, you:

- Were friends with all of your coworkers

- Found all of your job duties to be enjoyable

- Were paid more for your work

Let's take the first idea:

wwntbt to fail to be friends with all of your coworkers?

- Not acknowledging them by name

- Not taking an interest in asking them about their life

- Not asking yourself for three things you appreciate about them

- Not complimenting or thanking them when they help you

- etc.

By taking the "not's" away, we're left with practical to-dos we can try to bring this idea nto reality.

And when paired with simply 'being' as much like that sigil/context/possibility/idea, we give ourselves a much better chance of transforming our experience of something like a workplace.

Wrapping It Up

Changing the context that you're operating out of, can change how the world looks to you, and works for you.

Some contexts are detrimental. They're like standing under a rain cloud while expecting to stay dry.

Some contexts play to your strengths, and give you more opportunities to get life results that you actually want.

Whether it's 'being a sigil', or reverse engineering the right conditions to get yourself in the territory you're looking for, I hope that what I've written above furthers those goals.

Ultimately, our day-to-day out-in-the-world business is a lab to test what works. Maybe these approaches will work as well for you as they have for me.

Perfection Is Poison: Why Disillusionment Is A Great First Step Towards Wisdom

Not-Sure-Ism: How To Thrive In A Post-Truth World